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Everything posted by henk

  1. If I remove the heating, I have place enough for a standard 200tdi or 300tdi housing at the RH side but then I've to put the snorkel there as well. With this filter I can put the snorkel very close to the inlet at the LH side
  2. @Daan: no heating? I found an alu filter (think it's a green filter) with a 2.5" inch at one side and 85mm at the other side. My friend milled me a reducer so problem solved until the first test drive Thanks for reactions
  3. My project (200tdi in a LHD Series) gets almost to an end but now facing the search for a good waterproof airbox. I have a 200tdi and a TD version laying around but almost no space to fit them decently in combination with a snorkel. Snorkel is a Southdown with 2.5"" tube that preferably goes to an airbox with 2.5" connections like for example BMC CDA boxes. Is there something on the market that's not too expensive? Henk
  4. If Mike goes to Newbury Sortout (26/4), I think we can get them in Belgium
  5. There is a guy in Pembrokeshire who might repair yours. I just have tot dig out his address or maybe Ross (landroverforever here) can help faster.
  6. MSB on a late Def: will run but it will not be right. as the MSB was for the early EU2 engine only. The EU3 engine has higher pressure in the injectors so it will be overfuelling. NNN on early Def: no problem
  7. I ordered from Paddock but with oem seals and excellent quality
  8. Mr. Hobson, a small guy, is the one selling front and rear salisbury axles in Newbury, Billing, Peterborough etc
  9. I found a smf in Newbury (neighbours of Si) and will try to change it this year but I use the 90 mainly offroad
  10. We, the Land Rover Owners Club Belgium are planning a 7 days Wales trip for next year July. After reading some other info here on the forum we will probably join GLASS but as we lack local knowledge, I would appreciate to get info about worthwile places to visit and nice tracks and greenlanes so I can try to combine this in a 7 days trip. Also any info about camping spaces and whatever is interesting is welcome Henk.
  11. 2004 90 TD5 LHD https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1175031_800017643375851_6099101030429097632_n.jpg?oh=1695bbafd478f36dbecf94e82d14c069&oe=548757AF&__gda__=1422649062_d690adf6c6fe0339775feda0544c2672
  12. Will a D2 LT230 with difflock fit in a Def TD5 as is, or does it need modifications?
  13. Last year in September, my 90 stopped while driving on normal road. A week ago during an event I stop the engine to see how someone takes a hill and when restarting, nothing! Changed the ecu to the standard and it fires up without problems. Talked with Pete from BAS this weekend and he thinks is a shortcircuit somewhere.... Question is: where to look as I would expect a shortcircuit would happen immediatly again? Any suggestions?
  14. It looks there will be a happy end
  15. I can get pictures and dimensions of 200/300/TD5 90's and 300/TD5 110's all LHD I just need to know what you are measuring there ...
  16. I have 1/2" Rodcraft and CP and a 3/4" CP but to be honest I mostly use my 18V 1/2" Makita BTW450. It can change wheels of 4 cars easily on one battery.
  17. According to his LR garage here in Belgium, my son needs a replacement engine for his Disco4 TDV6 but they ask around £10.000... Who can recommend a good address in the UK where they also fit it and give 12 months warrantee. Addresses between Dover and Peterborough are considered Thanks for any reply Henk
  18. If you get it in Peterborough/Newbury I can bring it to Belgium, Brussels area where he eventually could collect it
  19. I only use it offroad, for sure not in city centres and neither on the péréferique around Paris
  20. I have also one of these large ones from the group buy and no problems here in Belgium with the MOT, neither on the road in Holland or Germany
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