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Everything posted by ThreePointFive

  1. That's the 2003MY Defender dash console, it's what the Mud console is based on but is a bit more involved to fit (and a lot more expensive) as it involves a complete dash change.
  2. I don't know if it helps at all, but those are all the exact brackets (visually at least) as on my 1988 V8 wth LT85.
  3. Yeah there was a lot of that going around... I was interested to see how a low volume manufacturer was going to be undercut by an even lower volume, even more niche one.
  4. On one of the Defender polisher forums there's a lot of fuss about Dinitrol but the overwhelming consensus is that you have to kill the rust first with a converter (Bilt Hamber do an excellent one) and only then should Dinitrol be applied.
  5. Thanks for the reminder this existed, a quick google confirms the same old tricks, very entertaining.
  6. No need to apologise, we have different vehilcles and it was the best looking option of the lot! I'll look at the strap around those points, or I might just get a sturdy piece of wood and put it across the wings.
  7. Just to close this one off, I bought the one in Mike's post: I did find that it is a bit low for the main gearbox but perfect for the transfer case. It comes with some screw-adjustable seats that were very useful for taking up the asymetric shape of the transfer case. Getting the boxes out would have been incredibly difficult without taking out the transmission tunnel, so wouldn't recommend trying. Especially as the gearboxes when split aren't all that heavy and can be lifted/manouvered around from the top side. I'm not looking forward to trying to get the boxes back in with this lift as it will be about a half foot too low, but I have a block of wood I'm going to sit it on to assist. Oh, and I couldn't see it mentioned anywhere but the engine needs to be supported, as you take the gearbox out it will try to fall out the rear. That also complicates things if you have the vehicle jacked up and don't have anything tall enough to support it, like an axle stand. Not sure why that's not mentioned more often as it would have been very tricky if I'd discovered that mid-lift. Hope that helps someone.
  8. What's that dark green cap looking thing sticking out of the rear bash plate?
  9. So I wasn't going to mention this, but the biggest "insult to injury" is the £140 option to add a union flag. Shouldn't that be a French or German flag? Smacks a bit like putting those union flag mirror caps or rear lights on a new mini, but at least those were made here. These have no connection to the UK apart from the money behind it. I really don't hate this car and if anything my position has softened since finally getting transparency over the pricing that I suspected all along and reading they are supporting home maintenance, etc. But let's not pretend it's something it's not.
  10. The dog must get hot in that cage.
  11. I like the spec you're trying to build, very 1989 Land Rover retro-modern. That's where these should be good if they are true to the original design ethos. I built the one I'd want (my 90 but with 5 seats) and came out at £62k.
  12. Yeah but no one can see it there Ralph, and we all know off roading is 90% appearing to be ready to go off road.
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/363810489057?hash=item54b4cb82e1:g:3WMAAOSw4NxiYVrj I've never seen speakers on the transmission tunnel before... I can't work out if this is genius or not.
  14. This for me is the real irony, we hate being lumped in as a group because we're all individuals that happen to drive similar vehicles, and as a group 4x4 drivers are hated for arrogant/bullying behaviour, annoying ramblers and general crimes against the climate. Yet the moment we see someone on a bike, they stop being an individual and become a fully-signed up part of some bigger organised effort to purely annoy motorists. Doesn't really follow, does it. There are bad cyclists, there are just as many good ones too. Approaching everyone as though they are 'the problem' leads to good people getting hurt that were never the type of person we took issue with in the first place. It's disturbing what mankind will do to people once they're lumped together and stop having an individual identity.
  15. Any word on what the repair is? Seems I am now in need...
  16. Defender people pay hundreds for them if the seller puts the word "bespoke" in the advert. No one ever talks about how much they suck ass to use. (I have an E-Type one in the XK and I regret it every summer)
  17. Definitely want to see photos, it looks like a really nice car from the advert and one I'd never heard of before.
  18. I may have been exaggerating the strength of feeling for the sake of debate (or entertainment 😬) but ordering an unproven car from an unproven brand, without testing it first would be a leap of faith too far for me.
  19. Correct, there is no way the footage would have been sped up by any officer involved in the investigation, the penalties for tampering with evidence would be life-ruining. Go straight to jail, do not collect your pension, etc. Completely agree on the press....
  20. Oh right, this whole thing still going is it? Not sure I love the "You want to drive one before you spend £50k, are you a loser?" attitude. I am sure that pressuring potential customers for wanting to drive a car that has so far been 99% marketing hype will be a workable long term strategy. A Company that was prepared to stand by its product should be putting out demonstrators etc before the build slots open. No one should be buying blind.
  21. Which shaft do these use? Front/rear/24/10 spline? I might have some 10 spline front ones you can use/have Badger, if that helps.
  22. I feel some mild workshop jealousy... that looks like a nice, bright, clean space. I had to squeeze down the side of my car to get to the back.
  23. For what it's worth, I did the same thing for my rebuild as it's the closest I'll ever get to owning a new Defender. You can always put it back to the right number.
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