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wife's romantic notion


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The wife has this romantic notion as she puts it, of taking the landy onto a beach somewhere and camping over night. Does anyone know anywhere in the south west where you can do this, pull up onto the beach, park and camp. Long shot I know but the things we have to do to keep them happy! many thanks Kevin

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There is a campsite that has a wall between you and the breaking waves at the southern end of Weston-super-Mare. That is about as close as you can legally get. Not that I would recommend Weston's beach to anyone mind - more mud than sand!

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years ago you used to be able to drive onto Pendine sands in west Wales and we would go there in the evening and drive about 3 miles down the beach and camp. Unfortunately no longer possible. Best bet is to convince her to go on a trip to Morocco where you can still drive on the beaches down south.






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Black rock sands otherwise known as porthmadog beach in north west wales is a lovely beach to drive on (legally), if you go at low tide it is huge :)

won't be able to camp, but still worth a visit, makes a great start to a days greenlaning aswell

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You can't take a land rover onto Lulworth cove in Dorset but you can sleep on there and will not get swept away by tides-great for beach party's and nice for a swim in the morning after the night before to "freshen" you up



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We used to go partying in Woolacombe years ago and park up on Marine Drive which backs onto the dunes and walk down to the beach. After one hectic nights swimming and larking around a campfire years ago I might have broken the rules a tad and drove the Range Rover down to the beach to retrieve the BBQ and some 'tired' revellers. I suspect overnight 'parking' is banned now but I don't know. I'd have thought anywhere that you can get near the beach won't be that romantic during the summer as you'll be sharing it with a bunch of chemically adjusted teenagers in VWs

Will :)

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