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Help ........ LR4x4 connection problem

Bull Bar Cowboy

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What’s the IP address for Lr4x4.com ?

I am having big problems connecting to LR4x4 ……………. both firefox & IE7 time out and tell me the page is not available :angry: ………… yet all other site requests are OK.

I have tried both our home computers and get the same result ………… also I have reset & reloaded the router…........ still no joy.

Next step was to put the site IP & name into the hosts list on my PC and see if that cures the problem …………. If not, then I guess it must be down to the BT internet DNS server ?

However, if I use my laptop and access the internet via the company intranet, then LR4x4 works just fine……………

Blo@dy computers .................



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Thank you Tony............excellent B) ..............our PM is what I had already decided to do to give me a temp workaround, but that now makes it a whole lot easier...... ;)

This DNS problem is becomming more of an issue with forums ............ alaska4x4network had exactly trhe same issues about 2 weeks ago and it took thier server host provider about a week to fix it............... but its fine now

Even using the ping command will not return the IP address for this site .......... it just times out.

I'll now go off and modify the hosts list ............... curently I am using access via the company intranet connection.




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OK ............. the temp workaround has fixed the issue .....................but please could Trev post up when the host has fixed the DNS issue as its not good practice to leave the IP address / site in the hosts file ............ just in case the IP ever gets changed .............then its back to square one and I will have forgotten that I put the info in there !!!!!

I guess a lot of folk might have an issue finding the hosts file ............ best to go into notepad and use this as the file name ;)




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Yes, I guess its absolutely fine Tony, but folk should note that it is only temporary workaround............... once the DNS issue has been fixed by the service provider then it should be removed from the local hosts list .............. because if the IP changes in the future then IIRC the local hosts list has priority, so it would be back to square one for the user............ and its a bu@@er to find that sort of issue when you have forgotten that you modified the list !



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I've been having the same problem through BT. It has taken me most of the evening to finally get here!! If I have problems again how do I get the site up? Or can I? Do I use the IP address instead of the http address? What's the %system% gobbledegook thingy? I'm not that good with the t'interweb :huh:

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Hi Guys n Gals. Yep, if you want to take a web site down don't hit the web site just take out dns or routing.

For now we just have to ride it out though I suspect 123-reg have several thousand users affected (including their own support site :rolleyes: ) and many will be more vocal than us.

For those that know what their doing there's enough info in this thread to make your own local entry but you will also know the risk and its up to you to sort it if we change the server address in the future. For the rest of us please just be patient, this will get resolved and we can then consider alternative DNS providers though to be fair 123 have been pretty stable over the years so knee jerk reactions may not be the best..

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I was unable to and it's not just this site others are having the same problem.

Could I suggest something, we (or I) run a forum and often have connection problems we also have a blogspot and let people know when they register. Then if a problem just post a bit telling people whats the problem. Keeps people informed and don't lose goodwill.

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Even using the ping command will not return the IP address for this site .......... it just times out.

I'll now go off and modify the hosts list ............... curently I am using access via the company intranet connection.




Using the "dig" command on a unix/linux system will reveal the whole DNS setup.

The command to use is: dig forums.lr4x4.com

and the output of the command is:

; <<>> DiG 9.4.1-P1 <<>> forums.lr4x4.com

;; global options: printcmd

;; Got answer:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 59428

;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0


;forums.lr4x4.com. IN A


forums.lr4x4.com. 81182 IN CNAME dns205139.ipsdns.com.

dns205139.ipsdns.com. 14400 IN A


dns205139.ipsdns.com. 86400 IN NS ns2.ipslink.com.

dns205139.ipsdns.com. 86400 IN NS ns1.ipslink.com.

;; Query time: 166 msec


;; WHEN: Sun Nov 18 10:28:31 2007

;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 125

The IP-adress is the one to include in ones host file

Explanation follows for those who do not do sysadmin as a part of their normal life .... :

ALL computers on the internet have an IP adress. The whole Internet system is build around these IP-adresses.

BUT humans tend to have it easier with remembering names instead of 12-digit IP-adresses. Therefore the DNS system was invented...

The DNS is a kind of directory service. Everytime one wants to connect to a specific host on the internet (lr4x4.com) one provide the computer with the human-readable name "lr4x4.com"

Then the computer ask the DNS-server of the internet provider to resolve this human-readable name to an IP-adresse. Most often the DNS-server at the Internet Providers Datacentre does not know this IP-adress, but is does know which DNS-server to ask.

This is the primary reason, that an error in one DNS-server can affect a whole lot of websites.

The host-file mentioned is a local DNS directory. The computer looks here first - before asking any DNS-servers on the web.

If one includes a line like lr4x4.com

In the host file, the computer will know which IP adress the human-readable name lr4x4.com resolves to, namely and thereby negating the need for an external DNS-query.

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Don't wait for 123reg support, that standard response has been spewed out for months, move away from 123 reg!

I had my business domains with them, and for about a year have/had been having redirecting issues and email forwarding not happening - great when you are running a business!

They were bought out a year or so ago by beancounters and the service level has dropped dramatically (just do a Google to see how 'popular' they are)!

The guys who started 123 Reg have set up in competition at daily.co.uk. Having moved to them I have had no more problems. Might be worth a looksy :).

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1. Better not to keep all the eggs in one basket. At least the dns entries should not be on the same server/provider/country.

2. I suggest xname.org for the secondary (or primary) name server which is FREE (donation-ware if you're satisfied). Flawless in the past 3 years (since I use them) with the exception of 1 announced hardware upgrade (4-5 hours downtime).

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