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Member banned.

Les Henson

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After some discussion in the last couple of days, we have decided to ban Dougal from this website. Those of you that have been reading his thread in the readers forum of LRO will know why. The thread has been pulled by the Mods/Admins on that site.


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Seems a bit extreme to me, banning someone from the forum because of what they

did or said on another forum.

I always found his threads amusing and entertaining. :D

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He has been waging a one man attack on this website its moderators and Admins

threatening them with his usual legal action

insinuating this place was a cover up for a money scam.

That we he mods/admins were keeping funds.

He has been banned from more websites than anyone else I know.

his latest attack was against Les.

He has threatened to sue me personally twice now.

he was then trawling through this website Pm'ng members.

For the greater good it was discussed and he was banned.

For the Record any member wanting to look over this sites finances is welcome to do so

just you'll need to come to my house an give me some notice as I'm not always at home.

Every single penny is accountable and we have non alterable trackable records.

PS if you want to read his so called entertaining threads LRO still has him as a member as does ORRP( I think he avoids the latter)

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I pointed out that there are no details at all on this website about who exactly is running it.

The thread was deleted.

My posts on this other website were being edited so sometimes I would post and nothing would appear. Now my posts are blocked.

I think dirty tricks are being used against me by vested interests.

I would like to discuss this on this forum and hold these people to account. I am very angry but I have no intention of being gratuitously abusive. I would like to point out a few home truths though and this will not please some people.

I think this subject is of interest to all Land Rover owners and to truth seekers.

I would like to ask for your support to air this on this forum. Please discuss.



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insinuating this place was a cover up for a money scam.

That we he mods/admins were keeping funds.

I don't get it? :blink: What's wrong with making money, you all give up enough of your time to help out, what would be wrong if you did make money? I've never really looked into how this place was run but I wouldn't see it as a problem at all if mods/admins made money out of the site

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For the Record any member wanting to look over this sites finances is welcome to do so

just you'll need to come to my house an give me some notice as I'm not always at home.


Do we get a cup of tea and some biscuits if we come round. I'm not to keen on Rich Tea, more of a choccy digestive man :P:P

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I presume that was a PM from "somebody"?

To which the answer would be: no details apart from the forum charter http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?act=Help...E=01&HID=17 and the fact you can see exactly who all the moderators are in the members list http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?act=Help...E=01&HID=17 (sort by admin or moderators in the appropriate box) and also who is the moderator of each forum on the front page.

I don't see the need to post personal details i.e. name/address/phone number/mothers maiden name for the same reason I would not post it anywhere else on the internet!

And for the record we are completely unpaid for our time, no benefits in kind (e.g. free magazine subscriptions) or anything else.

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Do we get a cup of tea and some biscuits if we come round. I'm not to keen on Rich Tea, more of a choccy digestive man :P:P

beat me to it! :lol: can I put in a request for hobnobs? :P

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No, it's a LRO post by the man himself!


Ah that was the elusive thread - thanks ;)

Still all blx as per my above description and the only vested interest we have in this site is keeping it running smoothly :)

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I don't get it? :blink: What's wrong with making money, you all give up enough of your time to help out, what would be wrong if you did make money? I've never really looked into how this place was run but I wouldn't see it as a problem at all if mods/admins made money out of the site

There's nothing wrong with making money in itself - however, in the case of this forum our stated aim has always been to be independent (particularly from commercial interests), and we make it clear that the forum is funded by donations from members and run solely for the benefit of the members. In other words, if we were making money from LR4x4 it would be fraud. If that is what Dougal has been saying then it is pretty serious libel and he's left himself open to exactly the sort of legal challenges he's in the habit of threatening other people with.

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Oh......my......God! Not him again. The Clean-Tect thread on ORRP was by far the best reading this century. He was his own whorst enemy.

Getting banned from ORRP would take some doing....but if anyone could...it would be Chrissy Boy.

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There's nothing wrong with making money in itself - however, in the case of this forum our stated aim has always been to be independent (particularly from commercial interests), and we make it clear that the forum is funded by donations from members and run solely for the benefit of the members. In other words, if we were making money from LR4x4 it would be fraud. If that is what Dougal has been saying then it is pretty serious libel and he's left himself open to exactly the sort of legal challenges he's in the habit of threatening other people with.

Spot on and worth quoting.

Those of us who have been around the forums for a few years and who now moderate here and I imagine elsewhere are all a bit weary of the hot air this stuff generates. All you need do is spend some time searching through old threads on some of the other forums to quickly realise that there are people who relish arguing not only till the cows have come home but also long after they have gone to slaughter, made into beefburgers, returned to the soil and then reincarnated as cabbage juice. This has been the is this the room for an argument sketch of many a Land Rover forum for years.

I don't think we need concern ourselves with this any further and I don't want to see this place get involved with issues from other forums.

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