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Everything posted by LandyManLuke

  1. Yeah OK, great rant there. No facts at all, what was the matter, what did they do? what didn't they do? what did you do as a result of their service (or lack of)? You can't just fire off like that without any actual information in your post.
  2. Might have been worth towing it for a while with the plugs out, to clear the water.
  3. Find different stockholders then. the one i use stocks stuff down to 2.0mm and can get thinner on request.
  4. 2k epoxy is a paint, available in plenty of colours, used on boats a lot.
  5. Thank you, Admin, Mods and Members of LR4x4. It will be very much appreciated by Gresh and the family.
  6. Definitely, Les. This was before i was older and wiser, and before forums. I was 18 at the time. hmmm, bit older now, maybe not wiser.
  7. I changed the clutch, bolted it all back together, tunnel back in etc. then the push rod fell into the bellhousing. feckin clip.
  8. My dad's just done this to his Vito, £500 to drop the tank, clean it and the fuel lines, change every seal up to the engine and change the fuel filter. He did 150 miles before the engine actually stopped. there was about 25% - 30% petrol in a full tank.
  9. If you've described it accurately, it's not EGR pipework, which recycles exhaust gases back into the intake - the 'greener' bit. Personally i'd not want it unconnected. I've known people, if the engine is breathing really heavily, to extend the pipe and let it oil the chassis, or blow into a tied-down plastic bottle etc.
  10. sikaflex is amazing stuff. It comes in a few flavours, different compounds for different jobs. Product specs
  11. I'm currently working to get the site stable, it is back up but the traffic of the last few days has put extensive loading on our server, we are currently moving server to solve the problem.
  12. Hopefully the LR4x4 admin/mods won't mind me copying my post across. Luke
  13. Hi, I'm originally from just south of Ipswich, live in Sheffield most of the time now though!
  14. no its not hard. but if it's sucking the injection pump is being starved of fuel.
  15. lift pump. unscrew the bung off the bottom of the fuel filter, place your finger over it and you'll feel the injection pump trying its best to suck fuel through the filter and lift pump.
  16. I did a 3" body lift on my RR project, but i lifted the chassis mounting points, rather than packing them out. There should be enough slip in the steering shaft for 1", 3" needed some modifications. You've found the seatbelt ties, there's also the floor supports, two under the front seats and four under the boot (I haven't got those anymore) Pictures here
  17. JU makes a good point, at the moment you'll probably get more for the box seperately than the whole vehicle, or close to it.
  18. Agreed, sounds like the R380 is fine, and its the LT230 transfer box that is at fault.
  19. GPS is more accurate that a non calibrated Speedo. If you do a search, there's been a previous post on this, GPS works on averaging distance over time, certain GPS units consider all three planes, others, only two, so speed with a vertical component can be inaccurate. Still, a GPS is still going to be more accurate than a LR speedo. I use my GPS speedo, all the time.
  20. Great! someone else has seen the light! Good aren't they? I'd say they are semi pro, certainly beefier than any hobby/diy welder i've ever seen, in terms of the size and quality of the internals, and the thickness of the steel they build them out of! Steve is great, his customer service is outstanding.
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