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Hillbilly Raider

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Mine came from thinking of a name for my hotmail account while at Uni.

Astro cos I was studying spacey type engineeringy stuff (and kept it cos I now work in the same field), and Al cos that's my name (some people call me 'astro').

I think it has a decent ring to it (if cheesy). It was either that or "knickerlicker69", but someone already had that account... :D


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When I was in stage crew at Surry Uni as a child, there were three Graham's in crew at that time. It turned out to be too complicated, trying to discern which Graham one was talking to after a night's rigging, a bottle of loopy juice (4pt jug of Western's Scrumpy Cider), and numerous pints of 1664, so seperate tags were assigned.

Since I wandered around alot with long hair, a denim cutdown jacket, and shouting 'Metal metal metal!!!', I was christened RocKeR. This went on to become my online gaming tag (reduced to RKR as an ingame battle tag). I've been known as this for 20 years.

The other Grahams became Lurch & Psycho, so there were no more Grahams in crew, and everyone was happy!

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My Mother-in-law called this 'The Exmoor Beast' after the mythical creature that roams these parts as it spat flames out the exhaust and roared a lot due to K&N filters on the carbs and mud tyres.


If anyone sees it about let me know, I want it back B)

The name seems to fit the 110 just as well :)


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