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SVO converted car owners must be sick!


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I went to Sainsburys today and happened to glance at the price of vegetable oil. :o


When I was running on SVO, mixed directly in tank with mineral, it cost 99p for the same three litre bottle.

OK, you're all saying "Yeah but the rapeseed oil is cheaper", yes it is......barely.


Conversely the price of methanol (for use in biodiesel production) has actually come down because of the increased crude production.

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waitrose near me is 190 for a 2ltr bottle

Budgens is our local. Not as dear as waitrose, but on the way there. Up until a fortnight ago, veg oil was £2.20ish for 3 litres. The other day it shot up to £3.75 over night. Until that point it had been way cheaper than any of the major supermarkets. Any one in the gloucester area who's got a cash and carry account with booker's or somewhere who want's to 'share the wealth' and buy a couple of drums for me, get in touch. I can't get an account cos i'm a lowly worker, not a business owner!

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Is this something to do with the demand on cooking oils now people are using it for fuel ??

As demand on cooking oil increases, will more crops be moved over to rape etc. to keep up with demand or is cooking oil likely to just keep increasing in price ? I doubt the farming community will make the switch quick enough so are price rises inevitable ?


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Any one in the gloucester area who's got a cash and carry account with booker's or somewhere who want's to 'share the wealth' and buy a couple of drums for me, get in touch. I can't get an account cos i'm a lowly worker, not a business owner!

Hate to say this, but Bookers were always more expensive than Tesco/Sainsburys for oil.


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I was recently reading a BBC have your say forum, and someone was complaining about home heating oil costing around 65 P a litre. Why aren't you all running on that stuff ? Years ago after oil heating fell out of favor in Australia a mate of mine ran his Nissan Deisel for about 12 months virtually for free by offering to remove the oil heating tanks from households around Melbourne. Some tanks had only a few gallons in them whilst many others were almost full (100 gallons) .


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Because heatingoil is coloured red. So it is basically the same as using red diesel.

I was recently reading a BBC have your say forum, and someone was complaining about home heating oil costing around 65 P a litre. Why aren't you all running on that stuff ? Years ago after oil heating fell out of favor in Australia a mate of mine ran his Nissan Deisel for about 12 months virtually for free by offering to remove the oil heating tanks from households around Melbourne. Some tanks had only a few gallons in them whilst many others were almost full (100 gallons) .


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Guest noggy
I was recently reading a BBC have your say forum, and someone was complaining about home heating oil costing around 65 P a litre. Why aren't you all running on that stuff ? Years ago after oil heating fell out of favor in Australia a mate of mine ran his Nissan Deisel for about 12 months virtually for free by offering to remove the oil heating tanks from households around Melbourne. Some tanks had only a few gallons in them whilst many others were almost full (100 gallons) .


you dont use central heating oil because it burns hotter than diesel hence it being for HEATING , i know 4 people who have melted 200tdi's doing this.

Farmers probably wont start growing more rape as in england, it isnt a very high yielding crop. the next move on the farming front is putting everyfield to grass and fermenting the natural sugars and making methanol.

rape isnt viable, and too slow growing.

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Is this something to do with the demand on cooking oils now people are using it for fuel ??

As demand on cooking oil increases, will more crops be moved over to rape etc. to keep up with demand or is cooking oil likely to just keep increasing in price ? I doubt the farming community will make the switch quick enough so are price rises inevitable ?


You've hit the nail on the head there. Supermarkets have noticed that cooking oil is selling like mad for fuelling our Tdis. So, they simply put up the price. Typical capitalism in action :ph34r:

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you dont use central heating oil because it burns hotter than diesel hence it being for HEATING , i know 4 people who have melted 200tdi's doing this.

Farmers probably wont start growing more rape as in england, it isnt a very high yielding crop. the next move on the farming front is putting everyfield to grass and fermenting the natural sugars and making methanol.

rape isnt viable, and too slow growing.

but when we had it forecast at £316 a tonne a few months back, we sure get tempted! In fact we did plant significantly more. there were as many yellow fields here in spring as not this year.

all the recent advancements in lo-till/no-till/single pass seedbed preperation and drilling have been largely for the oil seed rape market. it works best on it. What confuses me is sugar beet slumping still when its the natural choice for ethanol production. That wont last long.

The forward looking management IMO has gone into miscanthus and willow coppice growing, trying to begin a cycle of sustainable power generation.

bodes well for the farmer, at that price or probably higher now, wont do squat for bringing the price down in the supermarket. People are about to have to pay the price food is worth Im afraid. been a relatively free meal up until now.

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Guest noggy
Oh I see. You have some weird tax arrangement over there. So what do the inspectors do ? Dip your tank or take a sample from the fuel line before the injector pump ?


They dip your tank, i believe. not the fuel line.

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Guest noggy
but when we had it forecast at £316 a tonne a few months back, we sure get tempted!

bodes well for the farmer, at that price or probably higher now, wont do squat for bringing the price down in the supermarket. People are about to have to pay the price food is worth Im afraid. been a relatively free meal up until now.

Yes it is very temping, but if everyone goes to rape, the food shortage in england would be immense.

The price of food is going to go off the scale in england soon, our milk price has only just gone up enough to make farming worth while, but now the grain price is going up, its made any milk price increase pointless.

bloody goverment deserves a kicking, labour has medled with something that the new nothing about. these office boys know nothing of the farming industry.

Whilst typing this i revieved 3, yes 3 modular wheels from craddocks, not only is there 3, they are highly damaged.

i will never trade with craddocks again.

They think we can change a field from grass to rape to barely year on year. It doesnt work like that.

Farmers have started to grow Miscanthus for power, but 30acres of Miscanthus takes 4 years to mature to the appropiate age to harvest, and it burns for 30seconds

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You've hit the nail on the head there. Supermarkets have noticed that cooking oil is selling like mad for fuelling our Tdis. So, they simply put up the price. Typical capitalism in action :ph34r:

typical case of 'running out'. Id usually be first to jump on the anti-capitalist band wagon but in this case I cant.

truth of the matter is, my grand children are unlikely to see an oil shortage. we're not running out that quick (so im told by a guy in one of the big oil co's). it's mostly scaremongering over the price. Plus our price is so high because we have a percentage duty not a fixed duty as many others have. (bloody conning governement).

but if we're not going to physically do anything about it, then do we have any right to complain? Might as well get used to it. In all fairness, we should have been looking at contingency plans and renewables about 100 years ago. But the once great british empire is ever complacent and ever run by muppets.

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My point really was, that when I suggested making "proper" biodiesel from used oil with a home built converter, the people in the know poo poo'd my idea saying they would rather convert to run a twin tank/change over SVO system.

It turns out that they are wrong after all, I run several vehicles on bio for less than the cost of one SVO conversion, not to mention that I only pay for methanol and caustic. My fuel costs less than 20p a litre to produce.

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I've got Defender 90 300tdi.

As its warming up thought I'd add a percentage of oil to diesel. ( For 1st time ).

Start at 25% oil / 75% diesel.

Just tried Sainsburys / Lidl / Tesco ( express) and Aldi.

Aldi were the only one under £1 a litre - was 95p a litre.

Bought 49 litres. ( only came in 1 litre bottles ).

The lady in front asked if it was for my car.



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Tesco do Soya oil for 80p, i've used it before and its worked fine... i've had 40 litres of Soya in mine over the weekend and its run alright (drove from Cumbria to Kent on Sunday with a 50/50 Soya oil/ Diesel mix)

Otherwise, get yourself a Costco card, 85p a litre for proper rapeseed oil is about as good as it gets these days... :(

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I buy waste oil based B100 currently for 99.9p a litre. I occasionally add SVO (out of date olive oil last time) if I have some waste oil of my own to get rid off. I got 76.3mpg coming home from work on Sunday in my Skoda Octavia 1.9TDi.

Growing fuel crops is not a good thing as the amount of fuel oil we use would dominate British agriculture and reduce food production. We could buy in food from other countries but if they are all growing fuel crops to cash in on the market then there won't be much food from them either.

The biggest problem is that the wealthy countries, with a high fuel demand, will buy fuel crops from poorer countries who have a low fuel demand. This makes the fuel crop more profitable for the poorer farmers and so they will grow fuel and not food. Those countries' population will then have a food shortages and correspondingly higher prices which the the population could not afford.

The wealthy countries would then try selling GM high yield crops to the poorer countires to off set the reduced food output thus tying the poorer country to buying an expensive seed stock each planting season. This could be offset by selling the fuel crop to the wealthy countries at a lower price in return for the GM seed stock and the process will lead to fuel crops not having the economic benefit it had before. Food crops then become viable again but the poorer countries won't then be able to revert back to food production as they are caught in the GM crop cycle, which they can't afford to maintain due to reducing their fuel crop production.

To make biofuels viable crops need to be grown primarily for food production and then the organic byproducts from that food production be used for fuel production. This would lead to smaller quantities of biofuel at a lower grade but that will be something that we need to find a way to engineer around.

Whether or not you believe there is an environmental crisis one thing that can't be denied is that the supply of fossil fuel will run out and society will need to be preparing for that sooner rather then later or when it is too late.

Electric drive is really good for off road driving, maximum torque at zero RPM and no gear changes needed.

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