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Everything posted by steve_d

  1. Whilst I agree you will see a change in pressure from a cold engine to a hot one I doubt the change in temp from before the cooler to after the cooler will show much difference at all. It is cooling the oil not chilling it. Steve
  2. You may also find it is because your V5 has the wrong weights quoted. For a period they were apparently just putting in a default figure for land rovers. Had this with a LR I get MOT'd and we went through the same thing with the test station. Got DVLA to amend the V5 so it does not come up again. Steve
  3. Thanks guys was not aware the agricultural/limited use rules worked that way. Steve
  4. It may be cheap but once again how can it be legal? Steve
  5. OK we're all learning something here but I'm still confused. No matter whether the oil stat was open, closed or non existent it cannot produce a low oil pressure. The oil is either staying in the engine or going round the cooler but will still be under pressure no matter which. Steve
  6. I would drill the ends with a cone drill/cutter then join them up with a jigsaw. If you had doubts the Q Max would handle it then trying to nibble out a slot will but side loads on the cutter which will likely guarantee it failing. Steve
  7. Suspect it would be a whole lot easier to fix the EFI. Steve
  8. Have a detailed search on the forum. This has come up before and the problem was that the switch in the lock was not working. I may be wrong but I believe the immediate fix was to take off the door card and find the required wires so that the switch signals could be mimicked by touching the wires together. I think there was also a way of cleaning the switch but I may be wrong on that. Good luck Steve
  9. Open or closed it should not change the oil pressure. Is the cooler and stat something that has been added? They should be plumbed so that oil (under pressure) comes from the pump into the stat, out to the cooler, back to the stat, and then into the oil galleries still under pressure. If it has been wrongly plumbed it may be taking oil (under pressure) from the pump and passing it through the stat and cooler and back to the sump. This would be why you loose pressure when the stat opens. Steve
  10. I would start by bringing a separate 12V supply to the pump and see if that makes it whirr and that fuel arrives at the engine. Steve
  11. For most the lack of a whirring sound is a dead giveaway. Steve
  12. Few things to try. If the gauge is not working I would suspect the tank or the pump/sender are not earthing so start by making a temporary earth wire. If OK check to see if the pump live wire has 12volts while the engine is cranking. Steve
  13. Mine is available for loan. Depends what you call local. Steve
  14. Not sure but I think they are an anti backfire valve which is supposed to protect the diaphragm. Took mine out and binned it years ago. In order for the vac advance system to work air/vacuum has to move both ways so if it's blocked one way then the system can't work. Steve
  15. Either or both. A compression test for starters. A gas test (block tester) of the gases in the coolant header tank will show if combustion gases are getting into the coolant. Seems likely you are heading for a strip down. Steve
  16. Will be at a Kitcar show May Bank holiday and a company does the same thing there. Noggin End Metals http://www.nogginend.com/ Steve
  17. The machine and drill after was the conclusion I came to on mine because some of them are way off from the centre of the boss. Steve
  18. If that had happened to me I'd have rung back and told the guy a few truths about how not to run a business. Steve
  19. Yes, it's called a certificate. Steve
  20. Halfords Pro stuff is getting a very good reputation. I have a set of the ratchet spanners and am well pleased with them. Steve
  21. Perhaps we need a 'tool archive'. Bit like the tech archive but this time offering tools rather than information. I have an engine hoist which I have just bought and used but with any luck it will now gather dust for a year or more. Perhaps those with tools they are prepared to loan could post them to the archive with a tool index. Steve
  22. Thought you were looking a bit lopsided when you drove past the other day. Give me a shout if you need a hand. Steve
  23. Dru Amend your profile with a location. Someone close may be able to swap out some parts and prove the problem before you shell out on something you did not need. Steve
  24. That will be expensive. Why not borrow some to experiment with. I'm in Waterlooville and have a set of both 3.5 and 3.9 injectors. Steve
  25. Or fit a pair of electric fans against the rad and do away with the cowlings. Steve
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