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Glad to hear there are a few of us camping - I wouldn't want to be the only one retiring to a cold tent when all others are heading off to their hotels etc...

I was a passenger on the route mentioned above - it was my first time and a truly great day out (see pics here )

More pics of same area here.

The dramatic rocky stuff is Stanage and is passable by standard Land Rovers with care, but on the day I was there the shinier cars skipped this bit...

As can be seen from the initial map in Nick's link, Sheffield, Chesterfield, Buxton and Edale would all be good bases, but although Edale is rather less accessible, it still gets my vote for atmosphere and localised facilities.


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Although I am probably not coming on the trip I have spent many weekends caving in the peaks and we always stayed at the Orpheous Caving hut near Monyash. It is a bit like a large self catering bunkbarn (a bit basic) but if it wasn't booked out on that weekend you should be able to get exclusive use for a few quid per head/night. Moght be a few club members staying there but they have there own bunkroom. Sleeps about 20 IIRC. Might be worth looking into as it would beat camping at that time of year....

Link to the hut can be found HERE

Looks like the November weekend is still available!!

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here we go!!!


has little screen grabs of the OS map for each lanes and map files.

God i'm good ;)

ps, highly recommend you do this route in reverse order from how its displayed on the page, or yuou end up doing stanage 'up hill' in the dark.

ps. disclaimer, these lanes were all legal in dec 2006 - their status may have changed since then and will need checking.

Just had a look through those, and i think all of those are still legal.

im dead impressed with that map, some of those are really close to me and i didnt know they existed!

i think thats the route we should so, its not too challenging for a shiney car and the maps/routes are already planned for us.

it even has a good meeting point!

im dead up for this, hopefully i will be back from uni so i can come!

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I think that if we were all to follow that route on one day that it might upset the local populus - perhaps some do it one day and others the next while being sure to stagger the start points so that there are no big convoys?


Yes - good point.

When we did it IIRC we had two groups of 8 and that felt about right. We did the routes in the same sequence, but with different start points, and we all met up at lunchtime - which was nice.

I was thinking that I would be arriving Friday evening, green-laning on Saturday, socialising on Saturday night and going home on Sunday. How many would want to do anything other than go home on the Sunday (after Saturday night in the pub)?

If the numbers are looking too high for the lanes then perhaps some people could go to a P&P site somewhere nearby? For me the main thing is the socialising with like minded people and putting faces to names - if push comes to shove I wouldn't mind missing out on the driving all together.


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My mother has suggested that she would receive campers so long as they were honest, polite and didn't let her dogs escape. There's a shower and toilet room just inside the back door, and maybe a kettle if you make one for her too. £5 a night?

There's room for 10 tents, and we're between Ashbourne and Belper (about 10 mins south of Matlock on the Doric map). PM me if this appeals and I'll sort out the logic-sticks.

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There's room for 10 tents, and we're between Ashbourne and Belper (about 10 mins south of Matlock on the Doric map). PM me if this appeals and I'll sort out the logic-sticks.

We stayed in Bradley a few weeks back for a week, so must have been just down the road. That's a great offer for all those happy to camp, John.

Ashbourne is good with lots of food options a pubs too, just a little too far from Lanes it seems to act as a base, otherwise we could look for accommodation there too.



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Having been away camping for two weeks. One week in Wales and the other in Gloucester we've now arrived at my daughters in Woking.

The tent is soaking. The Gazebo the same. All dirty clothes are still wet....

We'll have a room for the weekend please. One Defender two people....


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theres a road from Ashbourne straight to Buxton, only takes 25 mins to get the the lanes!

just sold my motorbike, so i should be able to buy some new tyres so i will have more of a chance on muddy sections :P

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My knowledge of local lanes is quite good, just need to brush up on what some of their legal status's are. I'll try and put a route together over the next couple of weeks and post it up. I don't mind leading for a day, but may restrict myself from the stanage route if i'm in the D2. Has anyone else got restrictions on how serious they want the lanes to be based on experience/ vehicle capability or vehicle shinyness?

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I don't mind leading for a day, but may restrict myself from the stanage route if i'm in the D2. Has anyone else got restrictions on how serious they want the lanes to be based on experience/ vehicle capability or vehicle shinyness?

Surely with a set of waffles any LR could get up and down there without any knocks - no? Nobody will be in a rush so should be fine doing stanage without damage.



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No idea Mo, who is recommending that?



I can't remember, Steve ! However I recall reading about that a voluntary one one had been agreed by several parties to attempt to reduce erosion. Can anyone else remember ? Paul ?


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yes you are right - there is a voluntary one way (downhill) tro on stanage.

BUT, the main problem with errosion isnt from 4x4 or bikes, its the water errosion from lack of maintanence of the drains and culverts.

The damage that does happen is from the "happy slappy, wheel spinny" brigade - and they wont take any notice of the one way request and will continue to go uphill no matter what happens......

You should see the damage they have made on the "parallel lane" that runs down the side of the lane houndkirk / burbage moor.


as for lane width, the vast majority of the lanes are plenty wide enough for shiny discos. Stanage downhill is also easily done in a shiny. Last time i went, we took 2 standard discos down - one had underslung lpg tanks and the other had full front valance with spots - both made it down unscathed.

I think its the lane titled "Calver" - when we went down it was quite overgrown, that might lead to the odd scratch.

oh and the uphill start of Priestcliffe is super fun steepness on shaley rock. so flying gravel may damage paintwork or trim.

this route (if they are all still legal) could quite happily be split into a 2 dayer. We did virtually all of it in one day. Took about 10 hours and we didnt hang around to see the scenary or stop for lunch at a pub (quick butty on stanage and then off).

if we had taken our time, stopped for lunch etc - it could easily be made into a full saturday and a relaxing sunday morning mooch, have a pub lunch sunday and then off home.

ps. more than happy to lead a group round. I'll even bring me waffle boards for the odd shiny to use.

pps, the exit of houndkirk/burbage moor (SK 278834) is very cut up. Its only about 10 foot after the gate - but its a right mess. Well it was earlier this year when i planned a nav scatter for YORC. waffle boards will be needed and will prevent any further lane damage, vehicle damage or getting stuck if you dont have M/Ts or a shiny.

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pps, the exit of houndkirk/burbage moor (SK 278834) is very cut up. Its only about 10 foot after the gate - but its a right mess. Well it was earlier this year when i planned a nav scatter for YORC. waffle boards will be needed and will prevent any further lane damage, vehicle damage or getting stuck if you dont have M/Ts or a shiny.

I went through that about two weeks ago and it seems that someone had done alot of work and levelled it all off. It might be different now though after all of the recent rain

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