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What's Turbocharger up to?


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Something stupid?

Ooh, Ooh - I know, I know!

<frantically waves hand in air from back of class>

TC has been watching the "Roadrunner" cartoon again...

The tree is bent over and held in tension, and a special ACME rope is then attached to the front of the 90.

Turbocharger - in company with a lifesize inflatable rubber doll from www.rubberfetish.com - will sit on the top of the (bent over) tree with a large canister of helium.

At the given time, Troddenmasses will release the tension on the rope, causing the tree to spring back upright, launching TC into the air at somthing close to 1200 feet/second.

At the Apex of his Apogee (don't ask - I thought it sounded good tho') The helium canister valve will be opened, filling the rubber dolly - thus equalising the weight/drag coefficient and slowing TC's descent into the local pub Beer Garden. Upon landing he can then introduce his new girlfriend to the guys in the pub whilst talking in a really squeaky voice...

...or not :rolleyes:


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Ooh, Ooh - I know, I know!

<frantically waves hand in air from back of class>

TC has been watching the "Roadrunner" cartoon again...

The tree is bent over and held in tension, and a special ACME rope is then attached to the front of the 90.

Turbocharger - in company with a lifesize inflatable rubber doll from www.rubberfetish.com - will sit on the top of the (bent over) tree with a large canister of helium.

At the given time, Troddenmasses will release the tension on the rope, causing the tree to spring back upright, launching TC into the air at somthing close to 1200 feet/second.

At the Apex of his Apogee (don't ask - I thought it sounded good tho') The helium canister valve will be opened, filling the rubber dolly - thus equalising the weight/drag coefficient and slowing TC's descent into the local pub Beer Garden. Upon landing he can then introduce his new girlfriend to the guys in the pub whilst talking in a really squeaky voice...

...or not :rolleyes:


Close, but not quite. In fact he lands close to a certain orange company's stand, where he informs all those present of the objectionable business ethics! This action could be finished by introducing the doll to Colon in a sitably embarrassing way.


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Matt - if you weren't teetotal I'd question your sobriety...

It is indeed a zip line:



For those who are concerned about me breaking bits of my winching kit, don't worry - he ain't heavy..... he's my brother. <groan>

Credit has to go to Matt though, for pure genius and innovation in storytelling :)

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