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Portable jump start packs


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I need to jump start my car - looking at about £25 to buy one of these from Ebay:


Any better recommendations or vendors?

I bought a Sealey badged one for about £90, never let me down. I think the higher priced models have better longer lasting batteries.

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Are you in Bristol ATM John? I will pop over and jump it for you for half that. :)

Seriously, Halfrauds have one similar/same on sale for about the same price. No postage and when the battery is U/S in 6 months you can go back and explain it as forcefully as necessary. I would imagine that the battery will be the weak point of cheap ones.


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I need to jump start my car - looking at about £25 to buy one of these from Ebay:


Any better recommendations or vendors?

Yes, don't bother, bought one that was very similar, just gave it away, the only thing that was any good was the light bit and the compressor, a torch is cheaper and the compressor was well slow, as for jump starting a Landy, your having a laugh.

Thats my two penneth worth.


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"Unclebill" talks b****s! I got a £15.99 version from Bookers and it started my V8 RR with a completely flat battery no problem! best £15.99 I ever spent. :ph34r:

Theres a hell of a difference trying to start a diesel compared to a petrol. I've just brought a set of leads 35mm square cable, on the box it says they will start a 7ltr petrol or a 4ltr diesel, so is a small battery jumpstart pack up to cold cranking a cold TDi on a frost morning.

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Perhaps the best solution, if a little dearer, might be a split charge relay, second battery and a big cut-off switch to connect it to the service battery in the event of a flat. I am sure that there are 101 other uses for such a set-up; running hair curlers, hair driers, electric tea stirrers, invertors... Or perhaps an alarm to tell John when he has left the lights on. :D


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We have one at work just like the one in the picture, and it has started everything we have asked it to, mostly garden tractors but including the odd larger tractor and my Tdi.

Actually it is very old and used daily, so it's not quite so yellow anymore.

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Cheers for the replies. My brother has one like the above, and recommends it for his Tdi. In fact, he's been using it for just over a year instead of buying a decent battery...

Thanks Chris, but the car's in London. I'm considering a split-charge system to replace the 6-year old battery, but I need 12v to get it off my mate's drive first! I think Aldi is a good lead, I'll trot down to find one in London in the week.

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I prefer a decent sized car battery (2nd hand from the scrappy ~£10) and an f-off big set of jumpleads as that gives you two options if you have a running vehicle to hand. Those things you end up with a cheap moped battery and some cheap one-ended jumpleads.

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Theres a hell of a difference trying to start a diesel compared to a petrol. I've just brought a set of leads 35mm square cable, on the box it says they will start a 7ltr petrol or a 4ltr diesel, so is a small battery jumpstart pack up to cold cranking a cold TDi on a frost morning.

Dam right. when the battery would not start my Tdi anymore i would give it to my briother who had a V8 he would then run around with that battery for another year ok with out any problems. V8 will start on a fart in the right direction. After all it is P/O/P to start one with the starting handle. Try and do that to a diesel. mmmm not fun tryed and gave up.

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I have exchanged £25 in Aldi for one of their jump packs - it's charging now so I'll let you know how I get on on Sunday.

On the way back from the shop, I called into a pub in central London. Who can guess why I was refused entry?

Because you're a soft southern***** that wears womans clothes? :lol:

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