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Les Henson

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Ok, we are getting somewhere with stickers, and I actually have a couple of samples for your delectation.

The printers I have been speaking to about this say that the style you all can see at the top of the forum pages can't be reproduced, so plain silver is what we are stuck with at present.

Here is a few pictures of them and how they are applied. The only comment so far is that they are too big, but they can be made smaller. I did ask for 7-inches, but for some reason the samples are 11-inches.

This is not necessarily the only sticker choice at present, as we are waiting for at least one other sample.

There's also a possibility that stickers of a different design may be available in the future.

Anyway, comments please everyone.

The letters are not on a transparent background, so there's a trick to applying them.


Cover the letters with a couple of strips of masking tape.


The letters will then peel off of the backing tape and stay in order.


Clean (in this case) the glass and centre the lettering where you want it to be.


Press on with a soft cloth or spatula and then peel the masking tape off.


There you go, I get a Blue Peter badge for that.

Les. :)

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For a sticker I think the solid lettering is fine (looks ok on the finger savers) and we were after a silver bit bling affect when first put up the forum logo anyway.

I also think the bigger format is a plus (I hope to put them inside the Disco's alpine lights) but the application doesn't look straightfwd.

My 2p

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the application doesn't look straightfwd.

It should be possible to get them with the application of masking tape stage already done. In other words, you peel off the backing, apply to the screen, smooth down (just like a regular sticker) and then, the only different step, peel off the front paper (the masking tape effectivly) and Bobs your knob, job done.


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are there going to be ones with the glue on the back, like normal stickers?


Yes. Whatever we get we are planning two batches. One to go on the body panels and the others (like those above) to go behind glass.

Re colours only one colour planned and its the reason we wanted transparent (or as this sample no) background so the logo should look good on most trucks.

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Ok, we are getting somewhere with stickers, and I actually have a couple of samples for your delectation.

The printers I have been speaking to about this say that the style you all can see at the top of the forum pages can't be reproduced, so plain silver is what we are stuck with at present.

Here is a few pictures of them and how they are applied. The only comment so far is that they are too big, but they can be made smaller. I did ask for 7-inches, but for some reason the samples are 11-inches.

This is not necessarily the only sticker choice at present, as we are waiting for at least one other sample.

There's also a possibility that stickers of a different design may be available in the future.

Anyway, comments please everyone.

The letters are not on a transparent background, so there's a trick to applying them.


Cover the letters with a couple of strips of masking tape.


The letters will then peel off of the backing tape and stay in order.


Clean (in this case) the glass and centre the lettering where you want it to be.


Press on with a soft cloth or spatula and then peel the masking tape off.


There you go, I get a Blue Peter badge for that.

Les. :)

Hi Les/Trev.

Been into the Sign Shop to day to order stickers for another job, so checked on yours at the same time. You say you can't reproduce the shadow effect. When "PRINTING" the image, you can do anything you want as you are printing an image, not just cutting out shapes out of plain sheets of colour this would mean you can have transparant backing the way you asked.


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I phoned 'Supersigns' at lunchtime to try to get a couple of samples. Nick Clewes was out, but I spoke to someone else that said thay could supply a sample, but it would 'be chargeable'. I was also told that Nicl Clewes would phone me when he got back in 'in an hour or so', but he hasn't.

The general response to the ones in this thread is good, except for the size.

I've ordered them now anyway, as this has dragged on a bit and we need to get them made.

They will be ready by the end of next week and the following sizes/types will be available:-

50 x 9" with adhesive on the print face

50 x 9" with adhesive on the back

50 x 7" with adhesive on the print face

50 x 7" with adhesive on the back

As soon as I have them in my grubby little mitts I'll start a new thread with prices etc, so no-one order at the moment please.

Les. :)

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