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AWDC Challenger 4x4 Championship 2009


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The AWDC Challenger 4x4 Championship will be a series of six one day challenge events through 2009 aimed at the newcomer to challenge events and teams who do not wish to compete at the national level. A handicap system will operate allowing teams with all levels of experience to compete against one another.

Vehicles must comply with the AWDC Challenge Technical Regulations and the Standing Supplementary Regulations which will be sent to all teams upon registration.

The calendar for next year will be as follows:

22nd March

3rd May

21st June

2nd August

13th September

25th October

Venues will be advised in due course


Class 1: Two winches and/or Difflocks or other traction aids. Vehicles must display a valid Road Tax disc

Class 2: One winch, no traction aids of any type. Vehicles must display a valid Road Tax Disc

A handicap system will operate. The organisers will categorize teams based on their past experience. The punch value will be handicapped accordingly:

Novice - 100%

Clubman - 80%

Experienced - 60%

The organisers decision is final. Handicap levels will be set at the first event you enter and will remain in place for all events you participate during the year.


This is an internal club championship series of six events with the best 5 results to count. Championship points will be issued for each event based on the following system: 100 points to the highest scoring finisher, 99 to the second etc.

Prizes will be awarded to the Overall winners along with 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each class. No competitor may win more than one prize. In the event of a tie, the competitor with the highest score at the final round will be the winner.

For more info and a registration form please email Lucy Bass at sales(at)challenger4x4.com

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Now this could be just what the sport is looking for IMHO - the full on challenge scene has pulled ahead a long way in the last couple of seasons to a point where vehicle damage / breakage is pretty much guaranteed unless you don't have any bodywork. That is not a criticism, just an observation.

I will certainly be interested in some rounds at least.

Good luck Neil, just remember to dumb the punches down for us a bit compared to the grown ups!!

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Now this could be just what the sport is looking for IMHO - the full on challenge scene has pulled ahead a long way in the last couple of seasons to a point where vehicle damage / breakage is pretty much guaranteed unless you don't have any bodywork. That is not a criticism, just an observation.

I will certainly be interested in some rounds at least.

Good luck Neil, just remember to dumb the punches down for us a bit compared to the grown ups!!

You are absolutely right and this is why Challenger 4x4 have stepped forward recognising that there is a gap to be filled.

I have to point out that I am not in any way involved with the organisation of these event, I am merely the facilitator.

Challenger 4x4 have my 100% support and that of the AWDC committee for their efforts.

Events will be SE, SW and EM assuming we get our collective fingers out and book the sites

Hell, I might even enter myself :P

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It may seem like a stupid question, but do we have to enter the whole series, or will there be places available at each event for those just wanting to do a few?? Maybe this is a question for Challenger, but thought I'd ask here first...

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It may seem like a stupid question, but do we have to enter the whole series, or will there be places available at each event for those just wanting to do a few?? Maybe this is a question for Challenger, but thought I'd ask here first...

You can do as many or as few events as you choose. The entry fee is £60 per event.

There is a discount for pre-entering and pre-paying the whole series.

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You can do as many or as few events as you choose. The entry fee is £60 per event.

There is a discount for pre-entering and pre-paying the whole series.

Neil,,as you are here,, is that the same as the HW events ??

Hoping to do 3 / 4 ,, all down to dates !! and other things

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how are you deciding the novice,intermidate,expert?


Basically we will decide wether you are novice, intermediate or expert by what your previous experience in challenge events is, for example if you have competed in the Tay or Muddy Truckers you would be considered an experienced challenge driver. Alot of consideration will go into this and we aim to keep everyone happy as well as keeping the whole event fair.

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Hello Mrs Bass here, as you are probably aware I am not a frequent visitor to this forum but I will try to get on here as much as possible to answer any questions you may have regarding this event. I would like to thank everyone for the support they have given and hope this event is as successful as we hope it will be. We will be confirming the venues hopefully within the next week once I have had confirmation from all of the Landowners. If you have any questions or need me to post an information pack to you rather than e-mail please don't hesitate to call me on 01252 325930 or 07836 713677. My email is sales@challenger4x4.com and the return address for any completed forms with cheques is Challenger 4x4, Stadium Works, Oxenden Road, Tongham, Surrey. GU101AJ. Hope this isn't too much information at once. Looking forward to speaking to you all.



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This sounds like it could be a big success... With the ideas you have on venues, what size of field (in terms of numbers of competitors, not acres/hectares :lol: )are you looking for??

Also - I know it's the first time you are running this - will it be a similar sort of set-up to the 'big brother challenge events' and include things like navigational and 'special stage' sections as well as all-out punch hunts?? (need to know whether my co-driver will need to be able to read a map and think logically!! :rolleyes: )

Sorry for all the Qs, but it seems like it could be right up my street.

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yep sounds good and good to see Challenger behind it

I will certainly be interested in some rounds at least.


Pull the other one Bish - thats like starting a Std + 1 class and running DDCs.......... you were going to do those too!!!! - Only pulling your leg i know you wanted to cut up the rangie for a 90 and needed to find an excuse to do that first!

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I'd just like to add that Challenger have been running events like this for a few years now and they have always been very well run, friendly family events with the section's/punch's set up to cater for all levels of entry's with a handycap systerm. You may well see a couply of top car's there but they ''WILL'' be handicaped! so go enter and enjoy the event.

I'm nothing to do with these event's, But i've entered Challenger events before and they are bl**dy good fun days/weekends out.

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Lucy here..... Thanks for your comments Adrian, love you x

The locations we are looking at at the mo are the usual suspects Slab Common, Hogmoor, Slindon and then West Harptree, Coney Green, Devils Pit/Tixover. In which order is yet to be confirmed but will let you know asap. Lucy


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