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Mo Murphy

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Everything posted by Mo Murphy

  1. Aha, maths/physics dunce I'll go and stand in the corner ..... Mo
  2. If you were to double line it, wouldn't that halve the load to 2350 kg ? Mo
  3. I think the chequer plate is a bit overdone Mo
  4. Doesn't everything go better than a 2.5 Na lump ? Well, apart from a 2 1\4 Na lump Mo
  5. Cue the Hovis advert music - I remember when this were all fields ... Mo
  6. Tony and Les are quite right regarding the principles of this forum. I do however feel that David has been singled out quite unfairly and I don't interpret his posts as containing any more spam than some of the other businesses whose owners are members on this forum. David recently spent an hour on the phone with me sharing his wealth of experience on laning in the Pyrennes for an upcoming forum trip (even though his tea was on the table and his good lady was giving him earache) and has answered several pms VERY fully on the same subject. As a good forumeer helping other forumeers make the most of a forum trip, I'll give him 5 stars. Just my tuppence worth Mo
  7. That's the stand, although I paid £7 a pair about 4 years ago - that's inflation for you Mo
  8. The kids bought me a set of the little rectangular Ring driving lamps for Christmas (Simon's were a bit too rich for their budgets ). I'll see how get on with them when I get round to fitting them. Mo
  9. Yup, those were mine and they were great at illuminating the bonnet and not a lot else Have a look at Si's ones on his X-eng site, they are very swish ! Mo
  10. What's a blow off valve ? Does it regulate farts ? Mo
  11. Aren't they now known as "classic repair techniques" ? Mo
  12. Your own garage is the best place to do it. None of the jobs that you want to do are particularly difficult, even for a beginner and you have the satisfaction of doing it yourself and not having to pay for labour. Mo
  13. Blimey ! Some people have even bid for it and he wants more than £240 for it, that seems to be about £230 more than it appears to be worth ! Mo
  14. One other thing Tony, which many beginners forget, look at the arc, look at whats happening in and around the weld so that you know while its happening. Mo
  15. Getting there Tony ! Practice and experiment, try different power settings and wire speeds and different welds eg inside and outside corner welds and butt joints. For what you will weld, your welding doesn't have to be perfect, it won't need a tig root or multiple capping runs Mo
  16. I use Cdex like fridge, old yet simple Mo
  17. I know it's not what you want to hear but a nice sensible diesel car is probably the best option, it's far cheaper on fuel and you won't spend all your spare time fixing it. tuppence worth blah blah Mo
  18. Chris, 24v beacon was shiney and FREE I think I'll go with the 12v bulb option as this seems the simplest and cheapest option. Thanks for your help chaps Much obliged Mo
  19. Does anyone know where I can find one capable of of putting out 5 amps at 24v for my beacon because I don't seem to be able to find one that does any more than 2.5 amps. Cheers Mo
  20. This always happens when money is involved. Mo
  21. Leeds, they're in the baby section. In our local one they where hanging on those vertical hangers that they put in corners. They are called the babytime Stroller carry bag and are priced at 79p on the card in the clear plastic bag. I missed them first time round so i had to send the good lady in to find them, which she did Mo
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