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Everything posted by Mark

  1. looks almost identical to my Maplins jobbie: They often have this on half price if you subscribe to the email flyers. Thats when I got mine... Mark
  2. surely DEFRA are the definitive answer?? Ask them to put it in writing to you.
  3. Yep, it is on the 4th june... and it is indeed a sunday. Mark
  4. another vote for the halford ratchet spanners (non-flexi). However I would also be inclined to get a set of non-ratchet ones too, since you always need two of every size, and you can hit them (with a leather/copper faced hammer) if you absolutely have to. Halfords were doing an offer on thier 33 piece set of rat. spanners recently. It has 8mm - 19mm with every size in between in the fixed head combination versions. it also has an adapter to take 1/4" screwdriver bits and a load of bits (hence 33 piece) . Anyway, it was 1/3rd off which made it £40 so I bought one! The halfords pro non-ratche combination spanners are really pretty good value too... Mark
  5. Depends on the job. Most of the time I crimp, but I always use the proper crimping tool. Special connectors for multi-way plugs/sockets get crimped if I have the correct tool or soldered otherwise, same with big battery/winch cables - since I aquired a huge crimping tool, they mostly get crimped now too. Crimping is good providing you use the correct tool for the connector and the correct size wire for the connetor. It also gets away from the problem mentioned above with the solder flowing back down the cable and making it solid. Crimping is much quicker and easier too! I have a solderpro120 from maplin, and it is brilliant, but crimping it still less hassle! [/voice of dissent] Mark
  6. I think the forum support is an execellent Idea. I only live 10 minutes away from the site, so it's very convienient and I already have my LR4x4 stickers on the motor! Cheers Mark
  7. Ahh... no problems bill. I forgot you had one of those newer plusher versions.... Mark
  8. Bill, Putting a second battery on a disco is pretty straight forward, with minimal running of cables: Cheers Mark
  9. I am making my own tree sliders that come out as far as the doors. The problem is you are allways going to get some panel damage because of the 'barrel' type sides as opposed to the slab sides ob the defender. if you have a look at the mill services site they have tree slider sill bars for the disco (right at the bottom of the page): Mark
  10. I was always a big fan of Sausages in Cider. Can't say that I have had it since my last scout camp, and I cetainly can't remember how to make it!
  11. Can somebody point me in the direction of the adjustment on the fire? Maybe it should be specified as Log Mark 4 or something???
  12. Another place I considered putting it was on the back or side of the centre cubby box, but access just seemed a bit difficult from the drivers seat. Mark
  13. lol, mine are pretty much used to me now!
  14. That is exactly where mine is. I don't find it interferes with my left leg at all. It also means the mic bracket can be put on the side of the instrument binacle which is very easy to use. It does help that my cb is a small unit, not a full size DIN one though. I thought it would be too dark for a picture too, but it actually came out alright: hope that helps, Mark
  15. ... or a rover v8 oil pump to prime??? sorry, I would hate to have found some actual lr content in this thread!!! Mark
  16. i would be interested in a couple pairs too. Cheers Mark
  17. my profile has always said 'Computer Nerd'! Sounds like it could be possible with the existing software though, which is cool.
  18. I saw this thread, and refrianed from posting till some debate had happened. As somone who spends probably 12 hours a day logged in during the week, I read the vast majority of stuff that gets posted. I don't post a lot as I don't feel the need to comment on everything - I post where I can contribute. I have been here since the beginning and was on the old place for about 5 years before that... I think steve has got it spot on. The rules are simple, defined, and by and large adhered to. I think deletion of real posts (ie non-spam/newbie calssifieds) should be minimised and done on a 'moderate' basis rather than as a snap decision. I also agree that nomination of moderators should be a bit more public, but not necessarily the appointment process. If I could say "I think A.N.Other would make a good mod" it would be better than somone getting an invite to be a mod in an unmarked brown envelope. However, it should be up to the mods to say "yeah, I agree invite them" rather than it be mass popularity contest. Also if the classifieds issue could automated, that would be good. I am pretty sure a database routine could be written to upgrade a 'newbie' to a 'full user' after 20 posts, and the classifieds forum could be limited to only 'full users' to post. I write DB stuff for a living so I might be able to help? I shall go back to lurking now.... Mark
  19. Excellent. No need to shout though! Mark
  20. Thanks for the comments chaps. I have to admit I am pleased with the way it has come out. If someone wanted to put it into the tech archive, that would be fine by me! Cheers Mark
  21. Well, I have spent this afternoon fitting a new motor to the 8074. Since the motor I have keyed, and the new one is splined, I had to change the drive gear as well, which meant removing the winch from the vehicle and opening it up - lots of fun!! Several people have asked about clearence between the rad and the back of the winch, so here is a picture - as you can see there isn't much! You can also see where I removed metal from the back of the winch tray to fit this in. Winch Drum Support Here are some more pictures of the drum end support that I made. With the grille removed, you get a better idea of it in position: My original design had the bac corner radiused in a similar sahpe to the main body the winch, but in the end I didn't have the time to do it, particulary as is urely aesthetic! The support is actually 2 pieces, since the lump of aluminium I had wasn't quite big enough! I added a piece of 1"square on the bottom - it is bolted on with a couple of stainless cap headed bolts screwed into blind tapped holes ino the main piece. The edge got milled with a ball nosed cutter to try and make it look nice. It wasn't remotely necessary but I liked it! The picture below shows the big bearing that I used. The hole it sits in was the vast majority of the machining involved. However, all the mounting holes were also drilled on the lathe, since the bit of metal didn't fit under my drill press! the rest of the effort to make this went into making two of the edges flat and sqaure after I used a hacksaw to remove this bit from a larger piece. They turned out to be the front edge that is shown in the photo and the rear one (which isn't). The bottom corner is radiused to give clearence as the fold along the front edge of the bumper is not particularly tight. Battery install: The Second battery is installed as basically a mirror image of the primary battery: The battery clamp I made from a piece of angle and some 'J' bolts (often referred to as roofing bolts) through existing holes in the vehicle. The battery terminals are designed to have loads of connections, since I am going to wire some other stuff to this battery they seemed like a good idea. The green 'snot' is some battery terminal grease/insulator stuff. You can see the X-Eng split charge relay mounted close to the battery, in order to keep the wiring runs short and simple. Ideally it should go in a more protected place, but this is pretty high in the engine bay, so should be OK. It is also very convienient considering the rest of the wiring for the split charge to the alternator: [note for Mo: the exhaust is nowhere near any of my winch wiring!] Having changed the motor for a 4.6 (I think) warn motor I am impressed how fast this is! I am worried that the standard alternator might not be up to the job though, so if anyone has any suggestons for high output alternators that might fit the 200 tdi, I would be grateful. I have more photos, so if there is someting you want to see, let me know. Cheers Mark
  22. No, there is nothing between the rad and the winch - I think the winch does a pretty good job of restricting the airflow as it is! I am using Rope, so hopefully if it snaps it will not ping back with the same sort of force that the wire rope would.... Yep, no problem. I will get some pictures of the 2nd battery install tomorrow. I think you will find that your air cleaner is in the way on a 300, but don't quote me on that! Cheers Mark
  23. Nige, you could always nip in to the 'library' for a quick skim through - the one with WHSmiths above the door... Mark
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