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Everything posted by reb78

  1. They class them as cars not vans. Emissions are exactly the same though! Mine is a genuine CSW (I have the original receipt) with an M in the right place in the VIN and Estate on the V5. They (TFL) did something in March which removed my previous exemption which is ridiculous because nothing has changed with the car so overnight I would have had to pay the charge. I spend a lot of time just north of the LEZ boundary so will easily go I to it. The 110 is parked up for a chassis change so not in use currently so I haven't been caught but I now need to register it with them along with photos. That idiot mayor is changing things again in October though as the ULEZ is expanding so I will wait until then to register as I think things will all change again. No thought has been given to people with little money inside these zones - I have family who struggle financially at times who will be affected by these changes. They simply cant afford to scrap and replace their old, non compliant, vehicles so the 'mayor of the people' forces locals out or onto the breadline further ... great move.
  2. Thankfully you can still buy proper creosote... it isnt as easy to get though!
  3. I am jealous... I will never be allowed to drive it as my wheelbase is ten inches too long!
  4. The top photo looks a bit naff, but I am no expert. Are you going to paint it?
  5. They all seem owned by Wedge group from what I can make out. I wish there were more small independents but I don't think they exist? I got a batch done by one of the wedge group near Birmingham. Seemed ok, bit rough in places so I'm not sure it would be much of an improvement on yours.
  6. Hear hear^^^. I feel for you Phil. You will get a good engine at the end of it though.
  7. I put it on a switch. Interestingly, when I forget to turn it on, the 110 will still steam along at 80. I think wiring it to a relay triggered by the oil pressure sender means its only on when the engine is on - sure someone said that on here.
  8. I could never get my head around when we should be using a spacer and when not everyone has a different theory on it! I see Richard has tried to explain it on the ebay link above but it still seems a bit vague/hit and miss! I got fed up with the failing lift pumps and put an electric one on mine in 2015.
  9. It was still havoc in Potters Bar when I left yesterday at 5pm. Reduced traffic on the roads though meant that the rush hour was fluid and no jams. I did M3/A303/A30 to Cornwall and there were queues at some stations on the A303, but a number just had cones up to block the pumps still. The Tesco at Launceston had no diesel when I got there at 2130 but Callington Tesco had one car at the pumps and seemed normal so I filled up. Weird. Interesting that the news has moved on to other stuff - it barely got a mention on PM, so hopefully this will die a death now
  10. So, to join all the crazies, I got up at 0545 and went to Tesco. Still a queue but it moved quite quickly, but now I have a full tank. Bloody ridiculous!
  11. That is nice! That V6 engine is lovely too and not bad on fuel... I am going through the same dilemma but Cornish lanes are stopping me. When are you selling your L322...?
  12. Hatfield isn't good according to a work colleague who said it was still bad up there. Have you been through today Mo? I dont know about Welwyn but suspect similar to Hatfield?
  13. Grrr. I wish potters bar would get this message. Tesco Is out of diesel, bp, murco and esso are shut! I drove past them on my way back from the office
  14. Potters Bar area at the moment. Needing to travel back to Cornwall on Thursday ideally! Its not the end of the world if I cant but far from ideal! I considered not travelling but it just leaves others in the lurch at work if I dont. To be honest, I assumed that once the masses filling their cars at the weekend went back to work this would fade away but it doesnt look like it has!
  15. Someone from one of the haulage companies yesterday was on the Today programme and said that the BBC perpetuating the story by reporting such a non story as its headline report every hour was one of the reasons the situation was not improving - the presenter just laughed him off and tried to get him to blame the government to create another non story. I wish the BBC would listen! I am currently stranded until god knows when as I cant embark on a 250 mile trip currently...!
  16. This is frustrating - did 250 miles today. Have about 200 in the tank but unless I get more by Thursday I cant go home!
  17. So are you putting money down on something where the final cost is unknown?
  18. Why does this happen when the 110 is off the road long term?!! I have hundreds of litres of SVO. I cant use that in the D2 or D3 though!
  19. Will it be over next week when all the idiots have full tanks and dont need fuel? I have enough diesel to do the first 300 miles of my work run next week bit may not get back!
  20. They never looked right to me Ralph. The end of the coil sits ajar in the hole in the pad the pin runs through. Just thought it looked naff and like it would do less than the original setup.
  21. I need to do 600 miles next week. AmI going to get stick somewhere because someone else has bought all the fuel they dont need?!
  22. Yup. I tried those springs. They never looked like they sat right so I just went back to the original setup.
  23. What about a bunch of these? https://www.toolstation.com/snap-hook/p75384?store=AX&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=googleshoppingfeed&mkwid=s_dm&pcrid=515847200351&pkw=&pmt=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxYW8oumU8wIV4WDmCh3QIgD_EAQYAiABEgIPEvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds if its just to stop it opening. i agree with above though - noone wants your old sheets. My roof tent is a canvass one so not really lockable and we dont worry, just dont leave anything precious in there.
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