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OT: The inevitable Top Gear thread

Guest diesel_jim

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The thread's about greenlaning and Top Gear - two major topic areas of this forum - so could justify a move to "Getting out there" if Les is having a draconian moderation day. I thought JC et al gave a good entertaining show, even though the impression they gave was to play into the hands of the antis with a poor public perception of laning.

A lot of the show's stunts are set up to give an impression that isn't the case, eg the Panda limo which 'fell in half' and made it to the celebrity gig, but just happened to be only filmed on Olympia's private car park after it started scraping the tarmac.

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This thread is about as O/T as the road tax thread, fuel costs etc. So expect it to be slammed very soon.

Walfy, I'm only new here so perhaps don't have the right to say this but I really think the old on/off topic thing has run it's day... at least for now, and it doesn't need to keep 'polluting' other posts.

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The thread's about greenlaning and Top Gear - two major topic areas of this forum - so could justify a move to "Getting out there" if Les is having a draconian moderation day. I thought JC et al gave a good entertaining show, even though the impression they gave was to play into the hands of the antis with a poor public perception of laning.

A lot of the show's stunts are set up to give an impression that isn't the case, eg the Panda limo which 'fell in half' and made it to the celebrity gig, but just happened to be only filmed on Olympia's private car park after it started scraping the tarmac.

Steady ;)

lets not have any slagging off of forum members here.

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Not slagging anyone here. But if you apply the same rules for posting as was applied to the road tax debate then this fits in the same category. There was nothing to do with greenlaning at all in that segment of the show. Same as the hunting side of it, nothing to do with hunting. The horses were there to take the mick out of the short 1 with the white teeth

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Didn't see top gear tonight,

But assume it was the hounds 'V'4x4 episode?

Either way as a 100% hunting man I have learn't a few things over the last few years related to the hunting ban that I think are totaly applicable to the 4x4 world:

a/. Only MPs (or any one with a vote in the relavent comittiee/legislative house) count - if we don't get them on our side we are wasting our time. Marches/riots in parliment square are quite good fun, but change nothing.

b/. Local MP's respond to the number of vistor's/ letters on obscure issues - 'anti's' of any persuasion know this and exploit it.

c/. Only those with good representatives at a national level manage to lobby well at parliment

When was the last time you did either of the following:

1/. Visited your MP or MP of the area you go offroading in to explain what you do and why you are a responsible member of the comunity etc. (It's good fun when you catch them out with contradictory statements)

2/. Wrote to all MP's - Down load the list of the westminster website, set it up in excel, and do a mail merge on a standard letter to all MP's. Costs a bit as they will only take letters individually. (~640 MP's at 2nd class....). However how much do you value your off roading???

The other missing for me is ONE representative body that responds proffesionally to media and lobies MP's in parliment... it just doesn't exist in the off road world. We will struggle until this is set up with.

Rum is good,


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The antis know the truth and will still want green laneing banned. Now, thanks to the TG item, all the people who did not give a monkeys as they had no idea what the ramblers wanted will agree with any anti wanting green laneing banned as they have been given the wrong impression about what green laneing is. I would support a ban on driving ilegally on private land, doing damage, the difference is, greenlaneing is nothing like what TG went on to show. IMHO TG gave a very poor impression last night. I hope that GLASS, LARA etc. write a proper letter to TG.


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It clearly wasn't laning and 100% staged for entertainment, sit back and enjoy.

What I tried to say above is that we all know this to be true but I'll bet others who are not aware of the facts have a different impression after seeing TG. Ask around at work, the pub etc. and see what non-LR owners who saw TG think green laneing is and whether they would support a ban.


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It would appear this issue has a lot of 4x4 owners worried..


As for the program, enjoyable, but quite staged. The car didn't do too badly, but then they were only on woodland tracks and open fields, nothing that should have posed an issue. It would have been wrecked after that show was made, which is where it differs from the purpose built machines in my opinion.

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the top gear stunt was legal hunting, called trail hunting, it is done all over the uk but never with a 4X4 as thay do make too much mess it's normal for an ATV and/or a man on foot to drag the rag soked in fox pee,

yes there is a chance that some anti 4X4 will try to use it but as they show plenty of horses and hounds thay will have a job to prove there point.(not to say thay wont try).

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Interesting how capable that little Terrios was though (assuming the absence of any 'staging' which one can never be sure about with TG)

i thought the little Terrios did quite well, i believe the 1 days filming turned into 3 though and they got through 3 vehicles!

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A mate of mine told me that on the TG website there was a discussion about them adding the V8 soundtrack over the Terios, and apparently they didn't, it's the engine of the camera car being picked up... don't know if that's true or not.

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Guest diesel_jim
Nobody notice that JC did not wear his seat belt whilst driving?

Not a legal requirement on someones land but not a good example to show the masses :rolleyes:

Like you say though...private land.

neither is doing doughnuts, driving through fences et al....

heck, did you see he was driving a petrol engined vehicle?....what a bad example! :rolleyes:

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  • 3 months later...
Although it isn't LR Tech, it's a harsh moderator who'll discriminate against my religion:

For your viewing pleasure, Messrs Clarkson, Hammond and May will return to our screens tonight. If you've not caught the rather sparse trailers, BBC2 8pm. :)

PS Well done to Lewis Hamilton.

I have been waiting for the new series Great!!!!!!

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