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109 Surprise


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Hi, although not new to the forum, I am new in the series forum (still have my defender though).

I have just bought an 1964 109 soft top. I have so far not a clue what i'm talking about :)

I will pick her up on Saturday. What I know so far is that it was running 5 years ago. It turns over and probably gets fuel. However, it does not have a Spark. The radiator is "new".

It would be much appreciated if you could have a look at the photos and let me know what you think I might have to expect.

Bought it for 1200 NZD approx 600 pounds.

So excited to get my hands on her :)






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Very nice

It looks like an ex-military one from the headlight mounts and electric sockets in the rear panel

That crank pulley looks to be almost off the crank , you can see the shiny oilseal surface on the pulley boss - check the bolt in the end , you'll need a deep socket or box spanner to get it as the crank handle dog is all part of it

..nice rust free bulkhead , you lucky man!



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Good stuff. Is it 24 or 12V?

I wonder if the top pulley has been replaced. This model had the big alternator too didn't it? If it did, then there will have been two belts driving the alternator and the top pulley is a single only, instead of a double. Maybe a new water pump at some time?

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Many thanks for your replies so far! - this will alway be the best forum of all !!

As said I will pick up on Saturday and have not seen her in real yet - so there will be surprises for me.

I hope it is 12 v

Well spotted with the pully. The current owner said that he had that fixed now for his trials to fire it up.

The problem with it not starting is as he described "it has power at the coil but not from the coil - no spark"

Any early idea what could be wrong - apart from the coil itself.

can I use any coil or do I need a specific one (i mean for sure as long as it is the right voltage)

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Look slike 24V to me too, with that dropper box on the rocker cover.

It does appear though, that the alternator is a much more standard, i.e. not the old Rover 'Generator' and panel system. which was huge, used for charging the radio batteries at 90A.

So if that is the case, you may find the generator and shunt panel gone, which is good as they can be troublesome... and a modern 24V alternator bolted in place.

24V electrics have many advantages over 12V, don't worry yourself about it too much :)

Lack of spark could well be rusted up points, failed rotor arm, dead dizzy cap. You may find it easier just to replace them all (plus condenser) as they are cheap (well over here they are...) as it has been laid up for along while, corrosion plays havoc with these pieces.

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ok, here we go. picked her up today.

Looks tidy, not too bad. quite a bit of welding has ben done but not too bad.

Could somone please have a look at the photos and let me know if the wiring for the coil is approx as it should be? :ph34r:

Its 24 volts and it looks like we have negative ground. The current comming out of the dropper box is 24 volts ??? very strange. there is 24 volts a the output of the dropper box even directly behind the resistor. I thought that should be 12v ? power goes through so no problems. is that how it is supposed to be?

batteries ar hooked up to give it a go tomorrow.

ah, and I already made some progress, the horn is working ! :i-m_so_happy:





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The dropper box is just an electrical choke. It has a resistor winding which drops the voltage, but only when the current is flowing. Imagine a restriction in the middle of a water pipe - with the tap turned off, the water pressure will be at supply pressure all the way to the tap, but once the tap is opened, the pressure down stream of the restriction will drop. You'll find that with the engine running, the output from the choke will be 10V.

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Thanks guys!

I got her running !!! :i-m_so_happy:

The pully is a tensioner. i fixed it temporarily but need to sort that out permanently.

The issue with the spark was a broken wire inside the distributor connecting point to coil. easy fix but hard to find.

I checked that petrol was fresh and made sure that it gets delivered to the carb. Had an in line fuel filter installed too.

Well then it needed two new batteries - which was the pricy bit :mellow:

...plugs checked, pistons oiled, manually turned a couple of times...

I've been told that "odi" ,how I will call her, stood for 5 years in the shed.

Now the amazing bit: a very short touch of the Starter button and we had sweet and smooth running !!!!! yay !!

It's a solex carb. does anyone now how to properly tune?

now onto the clutch and brakes ;)

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Great stuff! It's amazing how many "stood for x amount of years" stories you hear which end with that result, with a relatively easy fix.

I wonder if your clutch was like mine and frozen to the flywheel with rust... Hope not!

Purchase a Haynes manual if you haven't already, it will cover a total "how to" on solex carbs and they are an invaluable addition to any workshop!

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Hi jjm, good oint you mention there with the clutch .... yep frozen. just found out after I got the hydrailics sorted :blink:

before I take it al apart does anyone has an idea how to "unfreeze" at least to try?

ok, I guess I know ...

Teather the vehicle with ground anchors and wheel chocks, engage 1st low and start the engine with the clutch pedal pressed down. Just make sure you do it in a safe location where if it jumps the chocks and slips the teathers you won't harm anyone/anything.
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I would give it a try but the problem is different.

I got all the clutch hydraulics going and I can now, with quite some force required, press down the clutch pedal and get the mechanism moving.

However the clutch does not engage. I can put a gear in with running engine and nothing will happen.

Clutch pedal is really heavy to press and only comes back very reluctantly. Because of this I hope it's "just" a clutch problem and not a broken shaft.

can the clutch become stuck in the open position?

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Ah, yes I know what your saying.

The pedal returns very slowly but goes straight to the floor (but heavy to press)?

My old s2a did that, it had been stood for 20 years in a paddock. My brakes were also like that. However, I found that pumping the pedal increased the pressure a lot until the pedal literally froze halfway in, and wouldnt come back out.

I pretty much leaned on it really hard, nearly jumped on it.. Then it went clunk! And the pedal went straight to the floor but returned far faster with a spring loaded feel to it. After that it worked perfectly! I think I had a either a frozen release fork, clutch release bearing, slave cylinder or master cylinder.

They are expensive to replace if you use something like Landroverparts.co.nz but if you use paddock spares its cheaper (although shipping to our neck of the woods is pretty up there)

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