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Alternative X-brake


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Hahahahahahahahahaha Si tried one of these calipers when he was developing the X brake. IIRC it broke the very first time he tried it and it damn nearly ran him over!!!!!!

They're find for kit cars etc but they're no where near strong enough for a disco!!! Matey will learn the hard way.......

I have my own design disk handbrake on my series, which works very well, but my reason for this was that at the time i made mine, Si wasnt offering an X brake to fit a series transfer box.


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It's an interesting design - I guess Aluminium must be cheaper over there?

It looks nice, but as John said, the first caliper I tried was the Wilwood. Although it's nicely made, it's just not strong enough for the job and broke in two when I pulled the lever!

I send lots of calipers to people who want to make their own version - and try to support anyone who wants to have a go.


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Strange train of thought.

He did not like the look etc. of Si's purose built and tested solution..


they chose to bodge a solution from parts NOT designed to work in that format??? :lol:

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Good luck to the bloke. Just like Si, he has identified what he thinks is a need for a product, and rather than sitting on his backside (like most of us, me included) has gone out and made something. If it works for him - great. If it doesn't, oh well, on to the next prototype for testing. I don't for one minute believe that the X-brake that is currently in production was the first one designed - the knowledge has to be gained the hard way.

For me, that is the main reason that I was upset with scrapiron - the knowledge that they gained took no skill, effort or discipline to aquire - they just took it.

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My version:



I did this during the original build of my hybrid, back in 2001. The caliper is an AP racing caliper of a jaguar XJ220 (it has jaguar racing cast into it).

The disc is vauxhall Astra.

If I had the option of buying it at the time, I would have gone for that.


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  • 4 months later...
It's an interesting design - I guess Aluminium must be cheaper over there?

It looks nice, but as John said, the first caliper I tried was the Wilwood. Although it's nicely made, it's just not strong enough for the job and broke in two when I pulled the lever!

I send lots of calipers to people who want to make their own version - and try to support anyone who wants to have a go.


Thanks Si

For at least being decent about this - i wasn't referring to your own design - ive never seen it but in fact the rip offs touted over here for $$$ - i haven't fitted it yet as my 87 classic i hauled to Canada with me is in paint then it gets its new galv'd disco frame and 4.6 then ill try and get this thing working lol first attempt ill probably break the caliper and ill be emailing you for one lol but to all the other procrastinators of doom and derision - rubbish at least i made my own and no it wasnt easy - you try dealing with a Romanian CNC guy that thinks everything he's told to make has to be capable of plowing a field of spuds....

Talking of spuds is there any way of getting Pie Chips and Gravy over to me - thats the only thing i miss about Home - not the crime nor the poky little ouses, we dont even lock our trucks here - you get shot trying :-)



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