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im off to newark, well i cant say im off to newark i live there so im goin to the newark one

that makes two of us then but a cant help thinking its going to be a bit of a flop with billing on the same day but will be showing my support and hope it will be better next year

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Want to take in my first landrover show but a bit bemused as they are both on the same weekend. Newark is geographically nearer but which would be the best show to take in folks?

Zeb as you will have nothing to compare with either one will probably be OK.

You will not get a straight answer, because frankly nobody knows which will be best.

After the events the only comparisons will be from those that attend both for example one show on each of the main days.

My advice it to go to the one your mates will be at, where you can make your own fun if the show is not up to scratch.


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My advice it to go to the one your mates will be at, where you can make your own fun

I think John has hit the nail on the head - Billing might have a greater proportion of the trade, but the best show will be the one your mates are at, that's what makes it - and thus it will be different for each of us.


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problem is this will be the first show we will have been to...so were looking for a steer to which would be better for a couple of newbies to all things LR?


Is there a local Land Rover club you could join?

Find out to which show they are going and tag along.

The LR community is in part divided by the two publications choosing to have shows the same weekend.

Generally the LR community don't care who runs the show as long as it is well run and serves the needs of the community and LR traders.

No one can truly say which will be better before they happen, so you have to make your own decision, frankly just like the rest of us!

If I go it will be to Billing only for a day, because it is a bit closer, I have been offered a lift and there will be some people I know there.

I don't go to watch the show-ring entertainment, which I find to be pretty anal and full of oversized ego's.

The off-road courses may be fun to watch, however I have never bothered to participate or spectate at those either.

As a newby to Land Rovers I suspect either of the shows will have plenty for you.


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problem is this will be the first show we will have been to...so were looking for a steer to which would be better for a couple of newbies to all things LR?

There only is one show and that is Billing. Look for a Scottish flag and come and have a tin or two with us!!


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Is there a local Land Rover club you could join?

Find out to which show they are going and tag along.

The LR community is in part divided by the two publications choosing to have shows the same weekend.

Generally the LR community don't care who runs the show as long as it is well run and serves the needs of the community and LR traders.

No one can truly say which will be better before they happen, so you have to make your own decision, frankly just like the rest of us!

If I go it will be to Billing only for a day, because it is a bit closer, I have been offered a lift and there will be some people I know there.

I don't go to watch the show-ring entertainment, which I find to be pretty anal and full of oversized ego's.

The off-road courses may be fun to watch, however I have never bothered to participate or spectate at those either.

As a newby to Land Rovers I suspect either of the shows will have plenty for you.


cheers john. Just wondered if anyone felt strongly one way or the other but thats fine. I'll probably go for newark as its nearer

thanks once again for the advice.

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