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Everything posted by LandyManLuke

  1. It's a bit of a minefield isn't it... Mike's the man with the answers
  2. sounds like a fair cop to me. I've had some grief as admin on another forum, it's a shame when things come to this, but on the other hand, most people have enough rope to form their own noose in these sorts of situations - they had it coming to them!
  3. Erm, pedant hat on, but isn't it "Ladoga"... Also, who do i have to talk to to get the Rugby shirt in "offical fat [child of unmarried persons] size" XXXL
  4. Damn your fiendish money raising tactics of offering a choice, I might have to have one of each now! Indecisivness is a pain in the arse, or is it? hmmmmm
  5. "Sikaflex" is not a single product, it's a range. Either take advice from a grownup on which one you want/need for the application, or have a look at the not-that-clear website here
  6. Hi Martin, sorry to hear of your loss. Gresh put together a site for the kids - http://thegreshlets.com Luke
  7. Nice, except some careless person has left their washing line coiled round the front!
  8. Hi, Yup, LRBoards is where you'll find Gresh, also where you'll find info on a Charity auction to be held at the Driffield show, in aid of the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance. Luke
  9. I host my own site, a few customers sites and a LR forum with 2dmedia, they're a relatively small company but i've found the service to be outstanding. For instance, I know the boss gets text messages 24/7 if the servers log any sort of problem.
  10. I've not received a license key yet Is it too cheeky to ask for another one in a while when i get round to putting X-nav on the itx? it's only on the laptop at the moment.
  11. The pump is driven off the camshaft, if the engine's running, the pump's sucking!
  12. It doesn't matter how often you use the jump leads, what matters is the current through them when you do. Starting currents can be huge, I would go with the larger anderson connectors and decent sized cable, 30-35mm^2. Glad you've decided not to bodge some copper pipe into a bus bar, the proper units are not that expensive.
  13. I've not made mine yet, but i am going to - everybody's got to have some vapour. 160x80x4 box section, with the ends cut out, bent up and rewelded to the same angled profile as a standard one. I'll plate the ends up as well. drop some tubes in for tow ball bracket, and those needed for my mantec wheel carrier, and pretty much leave it at that, I don't need anymore holes for mud flaps, jacking socket etc I'll probably make some chassis extensions from 3mm plate, and probably let them through the box section. some off-cuts of the corners of the box section to make the tub brackets, an exhaust hanger to make. I looked at the cost of a 6m length, it was about 100 quid i think. If you could make three and sell the other two, that's pretty reasonable. Shouldn't this be in tools and fab?
  14. the problem could be with the earth to the body, or the live to the starter and alternator, or a few other places in fact. Nothing a multimeter won't tell you in a few minutes though. Diesels will run with no earth, and even no battery, if the alternator can supply a voltage to the stop solenoid, even if the rest of the vehicle has no power. I'd check all the earth straps, and the man supply cables, for starters.
  15. To aid diagnosis, I'd disconnect the lift pump and feed the filter from a fuel can on the wing, this'll cut out any problems there might be with the supply lines. If you had a clean container and clean fuel you could bypass the filter too, for testing.
  16. 1 way. GPS receivers don't talk to satellites. I don't know any details of the system Daan's talking about, but i think it's fair to say it'll be well removed from civilian/hobby GPS receivers.
  17. Bodgelok connectors are the work of the devil, no ifs, no buts! Fit them only if you want a vehicle electrical fire - and if it goes up in smoke, don't come back here, you'll get 'I told you so' Here's a diagram for wiring up a relay.
  18. Most GPS receivers have an update frame time of 1s - that'd be pretty poor. the ETC i'm designing has a frame time of 4ms. GPS is good for speed because it measures displacement over time, using a moving average i would imagine. Unless of course you can get hold of GPS receivers with a quicker frame time? maybe DGPS/survey units can do it?
  19. I can confirm that A ) axles are really heavy, rear axle is a substantial lift for two, front axle required the two of us to take a break midway to getting the axle to the 90 B ) two axles will fit in the back of a 90 HT, getting them in there is a different matter.... C ) it hurts when you trap your fingers between the hub and axle when the hubs moves on the swivel D ) it hurts even more when you stand up in the back of a 90 HT and head-butt the roof, because you trapped your fingers between the hub and the axle.
  20. Is it the same as a 200 lift pump? i've got a spare spacer, you can have it if it's any use.
  21. The UK seller of Equip stuff is http://www.lrsoffroad.co.uk/
  22. My bad, i knew there were a few 'versions' of JATE around, I found '...Executive' on an MOD website...
  23. wider JATE rings are available, the sides are machined down slightly to make the opening wider. See Ralph's post here Joint Air Transport Executive
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