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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. I would think the sensor is probably the same as the one in the Rover 800 which I think had that engine fitted at one point (Rover 825? if there was such a thing! not sure on my Rover models sorry ... but I am sure one of them had that engine) I believe there were 2.0 and 2.5 litre versions of the KV6 engine but not sure if the sensors would be the same. If you can find a Rover car at a breakers yard then I expect the sensor would be the same part because IIRC the engine was nicked from Rover cars in the first place The shortage is probably to do with the demise of Rover I guess, maybe it was made by a subcontractor that went under as a result.
  2. They also sometimes split across the middle of the dome. I am told that a repair bodge here years ago was to take the cup out of a drop arm ball joint kit and weld it over the back of the domed bit. By the time the ball wears through that, the rest is probably about f***ed
  3. It isn't that clear in the photo what angle it is taken from but assuming the hole is the one in the bottom of the bellhousing then yes its a drain hole for bellhousing. if you have oil coming out you need to fix the source of the leak rather than plugging the hole and filling up the bell housing It could just be the sump leaking as you say, it does make a hell of a mess. Easier to fix than gearbox out too
  4. A splintered bit of metal is worth a thousand words Sounds like an expensive day, but a good way to promote the products
  5. Less than 35kg? Really? Be damn good on soft ground with those tracks
  6. Yes, there were three locals killed. Tragically a British 4.5" shell from the night time naval bombardment of Stanley went astray and landed on the house they were in. A year or so ago I met the guy who was doing the gunnery spotting (SBS bloke, really nice guy came back here with his young son for Christmas) he even went to the house that the shell landed on to apologise.
  7. Didn't think the exhausts had gaskets? If you want some sealant then Holts Firegum is a good one to use
  8. Yep. All comes back on 14 June though, for a short time it all seems like yesterday.... next year is the 25th, a big event both here and in London. Remembrance is the central part of the day but it is not unknown for the odd few jars to be sunk afterwards, also a time of celebration for us, getting rid of a bunch of extremely unwelcome visitors
  9. "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." SAMA 82 SAMA 82 (FI)
  10. The A frame ball joint makes horrible noises when worn. It is not that hard to change with a press to get it out of the bracket, must admit I've not tried doing one without as I have only ever had to change one - they are usually worn out by lousy gearchanges and I only ever had to change one on a vehicle I had just bought due to the previous owner A degree of clunks and bangs is to be expected on a high miler, but whether it is serious or not is hard to define without hearing it. There's actually no excuse for it - you won't find backlash like that in a Toyota - its just LR "variable" build tolerances my 90 is nearly new and has the same "variations" worse by far than my old 90 with 5 x the mileage on it. If there is that much in the king pins, then they could be broken or maybe bearings collapsed. I would look at it sooner rather than later anyway.
  11. I should take it out for a look before ordering anything - CV's aren't cheap! But it sounds like that to me. Change the big oil seal on the swivel housing while you are at it, I guess you have probably just done hub seal while you were doing wheel bearings?
  12. Litres and kilowobbles are a nasty foreign invention and I don't understand either of them I mean I understand MPG ... 30 is excellent, 20 is bearable, 9 is not all that bright but 11.5L/100km? Wouldn't have a bluddy clue
  13. Go for the jugular, kill kill kill They have screwed up soo badly, don't let them get away with anything!!
  14. Nige, I needed to get some O rings for somebody here a couple of years ago, Ashcrofts didn't have them but helpfully ordered them direct from Oz to be posted here, they turned up quite quickly. Depends on how big a hurry you are in I guess. I would agree with Chris re the O rings as I have seen a couple here that just blew out for no particular reason; one of those things that might as well be changed while you are in there
  15. There are loads of those things here, all second hand imports. I hate them, though there is one use for a minibus with 4x4 and that is as an all-weather taxi, which is what a lot of them are used for. Why anybody would buy one for their private vehicle is beyond me, unless they have about 6 kids That one is lifted quite a lot over what they normally look like. I suppose it is "different", but then so is walking around with **** smeared on your face
  16. Depends which ones you mean. The spring isolators fitted to the Discovery 1, part number ANR2938, will fit any RR/90/Disco spring or 110 fronts. They give about 0.3 inch lift, you can fit them both top and bottom which of course doubles that. They are fitted original equipment on Discovery 300Tdi age vehicles, on the top of the rear springs only. There is also a "rubberised shock turret retainer" on the front of a Discovery 2 which I don't have a p/no for and I think that is a little bigger. But to get a known lift, my suggestion would be spring lifters the likes of which are manufactured by Mill Services (and others) and are available in a range of sizes. I have a set of 1.5" ones on the back of my 90. Dead easy to fit and you know exactly what lift you are getting, they are made in 0.5" 1" 1.5" and 2" off the shelf, and other sizes can be ordered I think. The ANR2938 are about a fiver each and I can't remember how much Richard's spring lifters are but if you type Mill Services into google it'll come up. Something like £25 a pair IIRC, cheaper than new springs anyway
  17. Tony The centre bearings on the propshaft make a similar noise to what you describe when they are on the way out, but that should not be only when accelerating, normally it is speed dependent and gets louder as you go faster - a sort of loud "rubbing" noise I suppose you could say a bit like tyres on a wet road. Loads of them fail here because the bearings are not properly sealed and on unsurfaced roads that lets all the cr&p in!
  18. There already is. I have one only thing with electronics in mine is the speedo head.... oh and the CD player
  19. If you do find a rusty hole in the floor, you could stuff a Muppet in it. I think I may have just located one ^^^^
  20. What age of Discovery and what sort of alarm fob - one button or two button? I'm assuming probably a Tdi if you hotwired it in 2 min! There is nothing at all in the key itself unless you have a Series 2 Discovery or a D3 (in which case it is all in the key) so if you left the fob in the vehicle there should not be a problem unless it blew up in sympathy with you getting wet! Did you put the fob back on the keyring? It needs to be close to the ignition barrel for the passive immob to work, otherwise the immobiliser will stay on. If it is still in the cubby box, then that is your problem The other possibility is that the fob has simply lost its code - one of mine did this once and I have seen it on a couple of others, 5 minutes on a diagnostic system with both key fobs sorted it out and never caused a problem again.
  21. Haven't actually done that particular job but ISTR there is a biggish grommet somewhere down in the right hand side of the loadspace area, where the towing electrics go through and plug in inside the loadspace. So along the chassis and through there would be my suggestion, if the hole is big enough (can't remember how big it is exactly but I think it is big enough to push the towing electrics plug through) I wouldn't try and run battery cables inside, thin cable like coax to an aerial is easy enough but battery cables would be difficult, unless you really didn't care what it looked like!
  22. Kind of like the wear indicators that appear on some types of tyre when the tread is nearly at the legal limit? I see your point Les.... As soon as you see orange on your springs you know they need replacing
  23. Nah them bling 19" wheels give 3" more ground clearance than your poxy 16" wheels can't you do sums 19 - 16 = 3 wikkid innit?
  24. Link first posted by binch on LRA Everything you ever wanted to know about knots Save some money and make your next tow rope
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