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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Don't know how tall you are but you could try it underneath the dash (probably on the drivers side) where there would be enough room for it to sit properly. Halfrauds do a bolt in surround for a standard single DIN hadunit, much like how many defenders were when they left the factory... Cheers Mark
  2. Do you have a cubby box or just the centre seat? Putting the radio in the cubby box is always a good option. Otherwise what sort of roof have you got? It is pretty easy to make some kind of shelf or mounting pod above the windscreen line and mount the radio and the speakers in that. If you want to spend lots of money, lasalle do a roof lining with a radio housing built in... Couple of ideas for you Cheers Mark
  3. Nope Dixon Bate are the only people that make them afiak.There is nothing to say they havn't changed over the years...
  4. Si, Amberly is excellent - I have been there lots of times since I was a kid - always something interesting to look at. Saturday I aquired some more junk and then spent the day trying to build some more racking to store the junk in and doing some fabrication for one of my dads busses. Sunday I also aquired junk (from capel) and then spent a while playing with Orange's Rangie in the afternoon. Shame he then had to get a flatbed taxi ride home (it wasn't anything I did honest!). not a bad weekend really! Cheers Mark
  5. Looked in the green bible for the disco, and it dosen't give prop lengths unfortunatly. I will have a go with a tape measure next time I am uner there though. Mark
  6. If I promise not to be too much of a hindrance and not drive down too many gullies can I come too? In other words, yeah I would be very much interested... Personally I would like to go out of holidays - cheaper ferries/accomodation and no kids around! Would probably prefer camping to hotels - again from a cost point of view - but would generally go with whatever the concensus is... cheers Mark
  7. Mark

    rear winch

    My current thinking involves either: 1) Taking an HD bumper (from discoparts for example) and chopping the centre section out. This should then leave some room to fit a lowline winch between the chassis rails in a fabricated tray of some sort, that then gets welded back into the bumper, and hopefully shouldn't stick out too far. or 2) Making some kind of removable mount on the boot floor (possible sinking through the floor to sit on the chassis rails) with a fairlead mounting through the back door. I want this rmovable cos I still need to use the boot of the car... I prefer option 1, but I need to do some measuring. It will also be expensive if I have to buy a new bumper and chen chop it about... Any more thoughts, let me know. Cheers Mark
  8. Mark

    rear winch

    Dunno about kits. I have seen them on bobtailed discos (got no pictures I'm afraid), but that probably dosn't help you much. It is however something I have been thining about and have a few ideas. If anything comes to fruitition I will post some pictures up but it is not something I am working on at the moment.... Cheers Mark
  9. I got mine for wales from amazon. They are listed in market place at silly prices (like £1.20) due to the postage that amazon automatically charge for market place items. If you buy several from the same seller, you get charged postage for each individual item.... Mark
  10. Indeed, try roger, he posts here as well as the old place. Alternatly a company called LR fasteners are good too. I have no affiliation to either, and have used both in the past! Cheers Mark
  11. Bob, I think he is refering to the course at Capel rather than your site. Mark
  12. I am looking for some oracle developers witha smattering of DBA experience if you happen to come accross any.... I would be vaguely interested myself, but I have to admit that I couldn't face working up in town again! Oh yeah, and I am a developer, not a dba... Cheers Mark
  13. Oh yeah, now you come to mention it they are the Torx type socket head screws.... Mark
  14. Cheers Chris, the voice of reason as ever... The run on, I am not really concerned about. As I say it has only happened once, and brieflty at that. The turbo is an oily mess, so your diagnosis of the turbo oil seals may indeed be a good one. I will keep an eye on it though. The last thing i want to do at the moment is an engine rebuild! As I say the engine pulls well, and runs very willingly - not things I would attribute to an engine with a blown head gasket. Cheers Mark (Sticking head back into the sand)
  15. Paul, Cheers for the advice, so far the run on has only happened once, and has only been very brief. Methods of stopping are noted though... Ralph, Cheers for the tech bulletin. I will work through those instructions and see what happens. Given that my use of the car is pretty even between motorway milage (to sites/events), off-road low box/high revs (at sites/events) and general pottering around Horsham would this contribute to the oil consumption (as hinted at in the bulletin above)? Ta Mark
  16. Possibly I should start worrying then... It did that on saturday, only for a couple of turns, and that was the first time I had noticed it and it hasn't dome it since. I wish I hadn't started this trian of thought now... Mark
  17. Have a look here the technical bullitin is linked in that thread. Cheers Mark
  18. There's no oily patch on the drive... It looks like the exxon-valdez parked in my car port where the series sits... Mark (getting slightly more paranoid)
  19. Les, Can't you see the large amount of cross bracing in the picture? Thats just there to reinforce the compressor mount really.... Mark
  20. Yeah, I checked the water, and whilst it is murky, it dosn't have the oily sheen or mayoniase consitency that I would associate with a blown head gasket. Mark
  21. I happened to be under the bonnet of the disco this evenin, and thought I would check the oil - there was none to be seen on the dipstick so thought I had better top it up.... I ended up putting the best part of 2 litres in. Anyway, in february, when I MoT'd the car it had done 168000 miles (exactly!) and it has done just over 170000 now. I have put a similar amount of oil in once before, which by my rough calculations meaks if has used about 4 litres of oil in 2000 miles. This seems like quite a lot to me!!! Anyway, it doesn't leak in anything like the quantity that the IIa does, so I can only assume it is burning the oil. However it is not especially smokey either. The engine starts first time, every time, even in sub zero temperatures, but is somewhat gutless at times (I put this down to running 255/70-16 tyres, but could be wrong). So, does this sort of oil consumption point to something drasticly wrong, or should I just keep filling it up and treat is as a fuel cost? Cheers Mark
  22. I thought it was only over 2000 posts for an ad..... or maybe I'm a factor of 100 or so out
  23. Nige I don't know that the off road track is much to write home about, but it might be a laugh trying to get your merc round it! Mark
  24. John, I though Stage One fronts had CV joints in too, rather than UJs as per std? Might be mistaken though... Mark
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