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MW Thank you!


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My thanks also to the organisers and marshalls of the event. A very enjoyable day with only minor bruises resulting!

Bish - if you are reading this, I'm ready to swap bonnets now........ :ph34r:

Congratulations to all the winners and to all the people who took part as well!


(Team 17 - 2nd driver)

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Excellent Weekend

thanks to the organisers and JST/Sticky/DSN for our team.

Nige could you get the team/individual scores posted?

cleaning afterwards is the miserable side of events I must say.

Slindon mud is bluddy hard to remove :)

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cleaning afterwards is the miserable side of events I must say.

Slindon mud is bluddy hard to remove :)

Slindon's about the worst I've come across. That stuff's horrible.

The photos look quite good - a few breakages by the look of things. I can't wait to get back driving again....

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Gawd I am knackered !

Just finished cleaning the 90 and repairing the suspension :( NEVER EVER AGAIN POLYBUSHES - Useless the Blues I have "Self destructed" after 2 days at Slindon :angry: Waste of money back to genuines for Moi...

Anyway, although I was involved with the scoring the handwriiting is dreadfull, but I think the scores are as follows : :lol:

Team scores

T1 27815 White90 and JST (4th Xtreme)

T2 29614 Paul Wightman and Nick watts (2nd Xtreme)

T3 15559

T4 13826 MJIbex and

T5 20400

T6 16400

T7 21145

T8 14950

T9 22883 Sue &

T10 18200 TJ101 and Tangoman (10th Xtreme)

T11 28612 Roger Pardy and Paul Rogers (3rd Xtreme)

T12 34026 Adrian Turner and Richard Nicolson (1st XTreme)

T13 22257

T14 19742

T15 (Retired) 0

T16 10533

T17 13750 Mark & Adrian Catchpole (3rd ARC)

T18 18983 Richard Salter & Mark Ambler (2nd ARC)

T19 11750

T20 19083 Niall Banyard & Martin Mullerin (1st ARC)

After vapour truck build cancelling, the event clashing with "Hair Washing Day", broken and unrepaired in time 4x4s, holidays, 4x4 stolen, and a few "Not back together" calls finally 20 x Team of 2 battled in out at Slindon, gawd it was dry, but myself and the Marshals placed 110 punches around the site and some REALLY tougfh sections for some reds !.

Some people said "You joking thats not do-able" - then someone went and did it !

I have yet to have a close look, but I do think at least every puinch was done by someone during the day.

The wweather was superb, and everyone seemd to have a smile at the end of the day, lots of drive train breakages, Nick W with 2x CVs and then A rear prop had to admit defeat, Nigel with the grey Suzuki with ARBs broke 4x cv !, Ibes broke trottl, Adrain and Mike P broke CVs, a radius arm sheared off on another Nice Landy finished his day, and a few more too that escape me...

Best "Guesstimate" of the Mandatory Section was Paul Whiteman and Nick Watts with a Health 900 penatly points. The section was simply to park a 4x4, then be given a stake and Hammer and snatch block, walk out in front of winch, bang in stake and then feed winch cable through snatch block and back to 4x4 and have NO slack or NO excess, with 6x coils on the drum and the rope "Tight"

Paul, Nick and Team managed to win 2x Highlifts care of Landrox 4x4 with a team score of 900 (26 inches out) the other end of the field was a staggering 34 feet out - on a 100 ft rope :lol: BL**dy HELL !


Thankyou to all the sponsors - Paul at Cahllenger 4x4 in Tongham nr Farnham, who blew a diff, then reasnmoved his wifes diff on the Disco she turned up in to see how he was doing - in her words I had hardly had time to pop the handbraske on before a bottle jack was going under the rear of my Disco.... :LOL#

Dave at Ashcrofts, who I think has a few orders for 4.1 CW&Ps, Super Ashcroft CVs and HD Halfshafts from conversations around the trucks being repaired !

KCC as always for supporting and Hosting the event with us, Nick at Landrox, Sarah at Brooklyn 4x4 in southampton, who I miised to speak to all day (Lucky her :lol:) and Simon R from X Eng who I also think has a few orders coming.

I did mention to Simon that I had a real prob with my X Brake - It works...and after 20 years of "parking and stopping in 1st gear" I felt there should be a warning sticker with the kit along the lines of

"Oi Muppet - use the handbrake that now works and forget the "Park it in 1st" :lol:

Have some pics, will post up when I get a mo, anyone who has pics PLEASE can I have them, as I have to write a report for a well known (and not hated :lol: 4x4 UK Magazine) - full credit will be give to the pics used :)

If you have any pics for me then PM me for my address for a CD to come to me ?

Ta to all the marshals - as mentioned at prize giving next years event will be single 4x4 entries as oppossed to the 2 x 4x4 team entries, so have think !

I am about to finish off the clothing order, so if you forgot PM me, I will close off and order prob Friday this week.

All embrioderred and INC P&P etc

T Shirts £16.60, Polo Shirts £19.50, and the loverley fleeces (very popular) £30.50

Now going for a lie down :lol:


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Well done to Adrian AND Pig, Richard AND Nick for a convincing win. Imagine what you would have scored if it wasn't for the two hours fixing the diff eh Adrian?? :D

Got some pics, will upload them soon..

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Team scores

T1 27815 White90 and JST (4th Xtreme)

T2 29614 Paul Wightman and Nick watts (2nd Xtreme)

T3 15559

T4 13826 MJIbex and

T5 20400

T6 16400

T7 21145

T8 14950

T9 22883 Sue &

T10 18200 TJ101 and Tangoman (10th Xtreme)

T11 28612 Roger Pardy and Paul Rogers (3rd Xtreme)

T12 34026 Adrian Turner and Richard Nicolson (1st XTreme)

T13 22257

T14 19742

T15 (Retired) 0

T16 10533

T17 13750 Mark & Adrian Catchpole (3rd ARC)

T18 18983 Richard Salter & Mark Ambler (2nd ARC)

T19 11750

T20 19083 Niall Banyard & Martin Mullerin (1st ARC)

Anyone else recognise their team number?

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team 9 was Sue and Kevin Moss

Defcol is in there somewhere as well

not quite sure what happened but when i handed my cards in some time after my team mate. I noticed they put my score on team 9 they had also i think done like wise for my mate as they said that was our number.I said my drivers pack says nuber8 . I questioned it and there seemed to be a problem with changing the spreadsheet..... I guess they sorted it but it dosent realy matter a s we had such a good day

So Drivers pack was team 8


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I Fink :blink:

Team scores

T1 27815 White90 and JST (4th Xtreme)

T2 29614 Paul Wightman and Nick watts (2nd Xtreme)

T3 15559 John piper & Garry Andrews

T4 13826 MJIbex and Colin Humpries

T5 20400 Nigel Bicknell & Barry Mew (The 2 suzukis)

T6 16400 Neil Aust & Peter Roberts

T7 21145 Paul Hooper & Andrew Smith

T8 14950 Lawrence Horne & David Hockley

T9 22883 Sue Gawne & Chris Abel

T10 18200 TJ101 and Tangoman (10th Xtreme)

T11 28612 Roger Pardy and Paul Rogers (3rd Xtreme)

T12 34026 Adrian Turner and Richard Nicolson (1st XTreme)

T13 22257 Paul Bass & Dominic Brione (Challenger 4x4)

T14 19742 Ben Tinkler & Wayne McNulty

T15 (Retired) 0 Mark England & Justin Degan

T16 10533 Clive Billing & Mark Pilling

T17 13750 Mark & Adrian Catchpole (3rd ARC)

T18 18983 Richard Salter & Mark Ambler (2nd ARC)

T19 11750 Neil Tomlinson & Steve Williams (ARC)

T20 19083 Niall Banyard & Martin Mullerin (1st ARC)



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On behalf of team 2 many thanks to Mr Hell and all his elves and pixies for another cracking event!

The morning went reasonably well grazing on the punches at the by-pass end on the site with no breakages and Nick’s Toyo axles doing their job. In fact Dan and I didn’t see much of Nick and Guy till we met back at control at noon to do the compulsory. I chose to use my rear winch as it has a good freespool and not too much rope in it, 30M in fact. 15 stout paces and we were 2ft (600mm) out, any body want to buy a T Max hi-lift?

Nice lunch, having a burger van on site is fab!

After lunch we trot off to the entrance track to do battle with the tree stumps, metal pipe and steel cables on the slopes. On his second punch Nick was starting to believe the rumour that Toyo axles are bullet proof………. seems the Slindon bullets are on the large side. Two CV’s, a rear prop yoke and a gash in the top hose from the alternator meant Dan and I were on our own.

Dan worked like a man from a hot country and even though I ran over his foot he managed to keep going. Nick and Guy joined us for the last couple of hours and Piggy managed to hold together, only damage was a couple of front lenses.

Congratulations to those who set out the punches, other than stupid side slopes I think we are reaching the limit of difficulty Slindon has to offer, having said that there are still the devious sadists like Nigel who can find a new challenge!

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As a marshal, got to say thank you to the team who refused to give up though only have 2 wheel drive and having to winch up anything more than a few degrees of vertical, very spirited ! and V enjoyable to watch.

Didn't see too many naughties, but I have to say, there were a few wire ropes around and having seen plasma and wire back to back, on anything other than a simple recovery you would be well advised using plasma, wire is a bit lethal IMO.

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As a marshal on the day I had a great time - 1st challenge event I've ever been too

Really was impressed with the skill and safety factors of all teams - I didn't see anything stupidly bad or dangerous all day

Another great aspect of the day was the frendly competitiveness of all the teams nice to see

Reading the results should of introduced myself to a few of you

Well done Nige - I will ping over my photos later today - expect a large mail will zip up though



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