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members vehicles forum!


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Admin/Mods decide that to help protect members vehicles that have thier photo's on the forum from thiving scumbags that the members vehicle forum now requires members to gain 20 posts before they can view the members vehicles forum,

hopefully that will deter any prospective dodgy non genuine members from staying around to gain the access required.

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i was looking for it, and it was one of those moments " im sure i left it here, but im not quite 100%!!" so i thought id ask :) i wana write something about my 110, thinking its time!!!

speaking of which its got a flat tyre grrrrr :angry:

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I had a PM from a new member who joined up to see my members vehicle thread on my Discovery (LRO put details of the build thread on their mini feature on my truck). He's now pretty disappionted that he can't see the area he wanted to.

It strikes me as a bit of over kill from a security point of view. If I modify my truck and then post it on a public forum for all to see that is my risk of attracting the wrong kind of attention. If I wanted nobody to know what hides in my garage (actually my Discovery sits on a driveway on a main road) then I wouldn't post on a forum about it.

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While I understand the reasons for this action I do feel that this forum is being "over Moderated"

and "meaning this in the least offensive way possible" it does seem as though we have a group of people sitting around trying to find things to change.

A but like the EU parliament! fixing things that weren't broke!

Lara's opinion

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I thought the suggestion/request for this change came from a user actually, but I'll check. I don't care if everybody can see my vehicle as nobody is likely to come here to nick it but I can understand it might be a concern to UK residents. The requirements for users to be able to see it are hardly onerous and anybody who is an active member of LR4x4 will have no problem.

Perhaps the best thing might be for people to indicate if they DON'T want their vehicle to be visible to all and sundry, and then we can look at the responses - if nobody wants to have it invisible then I guess we can change it back, I don't mind one way or the other. The change was done for the security of members, not to bugger things up and p*ss everybody off which seems to be the automatic assumption about anything that is changed round here at the moment.


If I modify my truck and then post it on a public forum for all to see that is my risk of attracting the wrong kind of attention. If I wanted nobody to know what hides in my garage (actually my Discovery sits on a driveway on a main road) then I wouldn't post on a forum about it.

is a very valid point...

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There are other restrictions to do with visibility to new members on the grounds of security. Play an active part in the forum and it will pop up in no time ;)

I joined the Forum in March 2007, so I am not a New member, over 20 posts but "Members vehicle..." still not visible!



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I certainly do appreciate the role of the mods and wholeheartedly agree that they are a needed body,

I didn't think too negatively or anything like that about that "single" change except, thinking "oh, another new Law being introduced"

Would not a simple question on the forum have been a better way of doing things, if anything?


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Would not a simple question on the forum have been a better way of doing things, if anything?

It would certainly have been a way to spark a huge and lengthy debate, waste hours of time and reach no conclusion. :(

I agree with Lara. you will just limit the members if you carry on this way.

It might limit vehicle crime too.


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It might limit vehicle crime too.

Reading in the mags month after month of this vehicle being nicked, I think anything that is done in good faith to reduce crime is a good thing especially for those who are users of this forum.

As a added measure when a person uploads an image of their pride and joy, why not take the time to photoshop your registration number so that it's more difficult for the thugs to trace you and your vehicle.


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It would certainly have been a way to spark a huge and lengthy debate, waste hours of time and reach no conclusion. :(



Let's not have a court case for this guy, would take too long,

Let's just execute him anyway :lol::lol:

A simple poll ????


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