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One To One


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In a moment of boredom ,we were talking last week  at work, about adverts we have known----- loved/hated.

Someone suggested " One to One" which IIRC was by a mobile phone provider in the 80`s /early 90`s.

That got me thinking about the one special Land Rover related person (however tenuously linked) who I would really want to have a "one to one" conversation with.

There are so many candidates, but I finally settled on Col. John Blashford Snell. Anyone who can buy a dozen death row murderers from a Central American prison for the price of a case of Johnny Walker Black label whisky, on the promise of freedom if they helped the expedition through the Darien Gap, has got to be a bloomin interesting bloke to spend some time chatting to.

Any other good suggestions??




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Good shout on Blashford Snell, but my choice would be Spen King...


Whether he had any concept of the impact that the RRC would have on the business almost overnight, how it would change and/or create a whole new sector and the longer term impact it would have on the whole Land Rover product line.


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I spent a while having a conversation with James Taylor (Original Land Rover series One author). I have also met Don Estelle, Windsor Davies and Angela Ripon, I have also on two occasions worked (and chatted to a few times) Princess Anne, and once to her snotty daughter Zara :) All have been a great experience. My mother went out with Acker Bilk before he became famous. My former brother in law was chief inspector of Wilts Police, but that wasn't particularly memorable.




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I did a three week trip through the Alps with James Taylor.  He has an encyclopediaic knowledge of LR history and is an exceptionally decent man.  The demise of LRe was a pity - I thought it stood out from the other magazines for its greater accuracy and depth.

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2 hours ago, Snagger said:

I did a three week trip through the Alps with James Taylor.  He has an encyclopediaic knowledge of LR history and is an exceptionally decent man.  The demise of LRe was a pity - I thought it stood out from the other magazines for its greater accuracy and depth.



The complete lack of - this is what stopped me reading the comics. If James started another LR mag I'd read it.

Sorry for O/T

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20 hours ago, studmuffin said:


There are so many candidates, but I finally settled on Col. John Blashford Snell. Anyone who can buy a dozen death row murderers from a Central American prison for the price of a case of Johnny Walker Black label whisky, on the promise of freedom if they helped the expedition through the Darien Gap, has got to be a bloomin interesting bloke to spend some time chatting to.

He came and did a talk at a place I designed a few years ago, jolly interesting tale the Darien Gap Adventure :-) I was driving a 2 door Range Rover back then and kicked myself I didn't get a photo of him in it or got him the sign the car somewhere.


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You know something.

People often talk about how our forum is a shadow of its former self. I never really took much notice until now!

I joined two and a half ago and if I had posted this then, even past the forums peak, it would, I think, have had 2 or 3 times as many replies. Most posts have the same level of activity.  Maybe we are dinosaurs and the Facebook generation rule now?

I regret, as a mechanical numb-nut, the gradual demise of new content to the technical archive, which gave me inspiration to start and finish jobs on my Landy that I would never otherwise attempt.

I am also a member of a small social friendly forum, where we meet up socially at LR / Overland shows and I think maybe that is the way for me to go from here.

Thank you for your past hospitality, good humour,  and forbearance sometimes with my 

dumb-nut questions, and numb-nut posts.

Cheers and happy Land - Rovering.




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It may be quiet, but it's not dominated by high-post-count loudmouths and very rarely, if ever, does it descend into that common personal vitriol found so easily elsewhere . . . so that's fine by me. 

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I suppose there are only so many jobs you (one) can do, so the Tech Archive has most of these covered already?  There can't be 'new ideas' contributed that often either because they're not new any more, someone will have done it before.


Re. the original topic, I'd like a 1:1 with the guy that thought putting the Disco 1's brake lights out of reach was a good idea.  I'd tell him it wasn't.

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Ah OK interesting - thanks Hobbit. I could have Googled to learn who he was but I didn't, so thanks.

I used to drive from Detroit airport to Toledo quite frequently and one of the two routes took me past the factory which has a Willys mounted on the roof.

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