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Lt230 speedo drive gear

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Currently have a m57 & 8hp fitted into my 110 which was previously a td5 (2004 my) 

Up until recently I ran a 1.4 transfer box which in conjunction with 33" tall tyres meant that the speedo was bang on, 


Recently swapped to a 1.2 transfer box that came from a 300tdi auto, annoyingly the td5 speedo drive won't go into the square drive of the fitted 1.2 transfer box,  so it looks like I need to change the square drive, 

So the question for the hive mind is what speedo drive gear do I need ? 

Looks like I will end up buying the steel housing piece as I have a feeling it won't come out the tbox in once lump,


Picture for your pleasure 


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24 minutes ago, Bowie69 said:

You should be able to swap the drive out of the 1.4 box and it will be the same as it was before? 

In theory yes, but at the moment I can't get the old drive out the transfer box,  I think someone has tried in the past as well because the housing has a chunk out if it

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The Td5 speedo just takes a pulse input, right? Would it be an option to use a sensor mounted to a driveshaft and translate that to the required input?

Or grab it from the ABS sensors/ECU, if you have it?

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I needed to do a similar exercise a couple of weeks ago. I found a good soak in Plus-Gas and then two sturdy flat screwdrivers did the trick - there is a groove in the housing a couple of mm from the top which should allow you to get in there and give it a wriggle.

Be persistent - it'll suddenly come free. I also found it helped to jiggle the output shaft slightly as it seemed as though the drive teeth were maybe binding.

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The speedo drives come out if you can twist it round with a gentle hammer and small chisel/old screwdriver then careful prying on both sides at once then a bit more chiseling and a bit more prying after a good spray of plusgas.  If you just pry it tends to fracture the rim.

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If you need the speedo surround I've got one in good condition. Brought for exactly the same situation, but the original came out nicely.

Also have a black speedo gear (again in good condition) if this is any use

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If I remember correctly, when you go to larger tyres than the standard 32", you move off the end of the range of available gears. So of the available gears, Blue is the nearest to correct.

Of course, if all else fails, you can just fit whatever gear comes to hand, and reprogram the speedo to read correctly.

Any chance a bit of the old speedo cable is stuck in the drive gear? I can't think why else it wouldn't fit, though I have found it a bit fiddly occasionally. As far as I've seen the speedo drive gears all have the same centre square.

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Speedy cables and other similar recalibration companies do small gear boxes to plug into the drive cable as an alternative to recalibration of the speedo itself.

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12 hours ago, TSD said:


Any chance a bit of the old speedo cable is stuck in the drive gear? I can't think why else it wouldn't fit, though I have found it a bit fiddly occasionally. As far as I've seen the speedo drive gears all have the same centre square.

The 300tdi disco had a transducer which has a much smaller square drive than the speedo cable, the gear has to be changed to fit a cable.

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I'm aware of the YBE100540 sensor, and that electrically it's different to the more common YBE100530. I'm curious to know what gear fits the end of it, since the 'speedo gear' question pops up every now and again.

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update on this,

the 1.4 Tbox still has the speedo drive in it, no amount of twisting, pokeing ,proding was making it come out, 

just so happened to have a 1.6 out a defender thats recently been engine swapped, ironically or luckily the housing fell out with the lightest of plain screwdriver prybar action, even better was it had a blue gear in it,

the 1.2 tbox thats in my 110 also had the drive wiggle out which was a win,

swapped them over & all good,

more anoyingly i have to take the handbrake assembly off to get the retaining screw back in to secure the speedo transducer but thats todays job

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