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Everything posted by Daan

  1. No, this is a LWB, and mine is in more bits than this one. O, and not given up on it yet.. Daan
  2. Cheap: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Willys-Mahindra-Jeep/283799632178?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3Dcb22ea767d3f4fe19962fc8a73869677%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D15%26mehot%3Dnone%26sd%3D254524654810%26itm%3D283799632178%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380057&_trksid=p2380057.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3Aef6c9938-5d50-11ea-be15-74dbd180e53c|parentrq%3Aa088b37c1700ad30584fcefcffebef29|iid%3A1 Daan
  3. On Ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Landrover-Defender-90-Wildcat-Bowler-project-200tdi-with-LSD-diffs/164063329770?hash=item2632efbdea:g:BvsAAOSw1MNd3snk Daan
  4. fit an engine hoist on a swivel?
  5. I recently read a review of Which? magazine of the new Suzuki. The verdict was to avoid it all cost: bad road manners due to prehistoric suspension, bad fuel consumption compared to your average SUVs, lots of body roll and a very basic interior spec. So basically all the ingredients of a proper off roader. So the consensus of the average motorist is not to buy a proper off roader any more, basically. So perhaps land rover has got it spot on with the new defender. Time will tell.
  6. Is it just me or is the storage box right in the mirror view?
  7. Just MOT it. If it is good it will pass, if it's not, well at least you know. This removes all arguments.
  8. I don't think we need much more in the way of development of batteries, if the Tesla achieves 300 mile on a charge, that is ok for most people. What is the main thing now is how to generate electricity sustainably. The best batteries in the world are a waste of time and effort if the electricity is generated using fossil fuels. Permanent magnet motors are 98% efficient at the moment, at a certain RPM and load, so that won't get much better I'd say. It is more about achieving this kind of efficiency along a wider range of RPM's and loads.
  9. You are limited in length due to the rad etc. But anything is possible if you try hard enough. Daan
  10. Alternator is to big to go anywhere else, but this position can work!
  11. With reply above, the yanks like to put in a buick V6, as this seems to be a nice fit. You will need adaptor plates etc, so there is no easy answer, except of course a Willys engine!. Daan
  12. A bit of progress to report on the jeep, I am now mocking up the front end: The engine is a reasonable fit, it clears the bulkhead, apart from a preheating unit which sits on the back of the head and has a water pipe coming out of it. This can be replaced by a VW t-piece doing the same thing. Hopefully this will fit, otherwise a bit of fab work might be needed. The oil filter clashes with the LH chassis rail, this has been replaced with a VR6 oil filter, which is about 30 mm shorter, and fits. More serious issues arrive when you look at the accessory drive: The alternator has been swung round about 45 degrees to clear the chassis, which involve cutting off 1 bolt mount; so a bit of work to make the location work with 1 bolt currently held by a large sized sky hook.... Worse is still to come, as the PAS pump and its mounting had to be cut off from the engine completely. This will move to the other side of the engine, and driven by the second (currently unused) pouly on the crank. Speaking of PAS, I dropped the steering box and front axle in to see how this will work with the engine: It will go I think, just a clash with the drop arm at full lock, which I can solve with doing a Y tie rod conversion. As you can see, RHD is not easy with the diff and the box occupying roughly the same space. It took me a while to find a PAS box that will work in this application, but a LHD Rangerover P38 box you see here is the one to have I reckon. So, here is where I am now. Things are going to be on hold for a while, as I am going to get my Landrover MOT ready. We need a 3rd car that works in my family, as My daily was out of action for a while due to a engine management issue and I had to use the bosses car. Thanks for reading, Daan
  13. Doesn't that add an electric motor in the equation?
  14. David Llama did one in GRP - can't find a piccy now. A tomcat roof might well fit or close.
  15. I made 2 diagonals which take the towbar loads and also support the floor. The winch sits on this as well. it got a bit bashed over the years as you can see. The towbar wiring is temporary and cannot be improved on; tyraps and tank tape rules! Daan
  16. Cheers, the OP does not have a fuel tank in the way.😃
  17. When you re chassis, you have the perfect opportunity to do this: Daan
  18. So the replies from Badger 110 and Anderzander are releveant to me, especially the keep it going bit; I got 1 hour on my jeep this week, but it was worth it. I now know how I am going to do the engine mounts basically. I have pondered the 'why am I doing this' problem, then I realized I was not enjoying my Landrover anymore, the reason being that there was always a deadline; it has to be finished for an event. It's just this realization that has changed my approach: forget about the events on the other side of the country or continent, and just do something you enjoy doing. When it is done it 's done, but no deadline. This is the problem you have. If it has to be finished in August, you start pushing things and it turns into a job. So rethink the deadline idea, or at least get one car working, rather than 2, and it may not look so bad after all. Daan
  19. MOT on the Landy. Get the Jeep finished. I reckon 2021 will reared its head well before then.... Daan
  20. I am a bit amazed about the going missing problem; many people I speak with that own one are worried about it happening, but when asked about theft deterrents, there usually isn't one. So, yes theft is a problem, but add a few X-engineering goodies at it, and the chances of it happening are very small. Just prepare for it basically. Daan
  21. As mentioned, the compression ratio is what will improve efficency. I built an engine using a 2.5TD block, 2.5 petrol pistons, 2.25 con rods and a 2.25 head with 2.5l valves. I got the compression ratio up to 9:1, achieved partly by using the 2.25 head on a 2.5 and and partly by skimming (2 mm I seem to remember) the head. The power was good, MPG, well it was on LPG, so I never really looked. Daan
  22. Interesting that JLR jumped in. I had noticed things were a bit quiet around Bowler. I suppose to keep paying 26 people permanent staff, there needs some serious cash flow going around and that is never easy in Motorsport.
  23. I have no heating in my land rover, but if I use it in winter, I have a seat heater, it is basically a heated seat cover that you plug in to the cigarette lighter plug. I bought it in Czech republic for a fiver I seem to remember. It is amazing, have to unplug it 10 min into the journey as I get too hot. I have little hot air window demister on the dash to make sure I can see through the window, also on a cigarette plug. Great setup, -10 has been no problem. I would start with covering the grille if the engine does not heat up, as apart from you being cold, there is the engine itself to worry about as well. Either way, don't overthink it! Daan
  24. Ok, so does anyone has a picture of what the INEOS Grenadier is going to look like?
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