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V8 specifically and any others - Failure of Tensioners ?


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The 1st big test of the 5.2 saw it some 8 hrs later dragged home on the end of a tow rope :rofl:

The Serpentine Tensioner had decided to squeal its head off, engine stopped and check to see what was what identified it as

seized solid :( - one of the very very few parts checked and reused ! <sigh> it died with foxtrot oscar warning, squeal and that was it - hanging !

200 yrds saw the ball bearings starting to see daylight and waving at us all !

Prob is no belt = NO PAS (sort of live with that) no alternator = sort of ok have 2 x batteries oil pump is crank drivem BUT water pump = Ooops !

So dragged home by mate ......

Removed it today, and the bearings fell apart, and it had collapsed enough to chew the housing...

The question is is this a common thing ?.....I think a spare will be acrried + belt !

So, V8 tensioners - are they prone to dying ?



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Oddly enough I was tasked with the job of changing my uncles serpentine belt on his TDI VW thing, the tensioner hadn't seized but had started to come apart and had eventually pushed the belt off true. It ended up running on the edge of the pulleys and rubbing on the side of the block. Had to bodge it with a washer to get him back home (London) as there wasn't a motor factors open close by. I do have a nice stock of V8 ones though :)

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Mine did that on a road vehicle and threw the serp belt. Mine was the idler pulley. I changed it with a ford metal one from a falcon.

My theory is the plastic ones give no warning because they flex till complete failure. The bearing expansion through heat splitting the wheel.

Like you, I'm concerned about it when remote. I carry a falcon idler cos I reckon it will work on the tensioner.

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Yes mine did that on the driveway, that was lucky. I have replaced the bearing and carry a spare. when it failed on a saturday night, I wanted to use the machine the next day, I immobilised my 406 hdi, that one fitted as well. Maybe we can find some unbreakable tensioner from a major manufacturer, like mercedes or something.

My get out of jail card for this kind of thing (or any accesory train failure) is a shorter belt: if it something fails, you can have a go at disabling one function and try to tension the alternator or tensioner with a strap or something.


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My get out of jail card for this kind of thing (or any accesory train failure) is a shorter belt: if it something fails, you can have a go at disabling one function and try to tension the alternator or tensioner with a strap or something.

So you've upgraded from shoelaces eh? :ph34r:

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So you've upgraded from shoelaces eh? :ph34r:

learnt and upgraded. I just bought a spare alternator to replace the Britpart one I bought in holland (at great expense, do they rip you off on the mainland for britpart garbage, I must add), the replacement alternator has a pulley too!

But if all else failed, the shoelace still works!


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I wouldnt worry, more and more things are being made out of plastic these days on cars mainly because its cheaper and lighter. Many manufacturers are implementing things like plasctic gearbox cross members these days for these reasons, currently these are comparable on cost to metal ones but still provide the all important weight saving. I wouldnt worry as its a good make.

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Is that not a cast item you have there? And it looks to me like it goes inside not outside the belt? Sorry never payed much attention to the serp on my 3.9, it just worked :rolleyes:

The inside or outside thing depends on what ancillaries are fitted. If it had air con fitted, the tensioner is flat faced and runs outside the belt. Without A/C you have a pulley with ribs and the edge lips.

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