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Everything posted by mickeyw

  1. Hmmm, not to my taste, too blingy... ....but I'd say it's had an enthusiastic owner.
  2. When I bought my larger single phase MIG unit, it would keep knocking the trip out when starting a weld on full power. It came equipped with a 13A plug, the welder is 180A. An electrician friend advised changing the trip in my garage from a B curve (normal domestic fiting) to a C curve item. That did the trick. I suggest wiring a dedicated line to the consumer unit with a 32A C curve breaker. Fit a 16A socket on the wall securely, you don't want to be pulling on a flying leads from the consumer unit. Refit the 16A plug on the plasma cutter. This is not OTT really, the parts aren't that expensive, and will give you reliable and safe service. I also have my lathe's 4HP rotary phase converter wired to a 32A socket on a C curve trip. It runs very happily this way.
  3. Those pipes look world's apart, quality wise. I am inclined to agree with the above comments regarding the need to remove sections of pipe to access other parts of the truck. Those parallel slip joints are a mare to get apart. Been there, done that
  4. The pan with the lowest price may not be your best option. I expect material thickness, and accuracy of fit will vary. Beware of stuff in blue boxes!
  5. Very nice, hope it still fits in your garage with that donut on top of the cage
  6. Greece is bankrupt! I heard grease works quite well though
  7. Well Retroanaconda has said exactly what I was going to, I agree on his points wholeheartedly. Any given manufacturer can make a part to many different specifications. One bush could be identical in dimensions to another, but moulded from a different grade of rubber. However if a manufacturer is not willing to mark their name on the part I would be wary. It is such a mine field. Another potential pitfall I have discovered of late is brand names that mimic another trusted name. For example, I recently bought a PAS box seal kit that was sold as being Gaco brand. This is a name that goes back a long time and I would trust. However the parts that arrived were marked 'Gacu'. See the difference? Suddenly I was feeling a lot less confident in what I had in front of me!
  8. The scallop cut from the lower edge of the radiator panel suggests it may have had a winch or other utility equipment up front at one time.
  9. Definitely agree with Task with regards keeping a log of times you or he are causing any kind of noise. I expect you make a lot less noise than he makes out to whoever wilol listen to him. I grew up living next door to a PITA chap who moaned about almost everything I (as a teenage Landy owner) did. Generally I ignored him and carried on. Strangely he never had the nerve to complain to my dad, who he got on pretty well with, as dad used to help him with all sort of hings that required some engineering thought and/or common sense. The neighbour the other side of Mr PITA was a Mini enthusiast, and all the time I lived there he generally had at least 6 Minis plus the daily drivers on his drive. (He did have three enthusiast sons). Then there was the family caravan, the wife's horse trailer... By contrast he made our house look pretty tidy. However I always recall the daily Mr PITA complained to the council about all the cars and that the caravan was blocking light from his front room, (yes they did look a mess, but that's not the point). Council inspector duly turned up, questioned the number of cars while making are you running a business type remarks. Chappy says two cars are his, the sons each have two, all for personal use and hobbies etc. Council's recommendation was to loose two of the cars or loose the caravan. Next week the 'van went..... shortly to be replaced by two more Minis. Oh how we laughed! I seem to recall phoning the water board one summer when we were in drought times, pointing out how Mr PITA next door had the only green lawn in town, (he used to leave the sprinkler running all night!) Water board told him he needed a meter fitting if he used an unattended hose pipe. In turn the new water meter fitting highlighted various electrical defects in the house, which later lead to a fair amount of costly re-wiring. Always nice to have the last laugh
  10. Not trying to discourage you Gary, I am just curious as to the availability of carb needles these days. I have messed around with such carb related matters in the past, but not to the level of science that greenmeanie mentions. I am also glad to see the first response was not one rubbishing carbs for newer tech. I hope you find a carb based solution. Another thought - didn't old Jag V12s use big SUs not dissimilar to the ones on a V8, but perhaps with different needles and bigger diameter maybe?
  11. Look for one with back gears, as well as mutiple belt selected speeds. They normally go to ultra low speeds and have loooads of torque which makes them suitable for bits well over 25mm dia, or even hole saws! We have a Meddings with back gears, I think the lowest speed is around 40 RPM
  12. So it has a rare-ish 88" tropical roof, and early one-piece 90/110 lift handle doors. they could be worth the current £215 bid
  13. Elliot is another name to watch out for, as is Startrite and Pollard. Converting a 3ph pillar drill to a 1ph motor is fairly simple, well compared to a lathe or milling machine it is.
  14. I have to agree with Phil. I had a series 3 box behind a V8 in my 88" for 9 years without any breakages. It has a lot to do with how much abuse you dish out.
  15. Landrover conkers - That could be a special section at the next Mike Wolfe challenge he is planning Nice colour Nige - I think BATTLESHIP grey pretty much sums it up
  16. That's a sweet sounding engine. What engine did Santana develop the LT85 to go behind then, if it wasn't this?
  17. Good thing you don't do light. They look like they weigh as much as a whole Defender!
  18. Do they tip forward like Defender seats? I am guessing so, given the 2 door nature of the MG. And do the seat bases lift out like Defender ones? I had some Cavalier seats in the Series 2, and got fed up with having to unbolt the seats to get at the battery that lived there (yes, I know - not std location, but no room in the engine bay with a V8 in there )
  19. As no one has mentioned this yet, the BW viscous box is not the same dimensions as the LT230T. Certainly one, (front I think) prop length needs changing. In its favour, it is quieter running that the gear driven 230... ...but the only ones I have experienced have both failed in the locked up state. This is no good on a road going truck.
  20. I am surprised to hear you had difficulty fitting this Nige. My truck is a 1986 factory fitted V8 too, and I had to make no mods at all. Although I have swapped my LT85 tunnel for a 300tdi one (to fit with the auto box), the floor plates are exactly the same. The brake pedal is also original, apart from welding extra metal to the foot pad to match an auto pedal rubber. I have to agree with Si's comment re fitting it 15mm further outboard. I'm sure the outer edge of mine covers the screws holding the floor plate to the sill channel.
  21. As we know, there is offroading and there is offroading. Towing a horse trailer to a local gymkhana is offroading if you're being picky, but the vehicle is unlikely to be any worse off than a road car for that experience.
  22. I think you'll find that particular vehicle is what LR used to sell as a basic (farmer spec) Station Wagon, as opposed to a County Station Wagon that had luxuries such as carpets! The spartan interior with vinyl seats , the black 'eyebrows' are all concurrent with that theme.
  23. I had trouble trying to give the one away that Zoltan is referring to. Gone now though.
  24. ...and roof, front wings, rear tub and doors. The chassis has probably been shortened to suit the 88" series body, as opposed to being 92.5"! Been there, done this 20 odd years ago. The main difference was we used the tax exempt RRC identity and reg number, as that is what the majority of the parts came from. It certainly shouldn't be on the series reg number.
  25. We've had discussions on here in the past about this problem, and many have suggested alternative methods to the costly, and not always convenient EDM process. While nosing on our favourite auction site I encountered this, basically a portable EDM device. It is still an expensive bit of kit, but it presents options for spark erosion without having to fit whatever you have into the EDM tank, or even having to fully dismantle and clean the work piece before and after. It runs single phase and could for instance be set up in your garage, or even engine bay! Despite coming from a toolmaking background, I hadn't seen one of these, so thought I would share my find.
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