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RSS Feed?


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Yep, RSS out or RSS in both available. IIRC we did try this in the earlier days of the forum but incoming feeds were not popular and there were very few interested in using an rss reader to read (and by implication not post directly to) lr4x4 threads.

Do you think we should now provide feeds?

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sounds like a way to get bombarded with a heap of spam mail!

Not so, it doesn't work over email and you get to control which feeds you subscribe to.

e.g. feeds from BBC News, LR4x4 forums (if it gets enabled), and any other of your favourite sites, etc - none of which normally carry spam.

Also, many mobile phones / wireless devices have a feed reader built in as standard - keep upto date with headlines / new topics on the move. it's also very efficient so quick to do.

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Yep, RSS out or RSS in both available. IIRC we did try this in the earlier days of the forum but incoming feeds were not popular and there were very few interested in using an rss reader to read (and by implication not post directly to) lr4x4 threads.

Do you think we should now provide feeds?

I'd be interested in the RSS out

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Yep, RSS out or RSS in both available. IIRC we did try this in the earlier days of the forum but incoming feeds were not popular and there were very few interested in using an rss reader to read (and by implication not post directly to) lr4x4 threads.

Do you think we should now provide feeds?

Responding because a Mod / Admin asked ...

My concern would be people responding to the contents of such feeds.

IE, they see a question, feel they MUST respond immediately, and do so from a device that (from current experience):

Cannot capitalise the first letters of sentences, or of proper names.

Cannot insert spaces after punctuation, such as commas or full stops.

Has no spell checking facility.

Has no 'new line' facility.

Majors on text speak abbreviations (M8!).

In short, whatever the intention behind the response, and any germ of intelligent information inside it, the response is surrounded by so much presentational garbage that the total response is meaningless (OTT - 'difficult to comprehend' might be better).

If the RSS experts and familiars can prove me wrong, then please do so.

My point is that we seem to get responses now that have the failings I've just mentioned.

We (I) don't want to encourage any more. :-)


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Good points David :) and I understood it too :lol:

I for one laothe txt spk with a passion - it's the Chavy lazy way of todays world,

thats bad enough but txt spk for some on here - ie those who have english as thier

2nd language and not their 1st is a nightmare, so 2 reasons LR4x4 aviods

and strongly discourages txt spk at every opportunity


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Good points David :) and I understood it too :lol:

I for one laothe txt spk with a passion - it's the Chavy lazy way of todays world,

thats bad enough but txt spk for some on here - ie those who have english as thier

2nd language and not their 1st is a nightmare, so 2 reasons LR4x4 aviods

and strongly discourages txt spk at every opportunity


What Nige actually meant to say was....

"I 4 1 h8 txt spk loadz - is Chav lazy way of today innit - iz bad but txt spk 4 sum

on ere - so themz who spk annuva way innit don get wot we tlk about - so 2 reaznz

lr4x4 h8 and sez no 2 txt spk wen eva we can - innit m8"

Coat, hat, ignition keys....... Gone.....

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I was just going to use a desktop rss reader, so will be using by normal keyboard.

If I do use my mobile for it then I have no problems with Capitals, punctuation and line breaks. I make a habit of making sure I never use txt speak even in a text message

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a device that (from current experience):

Cannot capitalise the first letters of sentences, or of proper names.

Cannot insert spaces after punctuation, such as commas or full stops.

Has no spell checking facility.

Has no 'new line' facility.

Majors on text speak abbreviations (M8!).

I know that people are lazy, but I have never owned a mobile which was not capable of producing capital letters and punctuation on demand. Most mobile phones capable of using RSS feeds are able to produce properly capitalised, punctuated and formatted texts. As for spell checkers, I would think that they too are available, though I have no experience of them in mobile devices. So really, it is all down to the user and his laziness/lack of education - and we have all seen that even with the use of a PC with full keyboard, spell checker, grammar correction etc., some people just do not bother or, sadly, do not know better!

crhis :P

Edited: Sotal and I cross posted. For the record, I also produce properly formatted, punctuated and capitalised texts - though I have been known to make some abbreviations where I have run short of space. :)

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I would like to see it on an out basis.

everyone who uses Firefox on a daily basis has BBC news as a default feed. ie they use RSS, which is a cracking example of a "Good" RSS feed.

If you are still using IE then WHY for crying out loud?

Any decent browser has the ability to use RSS in a sensible way.

I personally would subscribe on a mobile phone, because I have that facility.

I reply using a mobile regularly too.

I don't think anyone has noticed :)

My personal view is that most people use whatever device they like, but are aware that the users of the forum don't like TXT SPK so modulate their written language to suit.

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Ooh crikey, didn't mean to open a can of worms.

I was meaning from an RSS out point of view - didn't consider RSS in.

Saying that I have used the forum via mobile phone - Opera Mini does a surprisingly good job of compressing and reformatting the page - it is a bit fiddly but handy to check the tech archive, etc. away from home should you need - also when typing in a text field, predictive (dictionary) text entry is enabled which help prevent TXT speak.

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