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members vehicles forum!


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awww i cant veiw it yet :(

its hard to get 20 posts as the admin have to aprove of your post before it is displayed dont they?

normally mods or admin will lift the mod preview from your posts after a certain number have been made, it's part of the process that every member in here has had to pass through. qickest way to up your post count is to get involved with threads that interst you or even question about mods/repairs to your own vehicle.

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Also the member vehicle section tends to be an area that newbies visit and post details of their own Land Rovers (as I originally did) but now they can't!

When I first joined the forum I started by making some small comments on my friend's topics and was banned for 'spam'. One of the moderators suggested that I start a members vehicle thread so that 'people could get to know me', which I duely did and it went very well, got me to know people and helped me understand what to post when.

I Guess newbies can't do that anymore then!

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I've been a forum memeber for nearly two years but haven't posted very much. I have found it very annoying having to post 20 times to view the members vehicles that i have had free acces to uo until now. I guess I'm just going to have to start posting...........Thanks!!!! :angry:

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There are a lot of L/R's being stolen lately as I'm sure some of you know. Changing the access to the Members Vehicles Forum might seem strict, but there are far more people view that forum than members do, so we have to consider that there's at least a reasonable possibilty that thieves are scoping what is posted in there. Some of you may say that it's your responsibility what you post, but we have to consider the majority, rather than an individual's needs. Using this thread to up your post count isn't going to work - suspicious people might wonder why you are doing it :lol:


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FFS everyone :blink:

We haven't made up a 'rule' for newbies not to be able to see members forum just for fun. :(

We have done it as a way of maybe protecting members from having their pride and joys nicked - Period.

If you walked out tommorow

and found it wasn't there

you may them have a different view on the fact we have decided that less than 30 posts can't see Members forum.

And hold that thought....

You also have to be responsible too,

before you post your pride and joy decide if there is "Too Much Information" to give

"Mr Pikey and his "TopofdamornintoyaandHeelosderduyouwnatyerdsdrivetarmacingmeoldM8" enough or is that too much info ? "

The rule was ONLY brought in as a sanity check,

but unfortunately some innocents may be caught up in now not seeing the forum - see

the bigger picture and why done, and you'll soon, if a contributor to LR4x4 see it shortly....

and think before you 'slate' the logic behind what is done ...........for the best intentions :) your trucks

I have avioded locking this thread, there should be no need, if members can see past their initail thoughts

and see that the logic taken is to protect them - even a little bit then brillinat thats why it was done

If however this thread continues to drop further into sillyness and snide anti mod lr4x4 comments then

I guess either myself or another mod may just have to lock it - daft when its done for the very best of intentions ?

Please think about the above before you hit the reply key :) ?

Now all know it may be that people understand a bit better


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Despite what some might think we do listen and take on board everything that is suggested but now think as far as this subject goes all that needs to have been said has been said ...more than once. I'm therefore now expecting this thread to fall off the front page PDQ.

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I have to say, as an intial objector to the idea of locking the members vehicle forum, I can see the moderator's reasoning and applude them taking a strong stance on something they see as a key problem. I for one would not want to lose my LR, not just for the money, but for the 6 months not seeing my family that building it cost :(

Actually the main change of position has been some of the posts from new members I've seen trying to up their 'count'. On one hand you could blame this is on one area being locked for newbies, on the other hand do we need that kind of pointless posting? There are plenty of areas that newbies can post constructively without the use of the Members Vehicle Forum.

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It took me almost 2 years to write 10 posts (now 11), most of them in members vehicles forum, in my rangie topic :) If mvf would have been "secret" two years ago, I think I would not register or post anything.. Don't know if that is a good or a bad thing? :)

Don't be afraid, it's too difficult for me to steal your cars and deliver them here (Finland) :blink:

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It took me almost 2 years to write 10 posts (now 11), most of them in members vehicles forum, in my rangie topic :) If mvf would have been "secret" two years ago, I think I would not register or post anything.. Don't know if that is a good or a bad thing? :)

Don't be afraid, it's too difficult for me to steal your cars and deliver them here (Finland) :blink:

not so difficult baxxter - we can do a forum relay as long as we can drop them in Jarvenpaa or Helsinki :lol:

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To be honest, I doubt anyone would bother trying to find cars to steal from a forum anyway,

The address on most says stuff like "Hampshire" now even though I live in Belgium, I know that Hampshire is rather a big place to go looking for one particular Landrover!

Never mind,

Hey! an idea!

If the mods could lock our vehicles as well as they lock threads these days! Now THAT would be good! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Don't take me too serious ;)

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not so difficult baxxter - we can do a forum relay as long as we can drop them in Jarvenpaa or Helsinki :lol:

Hmm that sounds like a plan. I just need to speed up my post count so I can choose my new ride :D

Business aside, are you going to compete in Finland next year?

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Yep we come - Finland trophy at least, it would be nice to do Lapland trophy and if possible something round the "lost in frost" time depending on money :(

I think it would just be easier if I get a job and somewhere to live in Finland and save a lot of travelling!

Theres some events in Estonia to take care of (some fast new cars are being built) as well as the usual Russian stuff and going back to Veppskii,

are you coming out to play? :)

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are you coming out to play? :)

I'm going to try more next year, only 1 comp & 1 playday this year :unsure: Goal is to participate in all trophies in Finland. Fall seems to be quite busy, but if nothing big is broken, why not. I think I need a better car to go to estonia, not to mention russia :(

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