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X-Eng Challenge


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The winch in question Belongs to Andy Blunsden , He lent it to Simon to try out before it goes to its new home on the front of Andys Td5 90 ready for the Muddy truckers next week ,

I fitted the conversion to this winch along with an uprated brake shaft and discs. And was most impressed with the standard of engineering and finish of the top , Nicely triangulated drive gear pattern all sat in ball roller bearings .

Only one extra hole to drill in the lower casing to take the new top .

I watched the winch in action and must admit it doesnt seem to slow or even sound as if it would , overall speed seems about the same on an easy pull but unfortunatly as said earlier the alternator couldnt supply the power to the batteries to keep it going .

But no worries it is sat on the Td5 now with 120amps kicking the batteries .

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didn't Paul have mechanical probs or was it winch probs?

Steve/Mark, its not your winch sail, unless you write TANGOMAN on all your stuff!!!!

Nick i believe i have one of your 'used' winch sails.

James Thanks Mate I will collect some time or give to les on the 31st.

Thanks again

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Co-drivers Tut Tut

I collected a lovely Knot in the Rear plasma rope

luckily only 10ft from the hook :)

so the rear rope is now 88ft after splicing on a new hook the same as the front one

after a co-driver complaint.

I thought Sticky was co driving for you,, Not Jim (plasma Knot) Pugwash :lol::P

In co-drivers defence !! I was the last one holding our card, when it fell off in my hand, Think James needs to order some thicker laminating pouches !!! :ph34r:

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wiring in warning lights on the dash for the winch power also saved heartache of pulling the winch wiring apart when I realised the isolator had been turned off, just after trying to winch the 90 and bugger all happening

note these are in the co-drivers footwell :)

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My personal feeling on the subject is the loss of all score for a damaged card is harsh.

I believe most damage is accidental, yes we do tug on the card to try and get that last foot and as such there should be a penalty but to loose everything towards the end of an event is hard. Imagine you slog your guts out all day only to shut the card in the door or the co-driver slips because some wally put the punch on the side of a mountain!

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It so happens I have one that is not only deaf,

don't know left from right

Front from rear

what the word STOP actually means !

or even where the pies are :lol:

but at least he did'nt pull the card off :ph34r:

Les , I know exactly how you feel , And can relate to yours comments exactly. :D

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I can agree with you all on the score card penalty, It a wee bit harsh But as James says and always says on the drivers breifing , Dont stretch the cord or the card , If you cant get the punch your simply not close enough.

Perhaps if the cards had a brass ring pressed into the corners to be atached it would make them a bit more less vunrable from detaching. I think there is a simple tool for doing this .

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OK guys i know where you are coming from with the laminate card but i still dont see a better way around it. Due to the punches being worth different scores i dont believe there can be any ambiguity when the scores are counted eg i need to be sure that every punch achieved was achieved with the card attached to the vehicle. now looking at some of the options: (and i guess none of you guys would EVER think like this but i wouldnt never know)

1. Competitor comes back for a new card and says the card just came off, is just came off, came off driving back and it caught on a tree or just came off in my hand so i walked it past these 5 punches on my way to get another card? so how many punches do i deduct from the card?

2. sin bin or 30 min or so time delay - Competitor pulls card off (but still gets punch as i am yet to know anyone who hasn't pulled a card off and not punched the punch they were tyring to get at the time), codriver wants a rest and driver wants to change his slippers so what better way to head back tothe start get a compulsary time delay where they can rest/sort the truck/themselves out and they arent taking it easy as they had to do it!

3. deduct points, assuming someone comes back and says the card came off and we only did punch no 39 without it attached, what do i do deduct 100 points for that punch, it may not be worth that many in the end, plus i cant add them into the score sheet as it will deduct the points for all of the other teams that did get it and assume they tell the truth and didnt punch any other cards?

4. thicker laminate - yep maybe, brass eyelets - yep maybe but you guys will just chase the weak spot with all that pulling so next it will be plastic cards, wired to the vehicle then hopefully you could use the card as winch extensions to get closer to the punch as required

In my opinion the punch card must be the most important part of your vehicle for the duration of the event, therefore you want to look after it.

you will note that there is nothing in the rules to say that you cant reinforce the card yourself anyway, you just cant detach it.

Paul they are only on the sides of moutains as you like them like that!

If anyone has a better idea to truthfully account for punch cards and a penalty system then please let me know, but i cant see a more fair way of doing it to date. ideally a marshall with each vehicle would help but its not logistically possible (to date!)

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Well put James. I I agree with you 100%. The card is absolutely sacrosanct!. Treat it with kid gloves.

It will be interesting to see how Neils new electronic punch readers are going to be fixed to the vehicle.

At the end of the day though I would imagine that 99% of card breakages are genuine error and although might result in the one punch being gained a little easier (It most likely broke as it was being pulled that last inch anyway!) I don't think many people would then go round getting more punches. WHY? If you wanted to do that then undo the cable tie with a pin and do it on all the punches and then reattach it at the end and no-one would be any wiser. Or unscrew the grab handle from the truck, or take a cordless drill and remove the punch from the tree! All I am saying is that there are more effective ways to cheat if someone really wanted to so why risk suspiscion by having a damaged punch card. At the end of the day though anyone cheating is only cheating themselves and at most of the sites I have been too there have been enough spectators/marshalls other competitors watching to make it damn near impossible.

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I think its a poor show if you need to cheat to win, your only deluding yourself with thinking your better than you actually are, and if you need to win that much then to be honest, we don't need you in the sport

It all about man and machine against the terrain/ the devious git that set the punch, not how much you win, well thats how I feel anyway

I mean Me and Nick have won obsolutly nowt.....does it stop use enjoying it....NO.....and when we do eventually win something (yeah like that's ever going to happen :lol: ) at least we will know it's for our efforts not by cheating

I think if the hole was further into the card it would help, the one I managed to pull off (did I mention is was 5 ft from the punch :ph34r: ) only had around 5mm and its not really enough to stop it getting thinner over the course of the event and finally giving way, again I think if you renforce it yourself its again a form of cheating, the card should remain as attached by the chief wallah !

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