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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Well, I managed to wreck my 3 week old 13mm ratchet spanner by dropping it whilst tightening a battery terminal on saturday. Sadly I dropped it onto the other battery terminal Lots of sparks ensued, and now my spanner won't ratchet anymore. Does anyone think I will be able to get a replacement under warranty???? Mark
  2. Well I had a good morning! Thanks to steve and chris for thier efforts. We had a go at severl punches and generally played around before I managed to suffciently break the disco to need a ride home on a flatbed taxi... Learned a lot about my winch, which was the main aim for the trip anyway! Cheers Mark
  3. I got an untested/unrated shackle from mr bowyer 'free' with a rope I bought. I have never used it, and it kind of worries me that somone who is regarded as something of an expert in that particular field is selling chocolate shackles... in fact the foil is already coming off mine! Mark
  4. I could be interested - you don't mention what symbols you are planning to get done? winch in, winch out sort of thing, or were you thinking ejector seat and machine gun actuator switchs? Mark
  5. Pub sounds Good to me! I will be along with the Horsham Crew, and will hopefully pick Orange up along the way. I am very much in need of the saturday to get my winch sorted! Mark
  6. Mark


    Welcome along... Good luck with the project! Mark
  7. Mark


    Can I just add that I have no.1 on my IIA and am very pleased with it - see the pictures above. The whole thing feels much more solid rather than the hit and miss feel of the drum. Mark
  8. I have had problems with their mail order stuff, usually when I ask (and pay) for next day delivery, but it gets sent on their normal 3-5 day service. To be fair though they have done thier best to sort the problem out for me, and I will probably continue to use them. Mark
  9. "I guess this was not what you meant by a gone2far setup then??"
  10. get a propshaft tool from Difflock Makes getting the props off much easier, and mine is used surprisingly often! Mark
  11. Oh yeah, don't forget the big hammer... Mark
  12. Personally, I don't feel I can do any work on a land rover withour a fully equipped machine shop and automotive workshop.... Seriously essential tools for most land rover jobs are Big Hammer, Assorted English/Imperial/Metric sockets and spanners and an angle grinder. You also need a decent trolley jack and axle stands. Did I mention the big hammer? Compressors, welders and other power tools are really luxurys. I rebuilt my IIa from the ground up without them, but I did have to get stuff done by friends. I have that sort of stuff now, and I like the luxury! Engine hoists are a pain to store so just get in the way 99.9% of the time - ie when you are not changing the engine/gearbox. What sort of work are you planning on doing? Cheers Mark
  13. Just in case people are interested, Halfords are currently giving a third off their profressional tool boxes at the moment. They are also offering thier professional metric ratchet spanner set (33 piece) with the adapter to take 1/4" scredriver bits for 39.99. The irony of this is that their normal 7 piece ratchet spanner set is still 49.99 and has 2 or three less spanners in it! No connection, just thought others might like to know about the deal. Cheers Mark
  14. I would be very wary of having oxy kit in a domestic garage as it will invalidate your house insurance! Other than that it is very useful kit. There isn't much to go wrong, but i would make sure the pipework is in good order. I do't know how easy it is to get oxygen but i know that the bottles are usually property of the gas company (BOC or air products) so you can't legally own them! Not much help I know, but I am sure someone with more knowledge will be along soon! Cheers Mark
  15. Nice. I'm jealous - of the space and the hardware! Mark
  16. Ok, today I started off with what looked like a winch, and a few unknowns : and ended the day with a big pile of gears, some aluminium castings and a whole loead more questions!! Firstly, here is the 8274 brake that has been grafted on: and although it does't look pretty it seems pretty effective. There is still some friction material left on both sides of the brake disk, although they do seem a bit oily. The freespool lever is broken, but is repairble. It has a fabricated drum support, which I will have to remake, since I am not usinf this moun and fairlead. I think the new one will have a decent bearing for the mainshaft iin rather than the oiled bush that is there now. The gears on the inside seem to be in pretty good condition and the bearings seem OK: The casing itself appears to have some minor cracks in which I suspect is from where the bearings have been replaced in the past: and one major crack, again from a failed attempt to replace a bearing. There appears to be a drill bit in the root of this crack! So, can these cracks be welded? I Do they need to be? Only one of them goes all the way through, and I guess sealling it up will reduce oil leaks... As I said, the bearings seem OK, but should I replace them while I have the chance? They seem a bit of a paint to deal with, mostly seem ok but I don't plan to have it stripped this far doen again for a while. I want to check is if the body of the 8074 is exactly the same dimensionally as the 8274? I want to machine up a new end support and I can find 8274 drawings, but not the ones for this winch. If they are the same i will use the 8274 dimensions! However, if anyone has a drum sopprot kicking around they don't want, let me know! Lastly, the motor seems to be shot. I cannot get any movement out of it at all, so I guess that will go on the shopping list too. If have any answers of stray bits of aluminium casting that go with mine, then I would be most appreciative. Cheers Mark
  17. There are links to most of what I found in this thread. I will let you know anything else I find though! Cheers Mark
  18. I have to admit that I was really after a husky as I am pretty sure that is what my winch bumper was designed for. In order to mount the warn I will have to modify the bumper a bit, so if anyone has a 12V husky they want to swap.... Going to go and do some more investigation of the 8074 now... Cheers Mark
  19. Well, what I appear to have is an 8074 with the original brake replaced by an 8274 version. I don't know if it is a belleview, since from what I can tell these were cable operated (?) this one definatly has solenoids on the front as per the 8274. It also has a freespool lever, which some sources say the 8074 dosn't have ??? In truth, I don't really know what I am after... I have founds some scans of the documentation for the winch, and I geuss after I strip it down tomorrow I will have a better idea of what I need to know! I will post some pictures up too... Cheers Mark
  20. Well as per usual I managed to spend waaay to much money! Got a winch for the front of the disco (8074) along with some shiny new dyneema for it. Also got some qt diff guards some roof bars and some paint! As ever I am now knackered and skint. Mark
  21. I picked up a funny looking winch at sodbury today - looks a lot like an 8274, but I am assured that it is an 8074. Does any body have any more information on them - a service manual or the like? Any copying costs etc gladly reimbursed. Thanks Mark
  22. I have used my x-brake on some pretty extreme hillstarts, which is when you are more likley to put force through the bracket, and it hasn't flinched, so I don't get this guys problem... I also didn't know scrapiron had any of thier versions available yet, so I don't know how he can have tested the both. Sounds like a troll to me... Colin the troll? Mark
  23. Steve, Make sure you popst some pictures up when you have the winch(es) fitted... Mark
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