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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. They're not expensive things. But they do cut down road noise a bit I found.
  2. Does look fantastic. Post up lots more pics though please! Why running twin shocks on the back by the way?
  3. The standard ones I took off could be compressed by hand - and the OME ones I've replaced them with could too. In fact I've never found a damper I couldn't compress at least a bit unless it was a coilover.... ?
  4. As far as I know it can only be caused by the run-out of the discs. Has the side with the fault seated correctly? nothing trapped on the surface to stop it sitting square? or has the shop not skimmed it square? I'd pull it off, check the surface faces and if they are ok I'd get the run-out checked.
  5. or build 3 link suspension systems with it ....?
  6. Write a 'how to' on something for the forum? Teach yourself something, the net is a mind boggling resource. Pick something you'd like to know more about and away you go ...... Get some fresh air and gentle exercise - go for a walk some place nice! Catch up with old friends.... Get something organised for when you are recovered ?
  7. Any tips on where best to pick up a folding axle stand?
  8. Can anyone confirm the radius arm bush widths on Defenders please? Did they change from 42mm to 54mm round about the 300tdi?
  9. I've used the Disco one quite a bit and its an excellent bit of kit. ebay link
  10. I'll be there on Saturday = and here's a recent picture of me ...... if you see me, say hello please
  11. I just pushed them back in with my hands, and then fitted them in ....
  12. Am I right that the Safari ones require you to move the aerial or have it come out on a slant?
  13. I thought people bought the mach 5's because they were really strong? ? what with the dakar pedigree and all?
  14. Could I ask either of you to have a look at a series 1 in bits that I'm interested in? I'm 6 and a half hours drive away so its a long way if it turned out to be rotten or loads of it missing.... No offence taken if you'd rather not! Stephen
  15. excuse my ignorance ...... which edge is rolled? the lip of the rim? and how was it before? just pressed? I've got a set to look at too.
  16. or braking hard and two jets of oil coming out the front dumb irons...
  17. Sorry to hear that. I'll keep an eye out for you. I'm amazed they went for a PTO unit? I can undertand an electrical one as its a much easier target. Unless they got the whole lot they have also now got to source the PTO drive and prop etc? Plus that whole set up weighs such a lot! I've welded my bumper on to try and slow them down. They'd need a grinder to get it off.
  18. It was abolished 8th of December 2006 - http://www.ofcom.org.uk/radiocomms/ifi/lic...lasses/citizen/
  19. I'd imagine they will give the channels to someone / something else - and if they are used by the public on a cb then it will be an offense. It'll be treated like any other illegal use of frequency ranges.
  20. Post up a pic in here when you get it gav
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