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Everything posted by qwakers

  1. id have that.. but i wouldnt give more than 2.5k for it...
  2. ive bought this stuff http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Welding-Cable-Battery-Live-365-Amp-50mm-Black-Flexible-Per-Meter-Mig-Arc-Welder-/400872511734?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5d55dd18f6 form that seller before, ive got no complaints.
  3. He bracket would bé where id aim it.
  4. ideally you should use stainless wire, but a mini spool of that isnt expensive.
  5. middle one to ign live and top and bottom to winch in and out.
  6. methinks we might be talking about the same thing nige :-D
  7. i had something similar when i was trialling. a bit of metal got broken off and jammed the mechanism under the plate the gear stick comes through. i removed it and its working fine now, but id quite like to know where it came from...
  8. Measure the size and get a brass one from ebay
  9. anyone with access to land rovers key programming software ands a iphone with the right app can get into a rangerover and drive away in about 2 mins.
  10. all i can tell you is 0 oil pressure and a flood of oil is the result of starting it the other day.
  11. Tried that, it cant flow in fast enough. Result is the entire sump on the floor.
  12. does anyone know the type and size of discovery 1 200tdi oil cooler fittings so i can get a bypass hose made at my local hose shop. i need to move it off the trailer and oil pissing everywhere co i have no rad on it atm isnt helpful..... its the one on the left.
  13. if you where anywhere near me i'd move it for you on my 7.5tonner flatbed. ive got a 3.5ton payload.
  14. to save you big headaches the best way to remove duck tape without a) damaging your paint and B) spending hours removing the goop is to use a hot air gun or hair dryer to soften the glue, peel off and the use white spirit to remove to goop left over.
  15. i have a draper one which i find good quality and perfectly flexible,
  16. If you want to paint over hammerite with anything except hammerite youd bé best off if you machine sanded all the hammerite off first...
  17. now thats a idea, a cummins powered elise... ill have to put that on my 'gotta build that one day' list. along with a twin bike engined 4wd peugeot 205 and jet powered mini....
  18. Funny my lorry has a 12v winch powered from one battery for the last 5 years to my certain knowledge and it hasnt killed a battery yet.. And it was used a lot by the recovery company that owned it before me.
  19. im just checking no one on here has one kicking about in their way first...
  20. id obviously be wlling to pay for postage and make a dontation to the forum if anyone can help.
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