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Everything posted by Bowie69

  1. Pay 500, rip everything out, ecu flash for 250, scrap the rest for ~250 round here at the moment, and still less than a Tdi build. And a whole lot more fun.
  2. Just throw another option into the pot, is it possible you have a mix of tdi and V8 pipes there? The carbs on a V8 used metal fuel line to go between the two carbs(if I remember correctly) , perhaps one or both are not tdi at all...
  3. Charge controller controls the voltage, so I would start there. That said, some of these controllers have a higher voltage/frequency mode to help maintain the battery, often run just once a month, it could have been that? Worth checking the manual, I would think.
  4. Er, really? We've had massive subsidies, clean air zones, sustained fuel duty, exemption from congestion charges and zero licence costs. Whilst they are reducing, the ev manufacturers are still being propped up with tax payer funds.
  5. Think much of the public has, especially outside London.
  6. I think you know it makes sense, as long as you have factored in all the miscellaneous rubbish you will need to get it running properly.
  7. Apparently that spray is just dry shampoo stuff, or plain talc out of the bottle works just as well (which is what dry shampoo is).
  8. Not too modern for me.... Just not exactly what you call normal for most LR users
  9. Did I slip into a non-Land Rover forum by accident?
  10. That's good to hear! With modern petrol, lots of ethanol in it, if you have all eight firing now and you use it regularly you won't have a problem with the injectors, they very likely only got stuck because they dried out while sitting. I've had two sets of injectors cleaned in my life, and in both cases I have had one fail within a year - my conclusion is it is just not worth it. One failed wide open, the other failed shorting the whole bank to the block, opening up all four wide open....
  11. Yup, assuming the other one works....
  12. Depending on the box you can do it, they normally sit right behind the front cover of the gearbox, you will need to have a hunt for a manual for all the torque figures etc.
  13. Worth noting it is essentially a Rover engine out of the P4 (?) , albeit slightly lower power output, so you may find some more luck there.
  14. At least removing it and removing the bellhousing and front cover. If there's any wear or metal in the fluid then the box will need a rebuild.
  15. Quite likely, normally autobox levels are done when running and in neutral, but check the manual.
  16. Having got snagged in Bristols CAZ before Christmas while trying to avoid it, I will be driving LGT through there next time. Not because of the noise and the ~15-20mpg to just wind people up, no, not me, nuh-uh.
  17. I actually thought it was pretty good value, especially compared to a shiny, blacked out Defender/90.
  18. Also.... *IF* you have a plug lead in the wrong place then it can fire back through the inlet when you open the throttle, enough to stall an engine that is not quite happy already.
  19. Can you wind out the throttle cable a bit like on an RRC? If so be worth trying to get it to start with the throttle open, by adjusting the req fuel/VE table. I'm surprised you are struggling with this, normally if everything mechanical is right then the engine will at least fire and rev up even if not stay idling.
  20. Fuel has a density of 0.77 that of water, so 137g/min = 177cc.
  21. I'd say it is a stumble it doesn't recover from -this is very common. I would really triple check for air leaks, if the exhaust doesn't smell rich then it's probably lean. What's the MAP value when you do get it to idle?
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