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New Series - RR Heavy


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I know what you mean; I get the same need if I'm doing some major work on my older car and have to drive the newer one. There's just not any enjoyment in it. This is why I don't think many modern cars will ever be classics.

Anyway, I was wondering where your next episode was and then it popped up on Youtube and I realised I'd missed it. I have to admit that while I can appreciate fully the seriousness of your close call with the VW body I was giggling during the whole sequence. And I think most of us have done something similar. Funnily enough, just a few weeks ago I heard a story about a split-screen being saved. Some tourist was up here and found one that had been sitting in a river for many years. So he came back up with a trailer and some gear and spent a couple of days digging and pulling this thing out. I knew they were valuable, but wow . . . 

You've done a wonderful job once again and I'm really enjoying the amount of information and the pace. Thanks for going to the trouble. 

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Oh laugh it up Davo, I was trying to bring the humour in it to the fore. At the time I didn't really think about it at all once I was out, save to make a mental note never to show anyone. It's only with hindsight that I'm a little more sober about it. 

The VW's are hot items these days, and there's a real following for the still branded workhorses. that blue red and white one was branded for some steiner beer or other so I'd say some people would have wet themselves over it. And I know there are some who'd endeavour to save it regardless, but you'd spend less time building a better machine if you put a new one together from scratch for the amount of panel work you'd have to replace.

Anyway, LR! The Vogue is coming on, I'm into the other side already and soon I'll have to hit the back end. It needs a rear cross but I'm more concerned about finding an alloy boot floor for it.

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Yes, I can just imagine your promise to yourself: "No-one must ever see this footage." But it's too good not to share. 

The way it's going, I predict the next big thing will be to collect non-running classics that are too bad to restore and will be simply propped up somewhere to look nostalgic, like those rusted-out petrol station pumps people collect. That way, you can simply hoist out that old VW, plonk it on some concrete blocks, and job done! And it would be worth at least several thousand pounds. (Okay, that's written tongue-in-cheek, but it wouldn't surprise me.) 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Conasatatu george

Great presentation cobber loving your work.....would be interested in continue to follow your series.

Have you a link?


Andy Brennan

Western Australia 

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I think the next big thing is replicas with modern running gear. There is the Mini remasterd, the MGB Abingdon edition and the eagle e-type. I would say a lot of people love the shape of the old classics but don't want to put up with unreliability and performance of them. Modifying the old clunkers is reducing the value, hence a new build makes sense. There is plenty of heritage bodyshells available now, so the biggest part is already there.



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Enjoyed that one a lot!

There's one thing I will pick you up on, on here rather than on YouTube, the number plate of the Morgan is clearly visible in the reflection on the paintwork... 

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Wow, I am a giant fan of "Project Binky" which is very technical and proffessional but your style is really warm and human and not flippant. I love the animated parts removal, it must take a huge amount of effort but somehow really suits the video?

TBH I think that if you spoke with an English accent the voice over would not work but with an Irish lilt it is great (I always hated Irish guy's cos they always got the girls! I could be half way through a top chat up and along comes an Irish guy and two words later she is his! The only place an English voice works is the US.). Mind you it was always a great leveller to see my expert chat up Iriish friends get put down by a classic Colleen!


Anyway great vid, keep it up.

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Whats up guys.

Bowie I only noticed after the fact, its not a big deal I don't get asked to protect the registrations, I just do it to cover myself. Thanks for keeping an eye out :) Interesting quirk I noticed though, the Morgan can reflect itself. Has to be pretty unique amongst modern cars.

I have a Mini in the wings Daan, may well drag that in when one of the current projects finished, if things continue to gain momentum. It'd be a straight resto because its a limited edition but I've had an ultimate Mini spec in my mind going back to the late '90's Id love to build sometime. Stiffened body and subframes, evacu-sump system and supercharged. And I love my RR with more modern gear. Thats coming soon.

Davo beat me to the link there Andy, once you're there click the subscribe and the little bell icon (on desktop youtube only) to get notifications. Deadly to know someone in WA is watching!  (please do share with car buddies)

Sid its really nice (and new) to have someone be complimentary about SOUP in the same sentence as Project Binky. Oh and the Irish accent may be a secret weapon in some places but when it comes to Irish girls all bets are off for any race, colour or creed :D You English bhoys are def cat nip for the USA ladies.


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Quite how you consider another resto at the same time is beyond me, it must be an irish multi tasking thing. I always find my mind is too busy already doing just one.

Keep up the good work!



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On 2017-6-17 at 11:01 PM, Shackleton said:

Whats up guys.

Bowie I only noticed after the fact, its not a big deal I don't get asked to protect the registrations, I just do it to cover myself. Thanks for keeping an eye out :) Interesting quirk I noticed though, the Morgan can reflect itself. Has to be pretty unique amongst modern cars.



Yeah, was a bit of a tongue in cheek comment to be honest, it is a cracking looking car, have always liked them :)

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On 6/18/2017 at 5:53 PM, Shackleton said:

I think it's like Sid said in E.04: "You walk away when it tinkles you off". Difference is I just walk away to another car Daan :D

I do get major dips in motivation though. Sometimes it's very difficult to keep working.


Ooh yeah, I know all about motivation, or the lack of it. After some decades, now I usually treat what I'm doing as a job to get on with, not a hobby. I also don't really enjoy this sort of work, so the actual driving of the car is the carrot on the stick to keep me crawling along. I think for you, your excellent videos should have a similar effect because you know that lots of people are going to enjoy the result of the work you've done. 

I am in awe of your Range Rover repair work, where you seem to be making stranger and more difficult parts using not much more than a tin opener and a smooth rock. I live in dread of having to make the same repairs on mine. 

Once again, a very enjoyable episode packed full of an interesting assortment of places, people, and of course, cars.  

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I got back working on the RR again this week! We'll see how impressed you remain Davo lol. Not sure where episode 7 will land in terms of feature content but I'm looking forward to the next RR bit, another episode or two and it'll be caught up to present day. Not long after that it'll be out and I'll be able to drag in the '73.

I asked the guy in Athens what his impressions of the 348TB were, he said it just wants to be driven fast. Then I asked the same about the Morgan, he said if the Ferrari wants to be driven fast, the Morgan wants to be driven even faster. I'm not fussed to be honest, it's just a hand crafted beautiful thing, it's a bonus that it's got guts.

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On 18/06/2017 at 7:31 AM, Shackleton said:

Davo beat me to the link there Andy, once you're there click the subscribe and the little bell icon (on desktop youtube only) to get notifications. Deadly to know someone in WA is watching!  (please do share with car buddies)

And South Australia ;-) 

I keep mentioning it on Facebook. 
I reckon your photo dismantle method would be awesome for maintenance DVDs for kit, if we ever get a bit of kit that we want a super dooper workshop manual/DVD we'll give you a shout. A lot of the military kit has manuals, but the squadies can never have it dumbed down enough and they would be great.

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11 hours ago, steve_a said:

if we ever get a bit of kit that we want a super dooper workshop manual/DVD we'll give you a shout

Sounds deadly! I had to stop taking on other video work months back but really intrigued Steve. It's cool to know you shared too on many levels. One of the fun things is I can tell when it's been shared because there are bumps in numbers and I'm always wondering when and where and by who :)

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I hate to even mention it, but I'm about to throw out a '92 Range Rover body with far less rust than you're dealing with! Good on you for sticking with it, and hopefully knowing we're all out here waiting to see it finished will keep you going. 

And my eldest daughter saw you with the Mini and asked if it was a toy. 

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George if you need help with the fibreglass aspects of the esprit give me a shout. I have rebuilt numous fibreglass cars most mini based and some that were way beyond all logic and reason. You may or may not know but I have a small obsession with mini and mini based cars (as well as land rovers). I've had about 20 so far and a couple of years ago I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to become custodian of the build moulds for the mini jem. Hopefully once the ibex is finished in can drag one of three shells out and start a rebuild.


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On 7/8/2017 at 4:10 PM, Shackleton said:

You're going to tell me she's 4 or something. I'm being teased from across the planet by a little girl. :D

She's seven, so yes. You'll have to get into a Mini and drive it, just to prove it isn't propelled by pedals! 

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10:4 Davo, that'll be fun!

Mike that's deadly thanks, can never have too much help. There'll be a scarf joint I'm going to have to do on the Esprit but I won't give too much away yet. I lived at sea on an expedition yacht of sorts and got a lot of experience working with West 105/205, their associated fillers and Aerosil, in some diverse applications so I'm not a total novice but I also have a buddy very close by who's business is composite work so he's a great backup too.

Bet the Marcos/Jem's are fun? That's some trick you pulled getting the Jem moulds. I presume they're not the Australian moulds? I had a fibreglass front end for a mini for years. It was in terrible shape and I'd been given it. In the end I gave it to a friend who I think sold it. Actually you can't see it in E.07 but it was sitting on the ground in the picture with the three minis in it. Shouldn't have gotten rid.

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The marcos and Jems is everything a mini is but better. My father had a jem in the 70s and it was the first car I ever went in literally. I had my first marcos at 18 and jem at 19. As for the moulds I'm well known in the club for repairing the cars and producing panels so when the previous owner decided to move the jem mk2 and mk3 moulds were donated to me/the club and yes they are the original British ones.


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