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Everything posted by Mark

  1. 'fraid I'm going to capel too... Mark
  2. No, thats down to the english rain dance (cricket)....
  3. Nic, Not a big job, just a bit fiddly to get the lock mechanism out. You need to toake the door card off, and release the lock from the door frame - unfourtunatly this involves moving almost everything else inside the door! Once you have the lock out, it is pretty easy to fit the new spring - I still have the instructions from when I did mine, I can scan them in if you like (you will have to wait till I'm at work tomorrow though!) As I say it's not complicated, just a bit fiddly, and you will be surprised how much of the door needs to come apart! Cheers Mark
  4. Mr Freeagent, There are four bots that hold the seat to the runners, but you need to slide the seat to certain positions to get to them. I took mine out a few weeks ago, but I can't remember exactly where the bolts are! You need to slide the seat all the way forward on the runner, and then you should be able to see the front ones up in the 'well' of the runner, then do the same with the seat all the way back. Hope that helps Mark
  5. My whip is on a gutter mount on the side of the car above the passenger windows (3 door). It is a bit prone to getting knocked by trees though. I lilke the ide of putting it on the spare wheel mount. Might have to investigate that... Mark
  6. Here's my winch mounted in a $crapiron bumper: Works well for me, although airflow is a little restricted. Mark
  7. Nic, There is a good discussion of CBs in discos here Cheers Mark
  8. Steve, I nearly bought one as a spare - I have a Warn 4.6 on the 8074 at the minute, but decided I couldn't justify £100 sitting on the shelf at the moment. I thought others might be interested though... Cheers Mark
  9. Is that not just a standard lorry tail-lift control box?
  10. Hello. Welcome to the board - although by the sounds of it you have been lurking a while, so should feel quite at home. Cheers Mark
  11. Surprisingly The soft tops can be warmer in winter than hard tops - mainly cos the canvas is a better insulator than aluminium. This is on course assuming your softtop fits and dosn't flap around in the breeze or need the back rolled up just to see out of! Mark
  12. I fitted my QT diff guards the other day, which involves taking off the original Steering Damper bracket and counterweight and using the bracket on the dif guard. This is all fine, but in doing this I noticed that the damper is somewhat squashed (probably from going down lane from hell on the forum wales trip) so I got thinking about relocating it in front of the axle as per defenders. So, what is the best way to do this? I have seen relocation kits using clamp type brackets on the draglink but is is OK to weld a bracket here? Would a defender draglink fit - presumably this already has a bracket on it? Cheers Mark
  13. Saw this on eBay and thought it seemed like quite a good deal: 12V Iscara 4.2HP Winch Motor for £100 delivered It looks like it is from Mr Bowyer, but it ends soon.... Mark
  14. I did speak to a couple of grown-ups about what oil to use, and they recomended using ep90, so I will continue to do so. Thanks for confirming. Cheers Mark
  15. I have EP90 in my 8074 - is this wrong? Mark
  16. Mine have just arrived at my desk! Cheers Paul. Mark
  17. It is a very strange feeling watching your own car drive past you isn't it.... Especially when the driver then proceeds to stuff it into a bank! Mark
  18. These seem to be available for a D1:eBlag Hi-Lift mount There are seeral other designs available based on the same idea. Personally I think there is already too much weight on my door hinges, so wouldn't put it there, but as you say there arn't many other places... Mark
  19. Windows were an issue on my D1 too - or at least the front passenger door one was. Turned out to be the motor. Changing the motor is about a 10 minute job, although you need 3 hands! They seem to turn up reasonably often on eBay, and are the same as Range Rover ones of a similar age. 'fraid I don't know anything about cruise control... Mark
  20. What's wrong with finding the right size open ended spanner to fit on the square of the shank? I used this technique today on a 1/4" UNF tap I had - used a 6BA spanner. Nice Idea, but a bit 'animal'.... Mark
  21. Donation sent - Make sure you stick a couple of forum stickers in with the Cheque Mark
  22. Yep, I wold be interested in something like that. Personally I would prefer something with a range of difficulties since I would like to be able to get maybe one or two at least! Cheers Mark
  23. I thought it was mainly the volume of 'moderating' RT and friends are having to do with that system. This way it is semi-automated.
  24. there is a good explanation of this in this post: Split Charging Thread It is a good informative thread to read generally... Mark
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