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The new LRO website

Les Henson

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Isn't that a huge dig/insult?

No, not at all.

Come on you LROers

Your missing absolute classic LR, 4x4 and other technical gems of posts ......right now

like this :

The New & Improved (again) LRO Forum Version 8 - Finest example of why you should rush right back


We'll manage without you, don't worry, off you go now...............


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Some users of the LRO forum have raised issues over the new version.

And while I've tried to respond to these on the forums, it's clear that not everyone has had a chance to see my answers.

Hence this group email to everyone who has signed up to the forum so far.

This is particularly the case because some don't like the layout of the new forum and have decided to leave - encouraging others to join them (at a multitude of different forums).

I believe all that this achieves is a disruption of this community and its breaking up into smaller and smaller parts. Not really in anyone's interests, I'd suggest.

Please note, we cannot therefore allow posts which promote rival forums (that includes your signatures).

I, of course, encourage you to stick with us and help make our community better and stronger.

I believe the new forum is way better than previous, though I appreciate some would prefer a wider posting area. In all other respects the new forums are the best yet by any measure.

I accept that we are never going to please all of the people, though.

But it's clear from the majority of the posts on the forums that most people are just getting on and using them and I'm delighted to see that.

One user in particular raised a series of good questions. I'm not sure you all got a chance to see my answers - here they are:

If you aren't going to read the rest, please read this:

1. It's not that I will not make changes to the central pane - it's that I cannot at this time. And I'm asking that you TRY to live with it for now.

2. What can't you do with this forum? Cruiser raises a question about large images below which I hope I have a work-round for. If there are others, please let me know. In the moans and queries board.

If you want to get my rapid attention; email ********************.com I always respond.

So, to Cruisers questions - I'll quote his words in bold and then respond below to each.

1: I see no point in emailing you (addressed to me, **********) as you have chosen to ignore previous email requests from me regarding a serious forum incident. You clearly don't consider fraudulant use of an ID a serious problem.

Sorry - I don't think that's fair. Your email on that occasion came to me at my home email address (for some reason still unclear to me, perhaps you can explain by private message?). It also came as a result of something shared with you which should not have been. I thought I had emailed you a full explanation on my return from holiday. If not, contact me privately. Ask around - I respond very rapidly to the very many emails I receive and have responded (even if it means repeating myself) over and over on these forums.

2: Can you please tell me and other forum users how a post such as this http://landroverowner.proboards76.com/inde...read=1170795190 can be displayed in this pathetic space? If you compress the wiring diagram it is useless, detail photographs of connectors will also be useless.

Absolutely see your point. This is a bit of a pain. I do have a solution. You can upload large images (pdfs even) to an account on something like flickr and then display the link. It's just like using the img tag, if a little simpler, to be honest. It just means the image doesn't display on the forum, But technically, ones 'shown' using the img tag are not on the forum either - they are hosted elsewhere. Here's what I did for your wiring diagram. Bit bigger than you'll find on any forum, I'd guess?: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/175/4124028...40aa44aa3_o.jpg

3: Yes, you need adverts. A fact we all accept. However, when the adverts take precedence over the forum there will only be one end result - no one using the forum.

I think you're taking a dim view of ads because we've got a load of trashy non-Land Rover related ads in place right now. When they are actually useful to your life as a Land Rover owner you might appreciate them and even the fact that they are easier to spot. Don't tell me you've never bought anything because you saw it advertised. If that's the case all media companies might as well pack up and go home.

4: Your statistics quoted on another thread look impressive. But as they say, you can prove anything with statistics. However, it is a fact that a lot of regular forum users are now ex-forum users. It looks like more are set to follow.

I know the saying. But it's equally disingenuous to dismiss any stat which doesn't support your own argument. Fair?

I do hear that some ex-forum users are experimenting elsewhere. You could say I could prevent that by redesigning the whole site right this very minute. Not something I can do I'm afraid. And until you've seen the ads working in a Land Rover way, it's maybe fair to ask you to reserve judgement?

5: LRO's forums have been haemorrhaging members since you started messing about with them. Members are completely sick of being messed around. To retain the members this one HAD to be right first time. The fact that it is commercial software appears to be the excuse for not testing it properly. Poorly implemented commercial software is as much use as poorly implemented bespoke software. This forum should have been properly tested before release by more than a couple of people. If it had the whole issue of post area could have been resolved prior to release.

I'm not sure what you mean by poorly implemented and tested - it does work as it's meant to. It doesn't return errors, time-outs or anything (if it does, let me know!). This is a question of taste (re the central panel) versus necessity - not a question of technical eptness (or otherwise).

6: Fact - the most disliked feature of this forum is the post area size. You have listened but have stated that you will do nothing about it. You WILL loose members

Agreed. In fact it seems to me this is the ONLY thing that people dislike. Will that alone be enough for us to lose members compared to the many advantages it has over the previous permanent forums? That remains to be seen. You may be right - but it will come down to what you can do with the forum and, as I've asked before, there seems nothing that can't be overcome.

7: You quote visitor statistics for the first weekend of use and consider them impressive. I suspect a lot of those visiting have done so out of curiosity and having seen what a dogs dinner this is will not be returning.

I'm sure there is an element of that. We won't get a clear picture of the success or failure of this forum and site in the first week - that's true. What you can be sure of is that now we've got the site on a platform we have control over we will be able to make changes to respond.

8: Take a look at the maximum numbers on line at one time figure. 39 on Sunday - a pathetic figure for a well publicised forum. Doesn't that tell you something?

The use is about consistent with the temporary forum. I have google analytics and webtrends stats which give me the fuller picture. Those numbers on the forum account for those within a five minute period. And even then it's only the logged in people.

The site has around 2000 unique users a day at present.

9: The member list appears to have dissapeared. Why?

This one is up to you. I can set the control so only admin, only mods or only registered users can see it - or anyone - as it was originally set. We had to install an update to allow this change. Some people were uncomfortable with all users being able to see their details on the memberlist (there were posts about it, we listened and made the change).

If you would prefer all registered users can see it (for example) let's hear it. Perhaps, Cruiser, you could run a poll - on the moans and queries board? This is something I can change to your tastes and will be happy to do so.

10: Why are you forcing non Land Rover related product adverts onto a demographic that has no interest in them? Perhaps you should show your (potential) advertisers some of the posts regarding the way you are managing this forum and the huge potential you have created for losing members. Maybe they won't be quite so keen to support the forum with their advertising.

These are only a temporary measure, as described above. It'll all seem more sensible when proper Land Rover ads appear.

Further feedback always welcome and I'll continue to do what I can to improve things within the constraints I am under. I hope in return you'll do your best to understand - and to support this community.

Very sincerely

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With echo's of our own exodus from LRE Gresh and a band of LRO mods have put up a new home for the LRO members that don't enjoy writing on bog roll at lrboards.com.

Slooooooow...! <_<

Just had a butchers and it's taking 30+ seconds for the server to answer requests, it'll have to be a darn site better than that if they want any users. :lol:

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After David Cushmans post concerning no links etc to other sites, I guess that's me effectively banned. I only ever go in there to answer technical questions - most of which are accompanied with a link to the appropriate thread in the archive on here. I'd like to think that there are some people that benefitted from me doing this and will perhaps not be too pleased and being kept from it in a way.


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Agree Les, That "no external advertising" was a very poor call.

My new sig was the 110 side on and it has this forum sticker down the side...so I guess it was a no-no.....

I've given up with it all now, like many, I guess I got bored with the constant change, no one listening to suggestions, and the clicky readers forum. Always found the defender one ok though it must be said. I found Gresh a good mod.


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In my somewhat limited capacity to answer questions, I have pasted links to this forum many times on another site and mostly with links to Les's tech help.

Never looked at the new LRO forum, but your comments don't encourage me to either.

Their decision to ban cross-forum advertising is stupid. We're a family of LR owners and enthusiasts, regardless of what forums we use.

I don't consider LR owners to be cliquey.

Cross-pollinating just adds to the quality of information available and helps us all.

Shame on them!!

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Guest diesel_jim

What a bunch of arses!

So, LRO think that they elite then, they're just a bunch of litte petulant schoolkids, can't handle some competition.

And we're supposed to be jelous of their "name calling thread"???? they should come over to ORRP.... we'll show them what grown up name calling like!! :D:D:D:D:D

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