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I need a good digital camera for website update

carl hurst

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I am in need of a digital slr camera,nothing to flashy or expensive as budget is low needs to be a digital SLR so can swap lenses and its just to take some photos so i can put them on my website as it needs desperatly updating,



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a Nikon D40 will do all that you need and can be bought for around 200-250 depending on cashback deal etc with 2Yr warranty and base zoom lens.

Add a 55-200 zoom and you'll have a good no frills DSLR package that will do all that you need for web and brochures.

None of the low cost dslr's are waterproof though' so if you want some weather protection look at samsung and pentax ones' but you're now talking about 1000 for a kit.



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I have a Nikon D40X, with the 18-55 zoon (digital zooms are difference its more like a 50-100mm std film power zoom lens). Built solid and is easy to use, Nikon qulaity lens means the pics are stunning - around 10 million megapixels, and I use an Extreme III SD Card (4GB) which gives 260 pictures at 10 million megapixels :blink:

Around the £250 mark, bought a second battery as with the motordrive function on (I think around 5 frames per sec) it can eat battery power, this is good for action stuff but you'll end up with a vast amount of pics !


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Same as HFH I have a D40X. Fantastic pictures and relatively easy to use. It has now been superseded by the D60.

It is the same basic camera, but with a few tweaks, like sensor cleaning and being able to see the picture on the LCD before you take it. (D40X does not do either of these).


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Have a Canon EOS 400D same as White90- really very good camera- battery last a very long time, images are excellent, can produce RAW data (useful for editing and colour optimisation, take a very wide range of lenses. Body is well built and generally hard wearing.

Have a Canon IXUS IS80 for point and click use- again a very very good camera- takes stunning images with very good colour graduation.

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I have a Canon 20D. Cheap thing. Mind you you mignt not think a £800 camera is cheap. I do. That was body only.

As said look at the lower Canon range. The 400..450D not a bad camera at the price.

Make sure you like the way the camers fits i your hand and the way the controls work.

Now..Lenses. By the best and fastest lens you can afford. In fast I don't mean how fast the autofocus works. I mean how fast the apature of the lens is.

I've just moved from an SLR after 44 years. I've bought this tiny little thing a SONY Cypershot. The best lens in the world, a Zeiss. It does everything my SLR does and goes in my pocket. I can also use it in places where I'd get stopped from taking pictures with an SLR. It also saved me a few hundred quid on not buying another wide angle lens for the SLR.


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Really depends what you want from your camera. The Canons and Nikons are both good digital SLR. Remember it is the person behind the camera that makes a good photo, not the camera.

I use a Canon 30D and a 400D. The 30D has faster speeds and more frames per second then the 400D so is better for action shots.

Decide what sort of photograhy you are going to do, action, landscape, flowers etc which will determine the camera speed and type of lenses you need.

Lenses in range 12-24mm are good for landscapes or getting a complete vehicle in whilst standing close by. 18/28 to 250/300 covers the action at more of a distance. Make sure you get a decent lense. Sometimes the standard lens sold in a package is not best optical quality

The more mexapixels for the camera the larger the CF card/memory stick you need. Action photos at high resolution uses lots of memory so storeage system of 2-4 Gb would be required.

Hope that helps



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I'd go for a low end Nikon personally (actually i wouldn't as i already use a high end Nikon!), probably the D40 entry level will do everything you want, although i have to ask if its for photos on a website why not use a point-and-shoot??

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I would be inclined to ask the same questions... To do photos for your website the compact cameras are probably far more suited to what you are after. I would be inclined to buy based on the quality of the optics - I have an olympus 3.2 meg camera that I bought 6 years ago and is still excellent, takes superbly crisp photo's, and I still have to shrink the pictures down to about 33% of thier original size to get them to 800x600. If you are not planning to use the full features of a DSLR then it is probably not worth spending that sort of money.

If however you do still want a DSLR, I would go for a Nikon... having been a pentax man since I was 12, the pentax digital wasn't cutting it, so I now have the Nikon D50 (sadly no longer available) and it is excellent.

probably not much help though, :rolleyes:


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I'd go for a low end Nikon personally (actually i wouldn't as i already use a high end Nikon!), probably the D40 entry level will do everything you want, although i have to ask if its for photos on a website why not use a point-and-shoot??

I want to use it for other stuf aswell as the web site so thats why ive gone for a DSLR, looked at jessops at a Cannon D60 and seems to be a good deal with the cash back offer,


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i have a nikon d80 and have been amazed at the quality of the prints. ccd's have moved on a lot these days. early ones had problems with greens but now they have an excellent colour replication. when choosing a lense remember the multipler facot. a 18-55 is prob equivelant to 25 - 70 on standard slr

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I've had my Canon 350D for a couple of years now, I brought it with the intention of taking pics on the America/Canada/Alaska trip but now find it rarely leaves my side.

The poor thing has been through hell and back, left outside in the rain at least 3 times ( :huh: ) and dried in the airing cupboard it still worked, melted on the edge of my Coleman gas lamp, dropped in more muddy puddles than I care to remember, subjected to the heat of Death Valley, Cold of the Yukon and thrown... and i mean literally thrown... accross a rocky track in the Coloardo Mountains when I was clearing rocks and the strap got caught around a bolder just as I threw it. I thought I'd killed it then but picked it up and, you guessed it, it still works! :ph34r::lol: It's currently living in the garage amid grinders and welders when it's not bouncing around in the back of the Camel.

For me, as a learner it's fantastic. The combination of the quick shot functions and the 'proper techy bits' (stop me if I'm being to technical) makes a great combination of pick upand shoot or mess around when you've got enough time. I've taken some stunning shots which I credit entirely to the Camera. The standard lense isn't too shoddy either, so it'll do unless you want to specialise.

When I was choosing I cut it down to the Nikkon or the Canon (Sony wasn't an option then) and the only way I decided was by heading to the local Jessops to try them both. Unless you pick up and press the buttons/work the menus you won't know which will suit you best. Some people have trouble with buttons being too small, menus not intuative etc. As it turns out Jessops also price matched, so I ended up buying my camera from them and I was very happy with the purchase.

Without doubt, if I had to buy another one tomorrow, I wouldn't hesitate to go back to Canon.

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