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Air horns - legality?

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Settle an argument. Air horns that play a tune (picture Dukes of Hazard). Made illegal sometime in the 70s, when? And are they still legal on older cars?

And why does beer get you into obscure arguments? :rolleyes:


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I have air horns fitted to my 90. That passed it's MOT on Fri with them fitted. So they comply with MOT regs maybe not C & U regs. But mine don't play silly tunes.

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I agree with Les, don't think the're illegal to have fitted; but must have a "normal" horn fitted also.


I replaced the normal horn with the air horns. Does that make my truck illegal ;)

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Any air horn that plays more than one note in sequence[musical or 2 tones] is totally illegal, if it's to strident [excessivly loud, IIRC above 120db] it's also illegal, horns that play 2 notes together [high & low] at the same time [not emergency vehicle air horns] are OK provided they don't exceed the sound limit.

MOT audible warning

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My dad had some on his Bedford CF van in the 70's that played Dixie. It was embarrassing even then ;) Even more so now that they are fitted to my 90 :o


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Single or dual tone air horns are not illegal.

Horns that play tunes were, as said, banned but I don't know under what pretext.

It is most likely something like improper use of horns which are for an audible warning only. I believe it is also illegal to use a horn after 23.00.


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Single or dual tone air horns are not illegal.

Horns that play tunes were, as said, banned but I don't know under what pretext.

It is most likely something like improper use of horns which are for an audible warning only. I believe it is also illegal to use a horn after 23.00.


And before 0600 I think

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I had a set of Air horns that played Dixie (Dukes of Hazzard) on my Seris 3. I checked with the police before fitting and was told . They are legal on a Pre 1973 car but you have to have a switch to tranfer them to a normal horn as well

Now this was a few years ago but can't imagin the rules have changed. As makeing it pre 1973 cars only, pretty much makes it that you can't fit them to 95% of cars

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I have air horns fitted to my 90. That passed it's MOT on Fri with them fitted. So they comply with MOT regs maybe not C & U regs. But mine don't play silly tunes.

Well that does not mean alot after all tyres stiking out of the side of the car are not a MOT failure, but are highly ilegal on the road :rolleyes:

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I also had the dixie horns fitted but, (personally) I think they are a waste of time. As soon as they get a drop of water on them, they make all sorts of noises and their overall lifespan on my bob was around 2-3 months. If you are planning on going off road, then it really isn't worth the hassle IMHO

But, you never know, they might last for 4 months next time :P

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1973 seems to be a watershed for a number of things, IIRC it's the same date for more powerful headlamp bulbs (i.e. more that 55w).

Horns/audible warning devices should not be sounded when the vehicle is stationary at any time, unless to warn of danger (taxi drivers must see a lot of danger... <_<). The time restriction (2330 to 0700) applies to moving vehicles on a restricted road (and again would not apply if being sounded due to a danger).

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I'm planning to add a double air horn in addition to the existing feeble peep.

As these will all sound at the same time and as one note, I take it that I am within the rules.

I swapped the poor standard single horn for 2 Mixo/Wipac windtone units a high note & low note wired as a pair so they both sound together, they give a much better sound & tone than the old single unit.

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Just to hi-jack my own topic. More beer was drunk last night.............

Seat belts? Had to be fitted some years before they became compulsory, seem to remember this coming in in early 80's for front seats? (mounting pulled out of floor on my old Viva it was so rotten).

Mounting points in the 60's?

Had to be fitted in the front by the 70's?

So at some date of manufacture they're not a legal requirement? And if fitted to car made before that date do you have to wear them? Hypothetical (drunk) question, anybody who doesn't an idiot.

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