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Come on then - who can identify this ?

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Hello all,

A Spot of "WTF is this out of competition"

I've bought a range of exotic V8 engine bits.

This is the plenum.

I am told its off a Experimental Factory / JE Engine combo

The 4.5 is CAST into the entire plenum, also unlike all the others I have seen which are curved over the top this is stepped in "3" chunks, and the throat is wider ID same OD


It also has what looks like a proper AirTemp Sensor underneathg in the flow of the butterfly

The other stuff I will show later...equally exotic B) :):lol:

So, whats this out of then ?

I have done a mass of research and am unsure

Nige :)

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So, whats this out of then ?

I don't know, but I'm going to say its out of a TVR in the hope that I'm right, at which point I'll pretend that I was 100% certain all along.


TVR, innit! Der - everyone knows that!

[Dunno] :ph34r:

Al. Glad to be of service.

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Yeah, thats what I thought.

I tried to tell you. You guys never listen to me.

Al. :unsure:


I'm glade it was you and not me...

Pass is it off a funky MGB GT V8 or somthing or what about the V8 rover 75 but thats a Ford engine

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Well where I live the village has a TVR dealer / Specialist who I know well, ..................

been in with it all and they Oooooed Aaaaaaad and dribbled a tad. :rolleyes::lol:

Their knowledge on all things TVR is superb,

they can categorically say its not TVR, and the size of the ID o the plenum is "Factory" as oppossed to 'Bored'....

They are very intersted in this unit assembly and other bits :)


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It looks like are three distinctive flat surfaces there. I reckon some little bright spark with a CNC Mill and a few long lunch breaks has knocked that up in his sparetime.

It wouldn't be difficult to add some machinable ali to the existing plenum and then machine it way....I used to have a blue one like that (but we won't go there)............................

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It looks like are three distinctive flat surfaces there. I reckon some little bright spark with a CNC Mill and a few long lunch breaks has knocked that up in his sparetime.

It wouldn't be difficult to add some machinable ali to the existing plenum and then machine it way....I used to have a blue one like that (but we won't go there)............................

Its a thought..........

I'll have another lookie, but I really would be suprised, the ribs etc are sort of "Cast" finish not a machine finish, and the casting inside is different to what I would expect to see. The 4.5 again is sort of cast finsh, with the piting finish quality of "Rover" :lol:

The sensor also has me (and others with more knowledge) too, again it has that "Factory" feel and look rather than "Enthusiast" look, there are other small changes too, quite why (if it is) factory would cast something so similar but different is odd, but in the wonderfull world of BL sometimes I know money was not a concern......and they did make some truly werid stuff as 1 offs or low prod runs....


On the P taking comments above, nobody suggested I sold it to a 5.2 bowler V8 racer, ......with a 1 cyl misfire :lol::P


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