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Decent Cheap Battery Rattle Gun ?

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Uhhm, yep that's the one. Not what you'd call a high-quality piece of kit, but for those of us who don't spanner for a living, it does the job very well. The occasional drop of oil up the spout is all it needs.

The irony is of course a set of impact-y (deep) sockets will cost £30 or so and therefore more than the tool!

Do your airline fittings a favour and pickup the bits you need to make a short 'whip hose' though...

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i used a snap on one the other day and it just absolutely beasted anything it would touch it was great

I'm selling my Snap On wonder gun in a few days (450lbft Lithium battery blah blah) and getting the equivalent Makita 1/2 drive gun. OK the Makita doesn't have quite so many torques but at £120 less battery I can get a few of those for the nearly £600 I paid for the Snap On gun and frankly the Snap ON gun, if it goes wrong and goes off to Snap ON for repair, will not come back with as many torques as it says on the packet.

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Why will the snap on gun come back with less torques?

How much is a complete Makita set up?

We have sent two guns to snap on for ' refurbishment ' one was run over by a tractor and the other we smashed up in the vice after laddo felt it was down on power and the battery was a little loose, both came back with only the trigger from the old gun.


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Why will the snap on gun come back with less torques?

How much is a complete Makita set up?

We have sent two guns to snap on for ' refurbishment ' one was run over by a tractor and the other we smashed up in the vice after laddo felt it was down on power and the battery was a little loose, both came back with only the trigger from the old gun.


The last one we sent back for refurb didn't seem to be as gutsy after they'd refurbished it, despite a new gearbox.

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Just a word of (obvious) caution regarding battery rattle guns and wheel nuts - a good few years ago we had a forum green lane trip in Wales based at Llanachindda Farm.

On the first morning one chap, forget his name kindly offered to check peoples' wheel nuts with his new whizzy rattle gun. Off he went round the car park gunning up nuts. when he'd done everyone's wheels he then checked his own we then set off on our green laning day........

........half way through the day one of his wheels came off, on a road as it happens and luckily nobody was hurt although the brake disk will never be the same again!.

What a reward for trying to be helpful!

So, the (somewhat long winded) lesson is - ALWAYS check your wheel nuts by hand after using any power tool to do them up.Batteries do go flat and it is often not obvious how much power they have lost at a given time.

Apologies if the above is bluddy obvious, but it gave me the opportunity to reminisce about old times :)

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