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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Looking forward to the pictures Graham. Adrian wants me to do his at some point...
  2. For a true rat rod you would need t replace the regulator handle with a skull with red led eyes...
  3. But if you add greens you will have to uprate your Gas hose to a carbon fibre(look) reinforced racing version! Personally I like the Orange, being a fellow butters owner, but I do think some more graffix down the side would certainly help (I noticed our local halfrauds were getting rid of all thier '2fast 2furious' graffix). Maybe some flames for that old skool hot rod look? Mark
  4. Jez, Have you thought about adding some blue LEDs to the torch? Is bound to add at least 10Amps accross the Arc range... Mark
  5. Let us know when they come in James. It would be good the get them on before Sodbury.... Cheers Mark
  6. As it happenes, I spent the afternoon fitting a version of the X-Eng Kit to my discovery. The circiut is simple and robust. I made my own cables up, since the standard cables are meant for batteries sitting next to each other (like in a defender battery box), but Simon will do custom lengths if you need them. Sorry if this dosn't help much give a wide view of the market, but I am happy with the setup! Cheers Mark
  7. Don't forget it is Sodbury on the 1st....
  8. Bad luck Rob. Looks like a right mess Have you checked that there isn't an underlying problem pressurising the oil system? Mark
  9. so nothing to do withthis then???
  10. Do SR have some kind of caravan at b'ling? You could just vent it into thier caravan so that they all talk the SR talk in a very high voice Anyone know where to get a giant inflatable lobster from? <snigger> </snigger> ... Mark
  11. Mark

    Drum Brakes

    OK, can't help, sorry. I have defender one in the garage, and wondered if you needed it for some kind of cable conversion... Nevermind Mark
  12. 8th/9th April in Bures, East Anglia - The Original Post is Here Cheers Mark
  13. No, that really isn't me!!! In fact I am not on any of the returned results!
  14. So Far then (and a quick bump) Competing in winch challenge 1. Jon W and Darth Dicky (1 Vehicle) 2. Mark and Orange 3. Bish 4. Rogue Vogue 5. Paul Wightman 6. simonr 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Other etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Anyone else?
  15. Mark

    Drum Brakes

    Rob, what sort of hand brake lever are you after? Cheers Mark
  16. Nice truck. What is the conversion? a full axlp swap (track looks wider) or is it on modified hubs? Mark
  17. Ummmm. I don't get it?!? 2wd? Whats that all about then?
  18. Yeah, assuming I get a winch the weekend before! Mark
  19. Mark

    H1 LRO

    It is currently at more that I have ever paid for any of my Land Rovers! Mark
  20. I use bidnapper.com dosn't seem to worry about which ebay you use it with, it just needs the item number. If you try it, say I refered you! my username is landrover_series2a Cheers Mark
  21. Whilst not added on the orginal Thread, I am still interested in this as it stands, as is Orange I believe. ta Mark
  22. That was pretty much going to be my reply! I will ask me dad (He is quite an old bus enthusiast) and report back with my findings... Mark
  23. I like that, its very neat! I would really like to see some pictures in focus, and with the rear bulkhead on, as I have in mind to something similar with mine in at some point. I guess the roof is a custom panet as well? Cheers Mark
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