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Forum green lane weekend anyone?


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:rolleyes: Dave Robinson of the LDNP (Trails advisor) is definetely not anti 4 x 4 or 110s it's just the tight corners at the top that have been scrabbled around for too long and the surface break up lets the water in and away it goes. There will be a repair party from Glass, Crag, TRF etc probably later in the year, I drive a 110 so agree it seems unfair but there are lots of other routes maybe not as spectacular but quite good.

This type of damage is endemic in the LDNP especially now the Bobblies use those f'ing useless poles, they are absolutely wrecking the paths and all the recent heavy rain has now caused gullies to be formed all over the place. But the Bobblies will just complain and never seem to help with repairs, unlike the party of bikers from TRF, Mountain Bikers and Landy owners who did a huge job for LDNP on the UCR in Grizedale ealier in the year. The stupid thing was none of the repairing groups had made any complaint about the state of the road but the Bobblies were up in arms about the "puddle" there is a more detailed report on the repair on Mud Club forum.

The biggest problem with any green road trail driving is that the Bobblies think they own LDNP and can dictate to all other users, must be cos Miss Gobby has a house up here I believe.

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:rolleyes: Dave Robinson of the LDNP (Trails advisor) is definetely not anti 4 x 4 or 110s it's just the tight corners at the top that have been scrabbled around for too long and the surface break up lets the water in and away it goes. There will be a repair party from Glass, Crag, TRF etc probably later in the year, I drive a 110 so agree it seems unfair but there are lots of other routes maybe not as spectacular but quite good.

This type of damage is endemic in the LDNP especially now the Bobblies use those f'ing useless poles, they are absolutely wrecking the paths and all the recent heavy rain has now caused gullies to be formed all over the place. But the Bobblies will just complain and never seem to help with repairs, unlike the party of bikers from TRF, Mountain Bikers and Landy owners who did a huge job for LDNP on the UCR in Grizedale ealier in the year. The stupid thing was none of the repairing groups had made any complaint about the state of the road but the Bobblies were up in arms about the "puddle" there is a more detailed report on the repair on Mud Club forum.

The biggest problem with any green road trail driving is that the Bobblies think they own LDNP and can dictate to all other users, must be cos Miss Gobby has a house up here I believe.

Cheers Chris for the explanation, I doubt I'll ever get to drive that route or any other in the Lake District area.

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Hell's teeth, you don't exactly stay close to home do you Ralph? :blink: :blink:

Nope, this year will be me 5th on Mull for the rally, I crew with Earl on his unit, my 110 has a holiday at his place while the rally is on.might even get to drive his nice new shiney 110DC this year :D

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Nope, this year will be me 5th on Mull for the rally, I crew with Earl on his unit, my 110 has a holiday at his place while the rally is on.might even get to drive his nice new shiney 110DC this year :D

I think the furthest i'll get this year will be Sweet Lamb for the Baja! :blush:

When i last spoke to Viper Mick i was gobsmacked at the distance you Recovery lot travel. I wanted desperately to do Recovery when i had my 110, but funding wasn't there... said the wife!


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:rolleyes: Dave Robinson of the LDNP (Trails advisor) is definetely not anti 4 x 4 or 110s it's just the tight corners at the top that have been scrabbled around for too long and the surface break up lets the water in and away it goes. There will be a repair party from Glass, Crag, TRF etc probably later in the year, I drive a 110 so agree it seems unfair but there are lots of other routes maybe not as spectacular but quite good.

This type of damage is endemic in the LDNP especially now the Bobblies use those f'ing useless poles, they are absolutely wrecking the paths and all the recent heavy rain has now caused gullies to be formed all over the place. But the Bobblies will just complain and never seem to help with repairs, unlike the party of bikers from TRF, Mountain Bikers and Landy owners who did a huge job for LDNP on the UCR in Grizedale ealier in the year. The stupid thing was none of the repairing groups had made any complaint about the state of the road but the Bobblies were up in arms about the "puddle" there is a more detailed report on the repair on Mud Club forum.

The biggest problem with any green road trail driving is that the Bobblies think they own LDNP and can dictate to all other users, must be cos Miss Gobby has a house up here I believe.

as someone who uses the LDNP i agree with this bloke

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OK, just re-reading this thread it looks like there is no such thing as a date to suit everyone. I have commitments the first couple of weeks in November so it is either the 19th, 20th, 21st or 26th, 27th, 28th of October, both of which collide with half term and mean a higher chance of meeting walkers/paying more for accomodation OR weekends 3 or 4 of November. Any later than that is getting a bit late in the day really.

Based on half term being in October I would favour the November dates I guess. Any more thoughts?


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Please note my interest! Dates totally flexible! Just let me know final decision sorry suggestion!

I have driven some stuff in the lakes and have a marked up a map of what i rated worth driving... I also had a phone number for the girl who issued the permits.... ahem.... don't ask!



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Guest dew110CSW

16th-18th I'd agree to as it's my birthday and would love to hit some lanes to celebrate. Me, the Girlfriend and the OneTen would be more than up to it. Out of interest can someone post up some lanes we may be hitting in those areas?

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OK Chris, you post make more sense now !!!, so far, either is fine with me, but think the 16th/18 would be better, I know JST has a event at Wellington on the 24th, so the earlier weekend would stop him doing a Victor :lol:

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Please note my interest! Dates totally flexible! Just let me know final decision sorry suggestion!

I have driven some stuff in the lakes and have a marked up a map of what i rated worth driving... I also had a phone number for the girl who issued the permits.... ahem.... don't ask!



I seem to remember you mentioned having some knowledge of someone in that line, Ian... :) Someone should give her a call and ask about it - perhaps you would give her one? Ask about getting legitimate access for 110s too.


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Please note my interest! Dates totally flexible! Just let me know final decision sorry suggestion!

I have driven some stuff in the lakes and have a marked up a map of what i rated worth driving... I also had the girl who issued the permits.... ahem.... don't ask!



Sticky - dont suppose you have her number as well then? fancy giving her a ring as Chris suggestions or even phone her.

16/17/18 sounds good to me.

is it a 110 only weekend now though?

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fancy giving her a ring as Chris suggestions or even phone her.

Sounds like a lot of commitment just for a dirty weekend! :)

If nobody has any specific hotel/accommodation information, how about someone suggesting a good area to stay in and then we can seek accommodation in that area. Perhaps Sticky's "friend" knows of somewhere?

Mark90, you are welcome to camp in November if you want, I will not be! :D


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16th-18th I'd agree to as it's my birthday and would love to hit some lanes to celebrate. Me, the Girlfriend and the OneTen would be more than up to it. Out of interest can someone post up some lanes we may be hitting in those areas?

You have mentioned your girlfriend several times in connection with the 110 and her love of it. I think you should post a picture of them together. :)


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If nobody has any specific hotel/accommodation information, how about someone suggesting a good area to stay in and then we can seek accommodation in that area. Chris

Given the proximity to Grizdale and a few other lanes I'd suggest maybe Coniston area, even thoiugh some of the good lanes around there are now lost :(

I've had decent food at this place and recalled it also does B&B, not sure of prices, probably not at the bottom end of the market though, but it is a pub :)

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