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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Isn't that just a bit of condensation will???
  2. Their website seems a bit flaky at the moment, but they do a nice line in protection for discoverys: Discoparts I have their HD rear bumper on my 200 and have been very pleased with it. Cheers Mark
  3. Aha... thats the info i need. Cheers dan
  4. I did wonder if there would be a suction effect by plumbing the breather into the snorkel top. Might review that bit and find another solution...
  5. My gutter mount one got knocked too many time, so i did something very similar to your las link - ie mounted the ariel on the spare wheel carrier It is just a bit of stainless, bent at 90 degrees and bolted to the spare wheel carrier with the connections from the knackered gutter mount. Works well, and keeps the ariel pretty much out of harms way. hth Mark
  6. Didn't have much success with any additional breathers... Couldn't find the cap on the injector pump, anyone got a picture? I am presuming the timing chest will need drilling and tapping. Anyone done this in situ? Not entirely convinced I want to open it up to add a fitting, but I wouldn't have thought swarf would go well in there? Also, I could not find any evidence of a breather on the pas reservoir - is this another one I need to create? It seems to be sealed at the moment, so not sure I want to vent it to amosphere... Cheers Mark
  7. Wasn't sure about the fuel tank breather, I guess it should really be raised.... Where is the engine breather on a 200 TDI then? I basically did all the pipes i could find... I used plastic fittings cos that's what I had - I found a bucket load in a skip, and the pipework too, so the breathers have so far cost me nowt bar a few cable ties... It remains to be seen if the plastic fittings on the axles will take the abuse though...
  8. Ah, fair enough, I forgot about your 109"....
  9. Steve, Don't forget that you also have the Ashcroft High Ratio transfer box kit installed (at least it did when you bought it ). don't know if that makes any difference, but it's worth keeping in mind. Cheers Mark
  10. I am changing the Transfer box on the disco, so while its out I thought I would extend the breathers up and tie them into the new snorkel. while I was there, I also did the axle breathers too. I have replaced all the existing breather pipework and used new pushfit connectors and this is what I ended up with: Transfer box has a new right angle pushfit connetcor - the thread is 1/8 BSP. The Gearbox is done in the same way, but I don't have pictures of that: The breathers from the transfer box and the gearbox are combined from 2 6mm pipes, into one 8mm pipe: (nb the transfer box hasn't been fitted yet... ) The front axle has another 90 degree fitting, and the pipe follows the route of the original breather: The rear axle has been routed along the opposite side to the original, avoiding the exhaust, and along the top of the chassis: The 8mm pipe from the transmission and the 2 6mm from the axles all extend up the bulkhead to a mulitway fitting which is attached to the scuttle - There is one spare 6mm input, which is blanked off (does anything else need a breather??) The other bit of 8mm pipe goes through the scuttle (using a bulkhead fitting, cos I had one.... ): ..and then proceeds up the A post on the same route as the wiring harness for the roof lights: I used one last fiitting by drilling and tapping the snorkel top with a 1/4 bsp thread so the breather pipes terminate in the top of the snorkel: Hopefully, that should be all the breathers done... Posted in international as I would have thought it was as applicable to range rovers and defenders as much as discoverys... Hope that is of interest to someone... Cheers Mark
  11. By the sounds of it I had best not chop the end off the shaft - the box needs replacing before too long, and I would like to keep the option of sending it to dave in return for a shiney recon one. It's unlikely, but I'd like to keep the option...... The main thing I need to do now, is to figure out the Hi/Lo selector: Disco Transfer box Hi/Lo selector mech: Defender Transfer box Hi/Lo Selector Mech: Do i just unbolt the housing from the disco box, and bolt it on to the defender one, or can I rotate the actuating shaft inside the housing? I guess I'll know more when i get them apart, but i thought i would consult the collective beforehand... Cheers Mark
  12. Dave, You could just cut some plates that allow you to fit your existing shock mounts lower down - you can then make them to what you need rather than a pre-determinned drop. I have just made something very similar, so feel free to drop round if you want a looksee. Mark
  13. Today I am mostly trying to fit a defender transfer box into my discovery... All was going swimmingly until one comes to actually remove the old transfer box, as there isn't quite enough room to get the transfer box off the outputshaft from the main gearbox before it hits the floor at the back.... This was resolved by removing the cover on the back of the trnasfer box to give that all inportant couple of mm clearence. so, question 1 is... Why does the output shaft of the gearbox have an inch of thread on the end after the splines? Noting is attached to it, and to my mind it just makes the shaft half an inch too long... Therefore, question 2... Can I just cut the threaded bit off? seems a bit animal but it will make putting the new trnsfer box in so much easier. Next slight confusion is the high/low actuator; and how it is 90 degrees different on a defender. Do I need to just swap the shaft over or change the whole housing from the disco box onto the defender one? any help appreciated.. Cheers Mark
  14. I have been using the really useful boxes in the disco too: They are pretty strong and have lids that seal well, and are square inside, rather than the strange shape that some plastic boxes seem to be... Holding stuff down is done using cargo strip: Mine came out of a scrap bin at a van fitters and I was given the fittings, but I guess all the bits are available commercially... Cheers Mark
  15. Hmm, thanks for the answers chaps.. might have to do a bit nore measuring.....
  16. Might be worth asking turbocharger if he still has some of those bits left over from his auto conversion? they were floating about in the back of his 90....
  17. I am playing around with some new shocks and springs for the disco, and have been out with the tape measure to work out what the minimum heights of front turrets and rear shock mounts need to be. I am using the compressed length of the shock as the minimum distance between shock mountings, but should I really be leaving some clearence? If i should, then how much should I leave - is 1/2" enough or way too conservative? The bumpstops are pretty firm, but still rubber, so I guess they will still compress a bit.... Just curious what other people have done... ta Mark
  18. I looked at the scrapiron one, and thought it looked like a good solution, but I wanted the tank guard as well, so I think the southdown one does a much better job! Mark
  19. Subject matter would seem more suited to tools and fab, but I like your reasoning!
  20. Finally got my application off on saturday... looking forward to this now!
  21. Good Score Mr Twizzle... it is a slippery slope though, you will be wanting a lathe, and then a Milling Machine, and soon you will have more machine and fabrication tools than you have space for... or maybe that's just me Enjoy Mark
  22. Picked up the Plasma cutter in the week, and finally got to play with it today. It seems to work well, apart from the fact that I don't have a suitably rated supply so it keeps blowing thr trips. According to the front panel it needs 21A so I need to get big feed out to the garage... Some plasma porn:
  23. done some pictures of the southdown setup....
  24. Mark

    D1 Seats

    Mark, That is precisely the sort of thing I am after - any idea what the recaros came out of or are they aftermarket ones? Cheers Mark
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