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AWDC Scorpion Racing Trophy Round 4


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We just got back, Steve went to A&E just to be safe, just got to take it easy for a couple of days, I've just got a bruised elbow.

Truck will take a bit longer but it would have been a lot worse without the rollcage! can't praise North Off Road highly enough!!!

Thanks to everyone who helped us, couldn't have got back on our feet without you.

Roll on the next event!

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Sorry to hear about your roll,

Glad to here your both ok, the motor's only nuts and bolts so that can be sorted easily anytime,

can't agree more, first concirn when we stopped was to check we were both ok, then find which way was up!

only once we'd established these facts did we move on to such pedantic subjects as how to get the truck back on it's wheels.

Any news on Rob yet?

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Glad your both ok,

Last we heard Rob had a suspected blood clot on his spine and would be in hospital for a few days, and I'm sure we'd all wish him well and a speedy recovery. AFAIK John is ok ?

I'm sure Neil may have more information and I'm sure will let everyone know if he hears anything

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hi,glad to here everyone's ok,

super site and a big thankyou to Neil and everyone involved

cheers john and ned.

P.S. did anyone find themselves driving up to several invisible punches or was it just us :angry:

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Was an excellent day well done to all that took part and good luck to all those recovering the weather was great but no good for challenge events i think more like weather for swimming in a stream


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Glad to hear that Steve and Brian are both OK.

Still waiting for further news from Rob, will let you know as soon as...

Championship points are now available


Saley - invisible punches? They were all there when the marshals collected them! Although there were a lot of repairs during the day - when it was reported. What frustrates me more is the incredible snapping bunting. We put it up, it snaps, people drive to now easy punches! :angry::angry:

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What a weekend. Hope everyone had fun. As Neil said, good to hear that Steve and Brian are ok. Hopefully someone will update us on Rob somewhen??

I didn't get as many pictures as I normally do but what I've got are here:


Can we order some slightly cooler weather next time? :blink:

And maybe some unbreakable bunting and cable ties...? :ph34r:;)

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Glad to hear that Steve and Brian are both OK.

Still waiting for further news from Rob, will let you know as soon as...

Championship points are now available


Saley - invisible punches? They were all there when the marshals collected them! Although there were a lot of repairs during the day - when it was reported. What frustrates me more is the incredible snapping bunting. We put it up, it snaps, people drive to now easy punches! :angry::angry:

a big thankyou to everyone who stopped to help with our recovery :) a bit of a mess :( brian is ok but brused :D me well bike racing is what ive done for the past 16 years and ive had some good offs 150+mph and felt better than i do now :) but ill mend :D:P may get to next round but wife expecting so may have to miss out ,will know closer to the time :P also any debates any body may have on roll cages north off road with out any dowt saved our lives a big thankyou also cage is still looking very straight ,will have to see about another one they get my vote thanks ,steve m ps ihope rob makes a speedy recovery i wish him well , also neil another good event just a shame we had an early bath

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that was a fantastic event I thought... dam good fun, but not so good about the role overs.. Hope every one recovers/ including winch biatches who were knackered from running about..

One request -- to my driver - - Listen to me next time, and we can work a little better :D and next get a motor thats want to drive for longer than an hour before it dies. very annoying - -it will be burnt next time. and then I will work for tangoman (Nick) and help Les out with the cables...

you have been warned.. :D

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that was a fantastic event I thought... dam good fun, but not so good about the role overs.. Hope every one recovers/ including winch biatches who were knackered from running about..

One request -- to my driver - - Listen to me next time, and we can work a little better :D and next get a motor thats want to drive for longer than an hour before it dies. very annoying - -it will be burnt next time. and then I will work for tangoman (Nick) and help Les out with the cables...

you have been warned.. :D

Richard I don't need two biatchs I need a second driver one that drives like a girl and somebody other than me.

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a second driver - - I could smash your car for you.. and then you could biatch for me in your own motor..

how does that sound? :D

You'll love it, you know you would.

then Les can put his feet up biatching for adrian as that motor never seems to last more that a few hours..

Richard I don't need two biatchs I need a second driver one that drives like a girl and somebody other than me.
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Another top event Neil and the team, well done. - The bunting and detached clips issue seems to becoming more noticable each round.

Steve & Brian - glad to here your OK (you've gave me some confidence in my North Off Road cage) hope to here good news about Rob soon.

I was disappointed about our performance, a broken 8274 brake shaft and something a miss in the front drive train messed up our day. Something in the rear went on the way home so ended up on the recovery truck again. Got home at 0030 this morning. :angry:

I've decided to retire from this years events, having to use my truck as a daily driver as well as not having much room to carry out repairs, along with the obvious cost have forced this decision. I will be putting the truck up for sale as soon as the repairs are done if anyone's interested, PM me. :(:(:(

I will propably still be coming along to some of the future rounds. I'm prepared to bitch if anyone needs one.


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Just heard from Rob - waiting to be discharged following a final check by the consultant. A large bruise on the back but nothing too serious - one free nights B&B in Shrewsbury A&E courtesy of the NHS!!

Divster - sorry to hear that you're retiring - we were looking forward to a good battle in Standard class for the rest of the year! Hope to see you at some in the future - we may even be able to find you a seat yet! Good luck to you and Trev...

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the real reason is that you don't have enough space for all the trophies on your tv.. :D

sell the dog - that'll free up some space.. and you wont get licked to death whilst underneath your motor..


Another top event Neil and the team, well done. - The bunting and detached clips issue seems to becoming more noticable each round.

Steve & Brian - glad to here your OK (you've gave me some confidence in my North Off Road cage) hope to here good news about Rob soon.

I was disappointed about our performance, a broken 8274 brake shaft and something a miss in the front drive train messed up our day. Something in the rear went on the way home so ended up on the recovery truck again. Got home at 0030 this morning. :angry:

I've decided to retire from this years events, having to use my truck as a daily driver as well as not having much room to carry out repairs, along with the obvious cost have forced this decision. I will be putting the truck up for sale as soon as the repairs are done if anyone's interested, PM me. :(:(:(

I will propably still be coming along to some of the future rounds. I'm prepared to bitch if anyone needs one.


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Just heard from Rob - waiting to be discharged following a final check by the consultant. A large bruise on the back but nothing too serious - one free nights B&B in Shrewsbury A&E courtesy of the NHS!!

Good news!

I've decided to retire from this years events, having to use my truck as a daily driver as well as not having much room to carry out repairs, along with the obvious cost have forced this decision. I will be putting the truck up for sale as soon as the repairs are done if anyone's interested, PM me. :(:(:(


Bad news..... :(

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Glad that there were no serious injuries,saw Robs accident and it looked nasty.Wish i had my car there yesterday cos it was a good event.Bit hot though B) .Spent most of the day in the shade at SS1 but still managed to get some serious pink bits :o


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Thought I'd log on and join in the fun!

First and foremost, I am very relieved to hear that Steve, Brian, Rob and John are all OK - please don't do that to me again I'm of a nervous off road disposition.

An extremely tough event for everyone but one I hope was enjoyed nevertheless. Adrian - take no notice of your bossy co-driver - you drove SS2 really well and were the first to clear it!! Tangoman - take it from a girl (well sort of) you were a tad girly on the stage - no offence! At least you got out of the car to take a little look at the section first though!

Devastated at the news of no Dave and Trev! Please come back and see us - hope it wasn't down to you being grounded because Gemma saw what you do on your dirty weekends!!

Thanks to all of our helpers and marshalls - you are the best.


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Rob has just rang me he is still waiting for a doctor to sign him out

and then i can fetch him

he feels ok but a bit sore and a bit peed off because they cant find the

doc to sighn him out

you will hear it all from the man himself shortly im shure

glad to hear all the others are ok

i heard robs roll and that was bad enough without seaing it


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Refering to Nick as being a bit girly is way off the mark!

I've competed with Nick a fair few times and far from being Girly, he a is a cautious/carfull team mate. I'd rather have that than a fool who leaps in wiithout looking and wth no care for saftey.

I'd choose to do any event with him any time as being safe comes way higher on my priority list than any event or car

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Glad to hear that Rob and everyone else is OK Only benefit is that it's a reminder for everyone to play safe and make sure that belts, cages, extinguishers etc are in good order.

Shame some people are breaking tapes/punch lanyards accidentally :rolleyes: and not telling anyone. Maybe it should be made compulsory for every entrant to have a CB and report and tape or punch damage to a Marshal immediately. Having said that it does happen by accident sometimes, but if they don't own up people are going to think foul play.



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