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Fibreglass Doors....would you fit them to your Landy?

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Hi all, new to this forum. I am based in the UK...(down in the sunny south west)

I own & drive a 1994 110 CSW...like everyone else it’s a love hate relationship....My 110 is pretty tidy apart from the dreaded rot fairy has taken hold of my doors. They look great outside but are being eaten from the inside out 😒

I am sure this Q? may have come up before but times move on and new outfits enter the market 

I’ve been researching alternatives to replacement of my doors with stock or galvanised aftermarket parts.

Can I ask if anyone has 1st hand experience with fibreglass defender doors?....how are they?...do they feel good and tactile?....is there more road noise?...how robust are they?

I came across a company here in the Uk Acorn fibreglass who make doors and have messaged them. I am awaiting a response. 

Are there any other alternatives out there to fibreglass?...in this day and age surely there must be someone that’s solved the age old issue of the Landy rot fairy

The idea of rot proof lightweight doors appeals to me but suspect there may be some drawbacks?...

All the best.... the Cornishman


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Welcome to the forum too! again nice vehicle.

Just had a look at Acorn Fiberglass.

I found tis statement slightly entertaining:

"Exact Moulds

Using our modern technology and high level of skills, we can create doors which are an exact mould for your vehicle. No matter what model you own, we’ll be able to produce the perfect fit. This service can be highly beneficial for people who drive an older model which could be difficult to find new parts for."

I'm not sure I've ever come across a standard size defender door... also in my experience I've more often than not had to manipulate the door to make it fit - by manipulate I mean bent the door top over to get it to engage the seal properly. Now this could be just poor door manufacture tolerances, but considering what the vast range of tolerance you can experience on a standard defender body I'd be a bit worried about fitting something like a fiber glass door as you loose any ability to adjust the doors geometry to help you make it fit.

I'd very much like to fit something that doesn't corrode! - I'd just be very nervous of investing a good chunk of cash I should imagine for it not to fit.

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Yes Welcome.

Glass Fibre doors were good enough for the Reliant Robin ..............

I dont see why not though.  Could be a bonded steel frame. Have to be galvanized though.

It can be quite heavy though ?

I see they state "create", so that means they dont do as stock, so expensive ? Also means your door as a pattern, so it will be not their fault if it doesnt fit !

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@maverick the factory had a team of burly dudes whose entire job was to bend doors to fit as trucks rolled off the production line so you're very much not alone.

As smallfry says, I'd be interested/concerned that the frames aren't steel that's going to corrode out, and/or that the doors are just really heavy.

I'd be interested to hear our resident expert @miketomcat's take on it.

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2 hours ago, FridgeFreezer said:

@maverick the factory had a team of burly dudes whose entire job was to bend doors to fit as trucks rolled off the production line so you're very much not alone.

As smallfry says, I'd be interested/concerned that the frames aren't steel that's going to corrode out, and/or that the doors are just really heavy.

I'd be interested to hear our resident expert @miketomcat's take on it.

Me too...😉


Thanks for all chipping in...as an idea I think it must have legs surely?

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I can't imagine a full fibreglass door would be very successfull , maybe a series door bottom, but the upper frame on a winding window door is quite a deep slender channel for the window runners to sit in. Then theres the matter of fitting the door handle aside from the rest of the fittings. 

Anyway, new galvanised frames and zintec skins exist. 

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There have been a couple of companies making doors over the last few years they are normally two piece (frame and skin) bonded together so no steel. There is no reason why not to use them I even looked at making my own mould for second row doors but ran out of spare time. They should be as strong as original doors and relatively easy to alter if they don't shut properly (but it may involve cutting and re-glassing). The top channel is no problem to recreate. I would happily buy a set and use them. I'm also happy to assist if someone has problems with some.


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